She was wearing whites

I went to Madam Tussad's Museum and Sherlock Holmes's Museum. Had real fun. Hugged Madonna and was caught kissing Aishwarya and then Mahummad Ali punched me for doing that. And yes Merlyn Monroe was wearing whites.
PS: I didn't want to take photos like a dumb guy standing next to the wax statues. I am not trying to make fun of the great men. I am sorry if someone is hurt.
PPS: Pehle bol diya aapun log!! Baad mein kit kit mat karna bidu log!!


Priya said...

wat're u searching for under her dress? ;)


ritzkini said...

ekdum jhakaas lag reyla hai beedu ! aayishappath !

Anonymous said...

Thats really grt.

Anonymous said...

Even i loved the Madam tussad and London eye of all the places in london.Snaps were great.Especially the Einstein and the Merlyn Monroe.

Ravi said...

Hey Virdi, when are you heading back? I thought it was sometime this week - is it not?

patiala pataka said...

Beta Virdi, Madonna, Aishwarya and Marilyn Monroe are all women...not great men. lagta aapko gender confusion ho gaya hai.

Virdi said...

priya>> i was looking if she was wearing my boxer shorts.. i lost them.. ;-)
kini>> aapun toh pehle se hi jhakas hai.. tu sala aapun ko pehchana nahi..
anonymous>> what was great?? ;-) her bum..
shalini>> i had real fun.. :-)
ravi>> reaching India on 18th september around 2 in the night..
PP>> ullu de pillu, when i say "man" it means all these great humans beings.. or do you want me to call all guys "hu-mans" and all girls "hu-womans"?? ;-)

Unknown said...

Why is everyone's spelling messed up on this post?

Oi.. it is Madame Tussaud's.. and Marilyn almost spell it like Merlion Monroe!

Poor're checking out her underwear and you can't get her name right. You men!

Anonymous said...

Alright spellchecker;)We will sending u everything before publishing it.

Gnana Kirukan said...

"priya>> i was looking if she was wearing my boxer shorts.. i lost them.. ;-)"

That was funny Virdi - ROTFL!!! :))

Gnana Kirukan said...

Virdi Bhai - blogging u for that great comment :) - mein hindi thoda thoda malum - thumara uppar comment bahuth accha bhai!! mein laughing like Pagal!! - LOL!!

Virdi said...

drops>> ok baba.. next time will do spell check.. sayesha taught me to read before i post anything but she forgot to tell me to do spell check.. ;-) thunku.. :-)
shalini>> no shalini.. let me do the spell check and she can do the verification.. ;-)
arjuna>> enna saar?? virdi knows kunchum kunchum tamil.. epri erukey?? nalla errukaey?? and few galis also..
1. vai muditu po
2. kaiya odaiipainda
hehehehe.. trying to learn galis before I learn Tamil..

Anonymous said...

Sardar learning tamil..Paaji tusi great ho

Anonymous said...

virdi..ur tamil reminds me of a sardar in the tamil movie "Mouna Raagam" where a sardar wants to learn some tamil and the heroine teaches him kinda the opposite.

nice snaps btw

PreethZzZ The Original said...

hehehe... u didn't want to take a pic like a dumb guy standing next to the wax statues, yet you hugged madonna & kissed aish and punched by Ali... ;)... gr8 stuff... hehehe... looks like u made the most of it... ;)

Sayesha said...

//I didn't want to take photos like a dumb guy standing next to the wax statues.

Hey! I took photos standing next to the wax statues when I was there!! Tune mujhe dumb bola??!! Hmmph!

Gnana Kirukan said...

Virdi bhai - ur tagged - LOL - Check my blog for further details :p

Bhavesh said...

your peep brought back memories of class 1 and 2 to me.. hum ladke log us samay class room dekhne ki koosshish karte aur tum ab.. !! hum ladke kabh sudhrenge kya??

Virdi said...

shalini>> well learning tamil for someone.. she is tam.. :-)
angesera>> my tamil is horrible.. trying to improve..
preeti>> i never wanted to miss a chance.. ;-)
sayesha>> who says you are dumb?? you are the She for George Bush, you can't be more dumb than him.. hehehe.. thanks for teaching few more HTML tricks.. hehe..
arjuna>> will fill the 7 things very soon
justme>> hehe.. and girls will be girls always showing off their white undies and running away with guys boxers.. ;-)
splitpersonality>> yes got it back and thats when i saw she was wearing whites.. and you bet she enjoyed the fan also, below her..

Anonymous said...

thats really good ..lucky gal..Is she learning punjabi for you?

ada-paavi!!!! said...

don worry u can met and do de salsa wit marlyn monroe in heaven\hell

Bhavesh said...

looks like somebody s taken away your boxers...?? some experience man.. uske baare mein kuch post karo..!!

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