Underwear & Life Partner

I was talking to one of my friends and came to a great conclusion. Never allow anyone else to choose your underwear and life partner. Reasons:
  • You must know the quality yourself.
  • You must be comfortable with it/him/her.
  • Its bloody your decision what you want.
  • Both can make you itchy in public.
  • Both can make you spend more than the initial amount you have spent.
  • Its important you choose them because they hug you all the time.
  • Both need not be very colorful but you have to be with them all the time.

If anyone wants to put more reasons please feel free. :-)

People had something to say:

  • Trupster said: u can always date girls (one at a time okay) b4 u actually make one of them ur life partner, but u cant try out an underwear b4 u buy it!!!
  • Trupster said: this theory of yours, i dunno if it applies to girls... girls have many different styles in underwear; and they can buy as many as they want, cuz each depends on what they r wearing :) but life partner for a girl, is only one :)
  • Raj said: But its very easy to get rid of an underwear you don't want.




t said...


Anonymous said...


t said...

oye!! u can always date girls (one at a time okay) b4 u actually make one of them ur life partner, but u cant try out an underwear b4 u buy it!!!

t said...

ek aur baat, this theory of yours :P i dunno if it applies to girls... girls have many different styles in underwear; and they can buy as many as they want, cuz each depends on what they r wearing :)
but life partner for a girl, is only one :)

but good points you got there bhavdeep! :))

Anonymous said...

abe oi...life partner aur underwear ko ek saath kaise daal diya...altho' there might be a surreal connection in there somewhere...remember the famous ad on tv? :P

Anonymous said...

i know what it is...you like rupa!!! a-ha! what a round-about way of spilling em beans, surd!

Anonymous said...

fao san .. the roopa is out of the surd's reach now...so...tuff...u lucked out again, surd! :P

Anonymous said...

oh u mean online waali roopa kya? who he'z takin out to dinner...i thot apni roopa :)

Anonymous said...

no no...rupa underwiyar n baniyaan.

Anonymous said...

fao san...u r slipping...into the wrong trenches...dat wuz d original joke :P

Anonymous said...

all i wanna slip into is rupa's underwiyar.

or urs.

Anonymous said...

frida kahlo is here! yeeehhaawww!!! ole, senorita! homo...oops...como estas?

Anonymous said...

what is this talk of finer garments in my absence? anyone lookin' for me, maybeh? *arches eyebrow*

Anonymous said...

done away with those brows, dahlin'! its back to desperado days *clears throat*

Chitra said...

Trust you to come up with a post like this :) !!

Anonymous said...

desperado while m arnd? heh!

*helping a jane clear her throat* hobbit, GET OUTTA THERE!

Virdi said...

Trupster>> :-) your two comments going on the main post...

Nan>> :-) He He He

Fao>> Agar Rupa ki baniyan aur chaddi pehnoge, toh Rupa kya pehnegi??

AJane>> You talking about Haynes Tagless Inner wear??

Salma Hayek>> No one is looking for you... Get lost...

Chitra>> He He He.... :-)


Raj said...

Very funny!!

But its very easy to get rid of an underwear you don't want.

ritzkini said...

OH NOOO !! One more girl funda post !!
No comments..

Virdi said...

Raj>> hehehehe... the comment deserves a space on the post...

Kini>> Tuco Benadictor Ramirez... I know who you are!!! So this is for you... _|_

You are welcome...


Anonymous said...

heres two fat-thin fundas for you Gurl!!!

Nobody likes a fat gal or grandma underpants!

No guy can comfortably wear g-string (sorry Tinku I know YOU can!) and no gal will like too thin a man!

hah! i know there isn't much sense in there..but thats the most I hafto offer for the day!!!

Anonymous said...

//Nobody likes a fat gal// oops..when i said that, i meant a gal who is obese and i mean no guy would prefer her for a life partner (just read what i wrote and it seems politically incorrect)

*Hobbit realises what she is saying and spanks herself to get rid of this clingy wannabe demon that wants to ingratiate itself into the visitors' good books* i quite enjoyed that spanking..made me realise..i'm NEVER tactful or politically correct and ..err dont care two hooters..err..hoots about criticism for my honest and forthright comment!!! :-)

am BACK children!!! *solemnly* that was a momentary lapse..won't happen again!!

@Kinius, take this *spanks him*

@Fao San *Hobbit bends over for a spanking and shoos Tinku coz he materialised the MINUTE he heard "bend over"*

@ a jane - blows kisses while Fao San spanks her!!!

Unknown said...

hahaha...Both of them emit obnoxious aromas at certain times of the day! ;)

Anonymous said...

oh, my! sammeh is back! was beginning to worry! but hey...stop picking on my mo ho! stop 'perking' up, a jane...wasn't talking abt. you, doll!

Anonymous said...

You can't kiss an undie and even if you do the undie can't kiss you back. But yes, never allow anyone else to choose your undie and partner.

bobbit - I wish I had your job.I'd get paid to talk dirty here..fuckin cool! And now stop bending over, Im not the rear-end guy. =))


Virdi said...

Vikram>> Saala kameena...

Hobbit>>> Eh??

Vikram H>> Don't know... can't say anything...

Fao>> Hush!!!

Tinku>> Eh??

ritzkini said...

/*@Kinius, take this *spanks him* */
Mummmmmmyyyyyy ! she hit me again !!!
Saami is a bad girl !! Poo !! tu with you !
*makes that "tu" sign.."say" only after..never mind..."tu" with you !*

Pi said...

Another observation, no can see your underwear but everyone can see your life partner!

Anonymous said...

@ american pi - change to a person needs to be confronted if you can see his/her underwear all the time or if no one has ever seen his/her spouse

Sayesha said...

//Its important you choose them because they hug you all the time.

WHAT?? You want your life partner to hug you ALL THE TIME??? :S

The Girl Who Sold The World said...

Ahhh.....now, that's an expert speaking!
Both can make you itchy in public.
HAHAHAHA...nice comparison...:P
I agree with Raj, though...But its very easy to get rid of an underwear you don't want.
And it doesn't even demand an alimony!:P

MeAwinner said...

I have been reading ur blog for long time.. sometime reached here from Sayesha..
Kaha kisko kisee co-relate kar diya.... Virdee praji !
LP.. and U's...True! You cant keep changing ur life partner..there cant be plural for life partner.. she / he will be the only one of his/her kind to bug you for life..:D

Jagan said...

dont u wish u cud change GF everyday just like u change undies everyday ...well i am assuming u change ur undies .

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