Virdi ka I Pod

I bought I Pod today. Been very busy. With hockey and some work in office. Apple is GOD!!! I Pod is GOD!!! Never seen a gadget like this ever in my life.

Just see this. I am playing songs of Kakka Kakka and the poster comes up. Jhakas!!! Wakaw!!!!
I am very very very happy.
UPDATE: I am going crazy about this gadget. I think its the best thing made by humans after the London Underground Rail and the Apollo Lunar Rocket. I have uploaded a small video on it and got crazy. Its got awesome video and audio clarity. I am going crazy. Its the best thing I have ever bougth in my life other than the jockey underwears. Yes the comfort of jockey undies is great but this is just equal to it. ;-)


Rays Of Sun said...

Waah waah!! Pop and his Ipod..Coolllllllll

Kroopa Shah (Kr00pz) said...

ooh lala! Now thats a beauty!!

Anonymous said...

sala tu toh saab ban gaya!
su vaat che!!

R said...

oye awesome!

hey... is Apple compatible to PCs? cos i had heard it isnt...

what's kakka kakka? a movie?

Eclectic Blogger said...

Kewl.. is it the video ipod?

Sayesha said...

I came. I saw. I pod. I loved.

Congrats UKP!!! :D

Anonymous said...

Way to go Gurl!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

have u stopped taking snaps of u and i pod together?.. last evening u took six!

Anonymous said...

*your i pod

Rays Of Sun said...

Now whats UKP?(Rolling her eyes)
Utterly Kamzor Popo:))

Anonymous said...

ahahahahaha ROS! First time I agree with you! UKP! too good! Lets drink to our first concurrence! *toats a glass of Dom Perignon Champagne*

Virdi said...

ROS>> yipieeeeee... my i pod... my birthday gift to myself... :-)

UKP is Ullu Ke Pillu...

Roopa>> What a beauty... mango frootie... :D

Shobz>> wakaw... main toh sahab ban gaya... ;-)

Rohit>> yes its compatible to Microsoft Windows... you need to download I-Tunes and then transfer all songs into I-Tunes and then load thm on the I-Pod... simple...

Kakka Kakka is a Tamil movie which I love... there is this stud guy Surya in it... awesome bloody movie...

Vikram>> Black is Satan's color... yes most of the songs from that movie rock... :-)

Sayesha>> You came... I saw your hand... You conquered me... ;-)

Chintu>> oye!! total Punjabi... :-) thanks man thanks.. :-)

Electric>> yo man video I-pod...

Nan>> no i havent stopped... and i wont stop taking fotos of my I-Pod and me... :-)

Hobbit>> Read my lips: I A-M N-O-T A G-U-R-L!!!


Virdi said...

ROS & Hobbit>> slap slap slap!!!

Anonymous said...

Enjoying the slap from Gurl..*screaming out loud* more more! :-)

Thanu said...

//I have ever bougth in my life other than the jockey underwears.

So funny

Rays Of Sun said...

//ahahahahaha ROS! First time I agree with you//

Hawww...what you mean?? U never agree to what I say;)

P.S:- I raise a toast too, for a new friend and not a champagne but Me gets high on OJ:)

Rays Of Sun said...

But Utterly Kamzor Popo sounds good too:p

Pi said...

isnt it the Ipod nano?

Virdi said...

Hobbit>> Thrbrrrttttt!!!

Thanu>> hehehehe... but yes what i said is correct... :-)

ROS>> Cheers on your new friendship... :-)

ok UKP = Ullu Ke pillu and Utterly Kamzoor Popo... happy?? Hmmmph!!!

AmericanPi>> no its different.. Nano comes in 2 GB and 4 GB... this is 30 GB Video I Pod...


Anonymous said...

alright ROS, u drink ur mocktail..i shall swig Champagne..

btw, Kini love, where be thou??

Anonymous said...

Gurl..dont stick your tongue out toooo much...the world might get a different impression of the kinda person u are!! :-)

Virdi said...

Hobbit>> Kini is in Hyderabad... he is attending someone's marriage reception... may be preparing himself for the "Hobbit weds Kini" thing... ;-)


R said...

damn... 30 GB??!! that too video... Must have cost you a fortune man...

Ravi said...

Congrats. How much did it cost? And why the white data cable & earbuds? Didn't they have black colour ones to match?

Anonymous said...

Hehe. Maybe by now you understand why I stick with Apple computers since years...

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