Won't be blogging as I am going home for few days. Mom is really sick, me going to see her. I pray its nothing major and she become fit and fine again. And hope she comes running out of the hospital.
Kuala Lampur being so close to the equator is blessed with daily rain, 12 hours of daily sunshine and 12 thousand sky scrappers! How did a c...
I pray every thing is fine! and wish that she comes running out of hospital as you desire.
Hope so too Virdi, hope everything is okay. Take care
hey it will be fine. hope to see u back real soon. take care of ur mom.
Oh dear... hope she gets well soon. Keep me updated over sms if you can.
hey virdee.. hope your mom gets well soon. take care
dont worry dude! Your mom will come summersaulting out of the hospital!
praaji, good you are back home and of coz your mum will recover quickly on seeing you :)
Hope and pray everthing is fine with ur mom soon!!
don't worry.. she will be fine soon..
Are Popo...ek din mein itna kuch:(
Khair..mommie dear hospital mein nahi reh saktee coz she is fit and fine..khayal rakh..will call you!!
Hope your mom get well soon. Will pray for her. Keep us updated.
My wishes are with you..
oye, hope your mom gets fine soon..
Virdee....Will keep her in prayers for her speedy recovery!!
when you are around, i am sure she will recover. Take care..
I will pray that she recovers soon
hope ur mom's better by the time u see this msg.
btw, how do u know taran? ... inter IIT mein pita tha kya us se :D
Hey Bhavdeep, of course she's gonna jump right outta bed when she sees you! Aur apun ke Indian cric team ko cheer karne ke liye ek aur fan bhi to chahiye!
the surd just called...his ma is much better. wakaaww!!!
seriously hope ur mom gets better...all my well wishes are for her
DOUBLE HUNDRED FOR SEHWAG! *dhin chak! dhin chak!*
my dear fao, if you do the jhatkas and matkas lathis, veeru may forget all about the game of cricket!
oh he plays the ball v. well. not to worry, me love. i've had many chances to gauge his levels of concentration.
I hope ur hope gets better soon :)
Dont worry, I'm sure it will all be well.
Hey dude, I hope your mom gets fine soon. She definitely will. Look at the number of people praying for her. Psst..add my name too. I'm sure she'll be fine in no time. *Prays*
Oi, amma is fine? all fit and fine? already asking you to marry this sweet Punjabi girl? also asking you where you got this dirty/perverted mind from? *lifts collar proudly and does a practised nonchalant shrug*
tell her you met me,,tell her we're friends! :-) and also, make yourself useful...help her around the house and take good care of her gurl! ciaos! muah!
//tell her you met me,,tell her we're friends!
bobbit - what u got against virdee now? Here take your Oscar for the 'best actress in an actors role' and shut up!!!
hey virdi... do not worry she will recover fast enought for the fear that u might stay longer in case she doesn't, on serious notes do not worry it will be fine
Spoke to surd a while back and he had called a few mins back too..update is that she's fine now and back home..
Mr.Surd,meanwhile,will contemplate a RTB soon...maybe by the end of the week...
until then..
oh, hello kinius!!! :-) welcome back matey! Kini has come to play Fao San...how was long weekend?? do tell!
also, pass on my lou message to Gurl!
hey ! i replied to that and my comment did not appear !
weekend was great !
thanks for asking..hope you had a great one too..
and..yeah,sure..wet,slurpy,passionate kiss given to gurl..on your behalf..
I DONT wanna kiss gurl..u do... using me as an excuse to get your grubby hands on him..pore thing (him, not you)...that too at a vulnerable time such as this! :-) tut tut!!
Weekend was good..got over far too soon...other than that quite alright...what'd u do? *wink wink*
then what was the lou msg all about ???!!!
I kissed gurl ! and for no reason !!!!????
DAMN !!!
It didnt even feel good !!
This time,anyways...
PS:The expression on surd's face when he reads this..woohoo !I have to be there to see it !! Plz God,please !!
you didnt kiss a gurl for "NO" reason...you kissed coz you're in lurrrrvvveee!! :-) with gurl i mean..if that wasn't all too clear!
Kini...you have click fotu of that expression and post it on blogosphere! It will beat all posts hands down :P Last time he caught me and Fao San making out and he went "Manu sharam aawe" and such like. :D
/*you're in lurrrrvvveee!! */
Really ????
*hindi-fillum-heroine-style- looking-at-feet-and-blushing*
and i thot kissing and love didnt have an iota of a common thread !
*siggggh...innocent me..err...ignorant me...*
Oh...so this is what happens,eh ? you are in love and then you kiss ?? and then ?? end of story ?? am a juvenile in these matters,plz elucidate...
Live experiments will lead to improved clarity in these matters,is my belief...
what,say you ? and i dont mean gurl !
sharam ?? and surd ???
you and fao ?? and making out ???
somethings i can believe,somethings i cant !
Both of the above..I CANT !!!
oh Faooooo *yodelling*... Kinius really really wants to "play" and he also wants to learn the rules of the game..do teach.so he can practice alone! *smirk*
after today's comments ("innocent me! ignorant me!"), "alone" is the only way he'll play!
no The Man, The Legend tees for him! n lets not even ATTEMPT to teach him to say "whoz you daddy?!?"
Eggjacktly!! Kinki here appears keenly keen on learning the finer points of the game, at close quarters!! Nice try, mayte :P
Po Kinius!!! So rudely shunned by the three Wise maidens! Never Fear Kinius..you know another maiden (aka Gurl) whether she's wise in "these" matters or not I cannot verify but if you wish (and you know you DO), you can learn from her. :-) What say?
*heart shatters into smithereens* sehwag out...with just4 runs to go...
God knows I want to be part of this conversation ! But...
The wise maidens will have to wait..for my attention...bleddy work beckons !
Fao..your paavum face saves you again ! neksht time lady,neksht time !
saami,fear not..you will learn..after the experience..
gurl ? not worth learning anything from..
ajane..keenly keen kinki ?? this is getting better and betterer !
4 runs from what ?? 300 !!!????
Kirket blocked here !! BE CLEAR LADY !!!
300 from the world record partnership, da! they hit 407 together. just 4 more runs n they wudda broken a 50-yr record. shux! n i think play hsa been called off for the day.
dammit...i meant 4 runs from world record blah...
chill fao!
Fao and sport!!
Fao and sport!!//
*sings* yengirundhaalum vaazhga...
you know Fao San toooo well Kinius..you can have her...*whispers* i've had her much too often...
*continues singing* odam kadalinileeee...oruthi mattum karaiyinileeeee...
and good morning to you too sam...
where are the others ? still havent woken up,eh ??
awww...morning Kinius...:-) guess for ONCE these hooligans showing some semblance of courtesy and sensitivity and giving us some personal, private time! :-)
don't think we require too much of that after last night! *clears throat huskily* right baby?
ohhhhhh yeaah ! not after yesterday nite !!
poor gurl...and it had to be her bed...unfortunate...
well...we cant help it,can we now ??!! it's the only double bed in the house !!
dont think we shld tell him tho..havent bothered to clean the place after the mini-riot!all credit to you,sam..wonderrrrrful time...
such eerie silence and saaami ?? not possible !
you not well,my love ???
Morn again Kinius...that silence was me dreaming of our last rendezvous... :-) I blame you...you reminded me of that magical tete a tete and I just sat there with a mesmerised look reminiscing about our romp!! :-)
good morning..to you too,saami..
have i ever told you...you and a mesmerized look totally rock ??!!
have i ever told you...you and any look totally rock ??!!!
*saami and mesmerized look..aaggggaaain..*
*kinius thinking..damn, man ! this was pure lust before ! now it's love !!!*
Damn indeed!!! was gonna enjoy myself totally...now i realise i'm in love! *sighs dramatically* Kinius...just do it! :-)
godspeed and a get well soon for your mom...
BTW Kini ... your jaunts with the other sex is reknowned... why do you try to put it to further shame by going public ...?
your jaunts with the other sex are reknowned..are,mr varadarajan,are...not singular...plural !!
yeah..surd's mom-now fine...at home from the hospi now..
dushman zamaaana(zombies included) dont understand our love,my dear...pity,ignorant them...
just do it ?? propose to you ???
just like that ?? ok...*sigh*...if you say so..
"err...hmm...i think..i mean..err..."
*how do i start !!!!WHERE DO I START !!! DAMN !!!*
Yuvraj Virdee Singh, I just saw your 'catches win matches' photos =))
Glad to know ur mom feels better and is back home! :)
Propose???? *confused* who was even talking of proposing Kinius??? *talks slowly as if speaking to a special child* Read what i write properly!!! *wink*
special ?? ME SPECIAL ???
danks...danks !
*learn from the master on how to convert an insult into a compliment..*
oh...ok..you didnt mean that i propose to you ??
ohhhhhh...that ??
*fulltoo sharam and lajja and all...*
thats an everyday riot nowadays,saami...nights into days...and days into nights..
*some song which said something to that effect,i think..wouldnt know..phorgot..addicted to linkin' park "crawling" and "in the end" rite now..*
speaking about knights...where's dear fao san ?? missin' her lots...and her smart-quips..
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