Stupendous Man has Arrived

Ahhh. Just check this out. Not this you fools. Woh uupar ^^^ Under my blog title there is now my name and I am wishing everyone "Good Morning, Good Afternoon and Good Night" and all that crap. I did all the Java template pe coding. Me super me.
Its a bird !!!
Its a plane !!!
No its Stupendous Man : Virdi !!!
Ok ok ok... Trupsster helped me with everything. Thanks and blah blah blah. :-) Naaah... Really really really big hug and a big thanks coming your way.


t said...

Bas bas you blackmailed me into helping and now thank you and all
:) natak mat kar...

U r welcome btw :) >:D<

Anonymous said...

I've been a lurker on yours and many others' blogs on here. It makes for a lot of fun reading. But this is the FIRST time I put my hands to the keyboard to comment. Am totally impressed with the Stupendous Man...:-) So does it adjust to say good morn/ good eve depending on the time zone of the reader??? Too eff-ing cool!!!!!
me likey.

Anonymous said...

@anonymous - yes it adjusts to say good morn/ good eve depending on the time zone of the reader. Infact you can make it say anything at any time of the day by simply changing the time on you computer and refreshing the page. Its a freakin` javascript function hehe I just checked the source code. =)) It also displays time but he has commented that part of the code.

Aur virdee, kambakht namakool tune mera comment delete kyun mara pichle post se? =))


Chitra said...

Oye Virdi tu Calvin and Hobbes ka fan hain kya??

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