And The Partys Begin!!!

"Work Hard - Party Harder" in 2006. Virdi's funda.
The parties have already begun. Fulltu aish yesterday night at "Zara Tapas". Went there first time. The music was too loud. Who cares!!! I was partying. :-) Didnt drink though. But had loads of fun.
Happy New Year Everyone. Specially the three kids on my comments page, Kini, Hobbit and Fao.
Going for Harry Potter again tomorrow. Ok I am a Harry Potter fan so got to see it again. Twice is allowed. :-) Magic always facinates me.


Rays Of Sun said...

Me firstttttttttt!!
Hapiiiiiiiii Nuuuuuuuuu Yrrrrrrrrr to all:) Hobbit, fao you guys too:D

Thanu said...

Me secondddddd!!
Just following Ros's lead.

Happy new year everyone. Virdi, I have a tag on my page waiting for u.

Shuuro said...

Happy new year to you and everyone else!

Praveen R. said...

hey virdi..sorry yaar i havent visited your blog in some time..hey, if you like harry potter..why havent you watched narnia..issit out in india yet?

happy new year dude...i have yet to make any plans for today..:-((

but we're throwing a bbq party tomoro..with chicken,pork and loads of drinks..woohooo

JM said...

Why only to three Virdee...

Happy new year Dude!!!

JM said...

I've added you in my Blog hope you dont mind!!!

Anonymous said...


*throwing a loving look at ROS* esp.lly to you, gurl! :"> tee! hee!

Virdi said...

ROS>> Happy new year girl :-)

Thanu>> Happy new year... Will do the tag soon...

Shurro>> Happy new year...

Praveen>> Happy new year... No plans as of yet... but not sitting home, thats for sure... :-)

Jay>> Happy new year... No I really don't mind... :-)

Fao>> Happy new year... Its the time to disco... Khao piyo aur khisko...


Anonymous said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR kid...hope all good things happen for you in 2006...KNSTB

Anonymous said...

Have a blast Surdie! Make Momma PROUD!!! :-)

Virdi said...

KNTSB>> welcome back !! :-) HAPPY NEW YEAR to you too... :-)

Hobbit>> HAPPY NEW YEAR... my mom is going to curse me for meeting you... what proud and all... ;-)

Vikram>> Abe hero... where is your photo?? HAPPY NEW YEAR and all that to you too...


Anonymous said...

u guys are goin for harry potter without me ! *bawl... damn deadline!.. have fun u guys.. and happy new year to everyone!

Canary said...

here's wishing you a lovely new year... :)
have fun..

R said...

party hard and enjoy yourself!!

wish you a 2006 full of luck, smiles and progress.

Anonymous said...

Oh My, I left a comment in a previous post because I hadn't refreshed the screen :-).

Anyways, wish you a Lovely New Year Virdi! It's New Year's Eve there. How exciting :-) I can't wait for tonight :-).

Eclectic Blogger said...

Happy New Year :)

Anonymous said...


Hey Virdi... Have a wonderful 2006 Man.Rock On... :)

Jo said...

Have a prosperous year ahead in 2006, Virdi.

Kroopa Shah (Kr00pz) said...

I like that funda. Happy New Year to you too!!

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