Mail from XXX- I got psyched

I got this mail from Mr.XXX and following is the sequence of mails that were exchanged.
XXX's Mail
Great going dude.Have been following your posts closely.London looks like fun, too bad that it doesn't fall in European Union schengen visa. Also never knew that such elevated souls exists in chennai. Always thought that chennai is dead place after especially being at happening bangalore. Actually I shifted to chennai in May and was there till july.Next time I am there, surely want to catch up with the u guys.If you do give ur contact info. Do reply

Virdi's reply
hey XXX... few things... do i know you? i know one XXX from my hometown which happens to be in Bengal. you the same XXX?

XXX's reply
No, I dont think so.Is that a problem.I read your blog and came to know about you. Until you are from Ranchi (my home town), you cant possibly know me. Currently I am based in Germany. I work for S****** C**** back in chennai (from may 05) how long shall you be in london.

Virdi's reply
going back on 18th september.i used to come to ranchi quite often when i was a kid. dad has freinds there.and hey feel free to post any comments on my blog...cheers

XXX's reply
oh where are you based in India. I shall be in germany for some time now.But once I am back in chennai, can we meet up. Lets connect at a more intimate level( No...No dont get me wrong) what say.

Virdi's reply
sorry dude..comments on the blog please.. personal mails for personal guys.. i would appreciate if you would not mail me here again..would really appreciate..

Do you think I could have been more polite?? May be it was just a friendship or may be... Please suggest. Thanks.



Gnana Kirukan said...

Virdi bhai - is XXX a guy or a girl?

If it is a girl - then u culd have met ;)

If it is a guy - and he wants an intimate session - u got to be careful mate - LOL!!! ROTFL!!

Gnana Kirukan said...

ho just noticed its Mr and not Miss - so u better be careful :)

Angelsera said...

the v fisrt email itself this guy seemed to want ur 'contact info'..

r u sure its not some1 u know who mite be playing a prank on u?

Bhavesh said...

hhehehe.. its surely somebody playing a prank on u.. don fall for it...!! y would someone wanna meet a total stranger and act like he is begging for dat meeting..!! nah...some fren of yours trying to pull your leg..!!

Unknown said...

Virdi, didn't know you had it in you to conjure up feelings in the same sex. You poor must feel so dirty.
I made friends with girl online once..and she was really nice..but she turned out to be bisexual...and she "liked" me. I am flattered.. so the question is, are you?

ritzkini said...

maybe it's the vibes u give to other guys macha...maybe it's a problem with you...maybe you are...well...what you are...

PS:I dont think u needed to overreact...sounded innocent enuf to not get freaked out on it...still..

ritzkini said...

btw...why did u come with the word "XXX" for the name of the person that pscyched you out ?? hmmm...interesting....highly interesting...

patiala pataka said...

ok this reminds of a scene from Kal Ho Na Ho...

Virdi said...

patiala>> hehehe... Kanta Ben.. and for your information I dont wear Red Underpants..

Virdi said...

arjuna>> thats the point.. he is a guy!!!
justme>> i hope he is some friend of mine.. i havent kicked anyone since a long time..
jupiter>> no i am not flattered and i am not feeling dirty.. but now i think, doesnt that guy deserve to meet me?? what harm did he do to me?? he just wanted to meet me.. may be he can be a very good friend of mine.. i think i will mail him today..
kini>> ok in place of XXX i am writing Ritesh Kini.. will that make you happy??

Virdi said...

angelsera>> sorry missed you.. yes he wanted contact.. shakkar kya hai kuch samajh mein nahi aaya.. then when he said INTIMATE i was shocked!!!

Siddhu said...

Lol lol lol!!

Have a nice time in Madras once ur back, and watch out for Mr. Intimate Connection. ;)

N if uve been away from Chennai for a while, watch out for the hyperactive traffic cops - they've made my life miserable. And don't expect to see any hotties in jeans on coll campuses(not that there were any before) cuz the Anna U VC (The m*****f***ing bastard) banned all 'tight and western clothes' on campus.

Sayesha said...

It's probably a friend trying to act smart. But if it's not, I'm freaked out! :O


Sayesha said...

Aur Sahil ke rehte, how can you even think about another guy???

Priya said...

im with kini!! ur giving him vibes!! im sure.. look da.. its ok if ur changing prefernces.. its normal..dont worry..we all support u :D


Unknown said...

Yes! you should meet him..anyway first date manners -so he wont make a move on you...all the best puttar.

Casablanca said...

Meet him, let him take you to an expensive restaurant, buy gifts for you.. blah blah. Step into a girl's shoes.. you might enjoy it ;)

Anonymous said...

he he sardar bhai...great man.. as priya said.. dont worry we will all supprt u.. no tension... no overacting.. accept the fact bhai.. -dog-

Anonymous said...

he he sardar bhai...great man.. as priya said.. dont worry we will all supprt u.. no tension... no overacting.. accept the fact bhai.. -dog-

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