I hate you - What a girl means

Whenever a girl says "I Hate You" she means 1 billion things. You should not look at her "I hate you" dialog as literally "I hate you" and give her back a "I hate you" dialog, but look at the depths of the "I hate you" and then understand the feelings. It would be better if you just shut up and listen to what she has to say next. I think girls are more difficult to understand than rocket science. Few of the things she means when she says I Hate You:
  1. If she says I Hate You and then blushes, it means she is saying I Love you.
  2. If she says I Hate You and points her finger at some dress, it means she wants you to buy that for her.
  3. If she says I Hate You and she turns her back towards you, it means she wants you to come close to her and then wisper in her ears "come lets go out", then take her some place (it has to be bloody romantic) where you can have a nice evening together.
  4. If she says I Hate You and then gives you a big hug it means she liked your present. This present was given to her, by you as a surprise. You have given her a small thing as a surprise and she liked it so much that she had to say I hate you. Weird isn't it??
  5. If she says I Hate You and gives you a slap it means she loves you lots and she is really hurt by what you have done. It could be that you havent called her since the past 2 hours.
  6. If she says I Hate You and then makes a sad face then you are screwed man. Please refer to points 2 and 3, and do these together.
  7. If she says I Hate You and doesnt talk then you might need to consult love guru, not me idiots someone else.
  8. If she SMSs you I Hate You, it doesnt mean she hate you, she is just playing. If she really hated you, she would have never messaged you. She just wants to start a conversation. Like all animals and men start with, Hi, How are you? Girls can start conversation by saying, I Hate You.

IF she says I Hate You, then guys you all should make a sadder face and ask her in senti tone, Do you really hate me? The answer is : No dumbo, I love you lots. I was just playing. You might, I repeat, you might have just saved like 4 hours of your time and Rs 500. Dear, girls this is just an attept to make "the men" aware of your I Hate You dialog and not an attempt to stop you from saying I Hate You.



Rush Murad said...

Hi there! Just dropping by, interesting blog u have here. Nice writtings, anyway, I dont like girls.....

Anonymous said...

wow virdi! amazing! ur fab! so cool! ( ok im being nice to u for the tobelrne u gave me :)))))
- nandita

Anonymous said...


patiala pataka said...

If you shut up everytime she says I hate you, sooner or later you will end up like Sameer from DCH.

Anonymous said...

thot i'd put in an appearance here too...

reminds me 10 Things I Hate Abt. You:

I hate the way you talk to me
And the way you cut your hair
I hate the way you drive my car
I hate it when you stare.

She pauses, then continues

I hate your big dumb combat boots
And the way you read my mind
I hate you so much it makes me sick
It even makes me rhyme.

She takes a deep breath, and looks quickly at Patrick, who stares at the floor.

I hate the way you're always right
I hate it when you lie
I hate it when you make me laugh
Even worse when you make me cry
I hate it that you're not around
And the fact that you didn't call
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you
Not even close, not even a little bit,
Not even any at all.

*sniff* one of my fave pomes! :'-(


Priya said...

experience talks eh virdi? ;)


Sayesha said...

I hate you.
Sayesha points finger at dress in shop window.


Bhavesh said...

wah.. kya gyan..d next time wen am in some doubts abt gals.. i ll contact u directly.. :-) great post..!!

ritzkini said...

hehehehe...good post..macha....really good one...
enlightening...profound...aur kuch adjective bach gaya kya ??

Virdi said...

rush murad thanks mate... you don't like girls?? i like Mallika Sharawat... ;-)

nandita you are also ok.. not bad... ;-)

welcome... it was pleasure... :-)

patiala arre nahi yar... kabhi kabhi shut up hona bhi chahiye... silence is golden remember?? (but not always i remember that)

anonymous hehehe cool poem... :-)

priya naah!! just thoughts... you know i am good in bringing up silly fights with you... ;-)

sayesha sorry no dress for you... sorry... hehehe... don't try to trick me...

justme hehehe dont take gyan for me... you might never have a girlfriend... ;-) i used to take gyan from one friend of mine and lost all my girl pals...

ok giving one funda, never listen to anyone if u want to have a girlfriend... because you will be that guy and not youself when u go to meet that girl... be yourself.. believe me, it is not that difficult...

kini u can call me "Chick Magnet" and "Guru of Love"... ;-)


Anonymous said...

m NOT anonymous no more! stop calling me that. m fao!

Casablanca said...

You like Mallika Sherawat? Really? Just saw her and Jackie Chan yesterday.. pics on my blog if you really wanna see. Though not worth it ;)
(She is such a bimbo :p )

Apart from that... really funny post :D

Bhavesh said...

again.. wah kya gyan.. :-)

lol.. was just kidding..!!

Anonymous said...

hey sayesha,
u just put up the sae thing i wanted to tell virdi.. the frist thng i though of commenting when i read this post

anywyas sardar i hate u.... so where is my dress and my dinner?????


Nirav said...

Good one yaar :)
The Guru speaks :D

Priya said...

"i hate u"..
now in wat context am i sayin this?


Unknown said...

Seems you have been a very lucky dude to have the golden words "I hate you" repeated time over time again.


ritzkini said...

chick magnet ? Love guru ??

hahahahahaha...good one....ROTFL...seriously good one...


tu...aur chick magnet....love guru...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

Anonymous said...

5 6 and 8 are wonderful. :)

Preethi said...

Hehe.. looks like someone has a lotta \'I Hate U\' experience over hear...:)

Anonymous said...

What the hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunny said...

I experienced this today in office when one girl said 'I Hate you' in 5 different languages to me on IM.It began when I said that her boyfriend must be a dumbo which i was kidding.But may be she is playing around.Unfortunately I don't know her expressions. Will wait for next talk. Thanks Virdi :)

Anonymous said...

This girl in my class says she wants to slap me. And that was after she said she hates me.

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