We all had decided to watch Harry Potter, in Mayajaal. Me, Kini, Fao and AJane ready to go, till AJane ditched us. Fao requested her again to come and don't know what happened and she said "OK I will come". Girls can't decide. Ufff!!
Anyways AJane took 45 minutes to come to Adyar from Alwarpet. Fao was getting furious and didnt want to sit back at home. Asked me to drive out of home. Phew!!! What anger maachi.
We were waiting in front of Sixth Sense at SP Road and AJane met us there. Fao was had to be tied down to not hit her. We were getting really really late for the movie. Reached there at some 4.05 and we missed the crediats and "Film Division Dwara Prastut Certificate" of Harry Potter. Movie got over and we had not decided where were going to eat for dinner. Coming back from ECR can be a pain at times and met a huge traffic jam at Tirvanmiyur.
Came home and made tea for everyone. For some reason we decided we want to eat at Karaikuri and Fao was the culprit. I didnt have any idea what I was reading on the menu. Kazambahu and Kutupadi and Mutton Onion Tomato something. Seriously I had no idea. Kini had some "Turkey Biriyani." I ate some dosa with chutney. Yukky chutney.
Went to Gio-R-Gio, continental reastaurant and ate total Indian food there. :-) I never had diner at two places in my life. Finished eating and off to drop AJane home.
One the way we stopped at Chill Thrill for ice cream and it was 12. Yipieeeeeee. Happy new year everyone.
Ajane lives in Alwarpet. Phew her dad has a lot of money. Sexy appartment she live in. ;-)
Ajane lives in Alwarpet. Phew her dad has a lot of money. Sexy appartment she live in. ;-)
While driving back my bladder started showing off and I had to drive back without changing gears. The more I moved my legs I felt like I am going to pee in the car. New year's first wish, "God Please Bring my house 5 kilometers nearer I got to peeeeeeee" reached home and ran in like a rugby player. Phewwwwwwwwwww!!! What a relief. Thank you god. Thank you.
It was 1 AM and Kini was like "Maacha lets go to IIT man". Ok lets go. :-)
Went to IIT. Played Table Tennis in Cauvery hostel. Kini lost to me again. 21-6. I didnt even smash. My ball placement on the table with backhand and forehand spin was just too good. To irritate him more. "Come on Kini, give some fight!! Come on Kini, atleast this year try to beat me!!!"
Went to IIT. Played Table Tennis in Cauvery hostel. Kini lost to me again. 21-6. I didnt even smash. My ball placement on the table with backhand and forehand spin was just too good. To irritate him more. "Come on Kini, give some fight!! Come on Kini, atleast this year try to beat me!!!"

Went to Krishna. Wow. IIT is rocking. Night cricket and all that.
Picture 2. In Krishna Hostel
Happy New Year Everyone. I had a great time. Hope everyone else also had.
happy new year sir.. have a year full of adventure and excitement. =)
Happy new year..
Dude, Happy New Year - looks like u had a good time. Me too. Will post about my NY eve soon.
Oi, Karaikudi???? Oh GOD!!! Heres a piece of advice, NEVER n i mean NEVER EVER listn to Fao San about restaurants!
She finds a mean joy in making others experiment while shes coy herself with food! humph!
But anyways, whats a new years eve without some funny story like that! Mine was sweet and cozy! :-) *shy smile* alright wont start alreadier! willw ait for Fao San to come online! :-)
Kini Love..losing again are we? tut tut! No Matter! :-) there are "other" pills for these kinda games too! :-)
"AJane ditched us. Fao requested her again to come and don't know what happened and she said "OK I will come". "GIRLS CANT DECIDE". Ufff!! "
Good way to start your blog on new years... with your favorite girl Psychology!!!
Have a great year virdi!!!
m here! m here! *throws hat n cape into the wildly cheering crowd!*
kaaraikudi...aaahh!!! i enjoyed those faces across the table, hobbit. i truly did. what a way to sign out the old year! n as you ritely guessed, i didn't eat from there. but never b4 did i feel so satiated on an empty stomuk.
turkey biriyani? rite! it was monkey. n dosas in a casserole...w/o sambhar for ajane n the surd. hyuk! n deepu had dosa with kheema. the lil surd boy is emotionally scarred for life. yesss!!! the rest of the yr was redeemed with that lil act!
happy new year, everyone! *smug grin!*
*Hobbit looks downcast as she realises she missed some genuine fun* :-( Damn! shouldda been there!
hi! happy new year to you and all the ppl who visit this blog:)
sorry to spoil the fun laid-ies..
the turkey biryani was good..i gorged and enjoyed it..
you shld have seen the look on fao's face tho,at giorgio..kadai vegetable and peas and this and that..everything tasted the same..garam masala..uggggghhh..
was really eager to get outta there...to meet her lady-love whats-her-name...saami,you have competition !
And saami ! i am fantastic at anything to do with balls,wokay ! no pills needed watsoever !thank you !
*awesome smash and point won !game,set and match,kini !*
games and balls...whoz going to the gold flake open this weekend ppl?
as for surd...you yooseless man...what a blog and half not to mention a new year's eve and a half!! this whole year i am going to take fotos of the credits page of all the movies i see and spam you and fao with it. hmmmpppfff!!! and the karaikudi experience....o gawd...just for that i would like to fry you and fao in those kozhi varakozhambu brains fry curry! and throw kini also for good measure for enjoying his whateverbiryani so much!!! :-D
i think deepu was the only sane person in that group. sigh...to be in school again..actually..never mind!
fao san...do you still have ants in your pants? :-P
*awesome smash and point won !game,set and match,kini !*
*hobbit sighs* as always Kini you please (read pleasure) yourself much too fast! :-) the games haven't even begun child! Fao San will agree with me!
n a Jane! why? why po gal did you EVER decide to listen to Fao San about food?? *shakes head with full synpathy at a jane* no matter! you got the rest of the year to get back at her! thats a cheering thought!
somethings,i am not "experienced" in..i meant 2 girls and one guy(fao,you are part of it,like it or not !),of course..
"buckle up dorothy ! cos,kansas is going bye-bye !"
see you 5 mins later !*afterthot,make that 7 mins later !*
Hay Surd ,
Happy new year ... Life was pretty dull in Seattle , looked like it was going to rain any moment , but that's what Seattle is known for....
BTW Kini is that your bike or you namaged to wheedle someone in IIT out of it and are you using his ? ( I am sure it did not belong to a girl...)
P.S and There some word verification for posting to your blog ..
Wish you a very happy and prosperous new year my friend :)
happy new year to you too,dude !
sad life machhannn...seattle and rain...and new year..but,you must be loaded and therefore getting married soon,rite ?
nope,that vandi is surd's cousin's vandi..somebody fills the petrol,i just ride it..
@ the hobster....ahh..if only you had shared this wondrous gem of info with me last year! we must compile a *huge* directory about the 1001 idiosyncrasies of Fao San...ufff!! what is this fixation with the food? actually, strike that q, i already know the answer to that one!! ;-)
@ the ritz...i fear for my vandi! is it intact??
Happy new year!!
very much ! But surd is using the petrol in your vandi to oora-sutthify ! for free !!
suggest you msg/talk to him asap and get it back..
PS:on a more serious note,he said that he would be going out of office after coming in at the normal time..plz talk to him and confirm...
my god...surds can't be trusted! *dials surd's fone furiously...hears some sick hindi phillum song ringone* arrrrrghhh...
where is Fao San? *looks under desk...AHA!*
It seems the FTV party rocked...would have been better than getting stuck in a traffic jam :((
yeah..he has a DDLJ ringtone nowadays..irritates me no end too !
meiney bhi bola tha "macha ! ftv party maaan !! vandi ghumaaa rite now !" karke!
we were ignored !!fao and surd were at the front seat na *hmmmmph*..
konkanis are smart people,hence proved !
oi, kinki...since when did you get smart? monkeys seem to not only satisfy u (ahem) but also make you delusional.
ajane...n what exactly did you think was running up your skirt? thot you'd look down sooner.
that paavum face and so many twisted thots going on behind it!!
sigh...kinki...i don't ve a paavam face. n whaddya mean twisted? its just imaginative. not that u wud know the difference...
some day, when you grow up, ll teach u to differentiate between witty talk n dirty deeds. a world of difference there be, my boy!
Hey Happy New year.... happy happy happy one
kinky,twisted,dirty deed,world of difference,myboy...all adjectives from the same brain..behind that paavum face !
I think Kini should first rob a dictionary.
Great way to soend New Year's eve..
Happy New Year mate!
He he he ... kya comments hain!! Aur kaisi new year wish :) :) !!
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