Yesterday Tullu came running from IIT to wish me at 1.00 in the night. And then the early morning phone calls. Dad, mom, aunts, uncles, everyone. Vikram called from California.

Hobbit came in the morning with this fudge and chocolate and cream thing. Don't know what it is called. But it tasted awesome. Just awesome. Just too much. Thanks Hobbit!!! :-)
Kini Gifted me this book. Its got only answers. So you think of a question and open the book. You get an answer. me and Hobbit asked a question to the book:"Is Kini ever going to marry someone??" The answer was "Ask your father!!!". The book is hopless and very silly and very stupid, but still it is fun.
The Kelkars came. Thanks Indrajeet and Archana. :-)
Surprise Surprise Surprise. Chintu from Delhi sent me this cake. It looked awesome and tasted great. I don't know how he got my address. How he got my phone number. Don't know don't care, because when friends do something nice for you, you don't question them. You just say "Thanks". So Dear Chintu, Thanks man Thanks a ton. Sorry was in the stadium when you called. :-) When you called India scored the winning goal. All because of your call we won. ;-)
Cake cutting

Mamiji and Me and cake.
Paro and Rhan Butt. Very funny thing happened here. She goes to the player sitting to the left of Rehan Butt and asks him "Rehan one photo" He points towards the next player, who is "the real" Rehan Butt. Now this was the reserve Golie for Pakistan. He didnt play the match but he had to kep himself warm all the time so used to joy near us. And whenever he was jogging he was looked at Paro with those "where is my darling?" eyes. I guess he is in love with Paro. Paro even blew a kiss at him. Don't know if he can ever play hockey again.
Indians pepped up

India was 2-0 down and then after 5 minutes Tushan Khandekar scored. Then Sandeep scored two goals in 2 minutes. Simply great. the match was greatest of all the great presents I got today. I can't believe after all that I have gone through in past few months, I am having fun again. :-) Thanks friends and everyone.
Everyone in the stadium went crazy after the third goal.
After the final whistel everyone went PAGAL. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. My throat hurts. Really bad. It doesn't matter because India WON!!!
Sandeep Singh Man of the match

Pakistan thank everyone for the support.
Score sheet. We dont see this everyday.
Tullu and Vikram Pillay.
And this photo is specially my dear Shobana. The guy sitting on the left is Adam Sinclair. and the guy on right is Arjun Hallapa. Happy?? You have the photo of Adam Sinclair. :-)
Tullu and GaganAjit Singh. Captain was good today on the field.
Finally we had dinner. And the tabloid and paparazzi follow Kini everywhere. HE has to hide his face from them. Bloody reporters and cameramen.
Finally we went to drop Tullu in IIT and we saw these deer. :-)
I guess this is the best birthday I ever had. I can't have a better birthday. :-)
Special thanks to Sayesha and Chintu. The cakes were awesome. Thanks Hobbit, Paro, Tullu, Kini, Vikram, ROS, Priya Hotwani, Dog, Nandita, Sumita, Amrinder, Simrat didi, Pavitra, Kishan, Fred, phew. Am I missing anyone?? Ok thanks everyone. But a special thanks to the Indian Hockey team for making my day an awesome one. It was great. Simply great.
But guys one question "Where are the bloody presents??" ;-)
Happy belated birthday!
Oye hoye India won!!! :D
That deer's eye is scary man!
Oye this Chintu chap copied my idea! Kahin mil jaaye bas... iski khair nahin!
ps: Ok I am gonna stop spamming your comment space. :P
Congrats Praaji! You sure had a busy weekend :) Itni celebration hui and still you want presents?? Now people this is proof that Surd here is still 12~~never mind that a birthday has come and gone :P
I see many a sight for sore eyes in there...ahemm....starting with Fao San...koff koff..
glad u had a lovely day! .. the gifts will come .. but one question "where is the treat?" :->
ahem..sorry to burst the bubble surd/shobhana..but the "adam sinclair" shown here is actually "adrian d'souza"-india's goalie..
i know for sure,bcos..i mistook adam for adrian and said "one ismile plz,adrian ", when adrian corrected me and said "happens all the time.."
PS:oye tullee..hum sharth jeet gaye !! it took him just over 12 hrs to post it on his blog !
oye! the newspapers duped me! adam sinclair was so cute!!! who is that ape in the pic? or did u take the wrong guys pic as a joke? well whtever... shobs is sad now.. no cute guys in chennai.. what a waste... sigh...
and u post all mouth-watering pic of yummies (i mean the cake and fudge;)) didnt call also...
Sayesha>> thanks sooooooooooooooo much.... :-) arre kuch aacha cheez copy kiya hai... but yours was original... he sent the cake dil se... :-) even called me... :-)
And and and you can spam my blog... :-)
Ajane>> I AM NOT 12!!!! Thrrrrrbbbbbbbbbrrrrt!!!
Nandita>> where ever you say... :-)
Kini>> idiot you told me he is Adam Sinclair... now I need to talk to Coach again, find where Adam is and take his photo... disgusting Konkani...
Shobz>> Don't worry Shobana... will tak a foto of Adam like Rehan and then send it to you and only you... Pakka Promise... :-)
Seems you had a blast! and couldnt ofcourse since you termed it as your best bday ever...
Here's sending my best wishes...Have a great year ahead! Kick some ass.
thanks da! u r the best! :) i hope the real is not disappointing too!
Belated b'day wishes to you. :-)
RohitTalwar>> thanks man... it was an amazing birthday... best ever... :-)
Chintu>> hahahaha... will surely do tht man.. you cake was delicious... :-)
Shobz>> yes yes... pakka... pakka...
Jo>> Thankssss :-)
Kini>> no he had cake... and thoda sa aabhi baaki hai... he will finish that soon... :-)
ABiasForAction>> why do I need presents??? because I am a greedy pig!!! was just kiding man...
and yes your funda is correct... :-) //High Thinking, Simple Living//
me bak after a sabbatical ! :)
waz up wid yu..
by the way, am at now.. just realized the 'g' was missing from between my blogname erlier..! :p
Wow Virdi! that chocolate cake looks suicidal! man! Mujhe bhi chahiyeeeeeeeeeee
BTW, you look nice in that blue tshirt:)
Aur mein kya kahoon?? Maine bhi tujhe call kiya US se, and tune sirf Vikram ko mention kiya..Boooooooo
P.S:-Nice, now I can put up my bday wala post!
Belated Happy B'day. Glad that u had such an awesome day. Wish that the year ahead is equally awesome.
Ho gaya? Bol deeya?tune bhi...Hmphhhh
Sab meree peeche pade hain haath dhoke:(
Hey I called from Singapore too! Bahut bhav kha raha tha yeh Virdi ka bacha "Ooh I'll talk to you later, ooh I have so many calls waiting!" Hmmph!
Thhrrrrbbbbrrrrrtttt! :P
Dearest ROS and Sayesha>> you called me sharp at 12 in the night on my birthday... :-) Sorry Sorry Sorry!!! but in the post I wanted to tell how my day was... so didn't write that...
And I am so so so lucky to have friends like you... :-)
NO ONE commented on my yummy Choco-Walnut Flan.. (Other than you gurl)! Not even Kini...humph! Et tu Kinius???
:-) am glad your day was fun surd!
awesome cake sammy !!(if i can be kinius,you sure can be sammy !:)
some still left tho..
Wat say we share it and life ?
*My attempts at flirting..hopeless..*
I pass on the day old Flan..but your offer on sharing life...tempting I must say!!! :-)
Ps: Your flirts can't be as bad as the gurl's! Love you Surd! :-)
Belated Happy Birthday....
Lovely post
Hobbit>> I love you too Hobbit... :-) your cake fudge and chocolate and cream was awesome... see see I even put the photo...
Message for Kini and Hobbit>> please do all this natak when you meet... Hobbit you came home and Kini was sitting on the edge of the bed... so so so far from you... :-) why Kini why?? she wanted you to hold her hand and talk to her all day, and you were like miles away from her... ;-)
u didn't even SAY anyfink abt. my cake! pix tho door ki baat hai. x-(
n kini, don't HOOT at nekkid dutch players, man! sheesh! that was embarassing. bet they thot it was me. n the dutch were the only ones i didn't say "i love you" to! humph! you've ruined my chances with em. they think m a tart n i dind't even get a chance to earn that tag!!!
Seriously thinking of changing your career huh Gurl??
well hobbit..that was the first i noticed.. the looked so yummy man.. awesome.. i kept staring at it for sometime.. man now i want i want i want that made it????
oye sardar..very bad a u dint share that cake wit me..
Read about the story on Sayesha's blog. Happy belated birthday. The cakes look awesome :)
i will take that as an emphatic "YES!"..btw,when are dhruv and virdi expected ?? they are twins i heard..u didnt look pregnant..but then u never know,i guess..
we did lotsa things in the few mins that u werent around in the room.."Kya kiya ??" imagination aur creativity use kar..
OYE !! I didnt hoot at dutch players ! naked or otherwise !tulli and me were giving catcalls to the paki goalie ! "aye raajja aye item ! idhar mudke dekh na re !"
all in the interest of an india win..i think he was sufficiently distracted..
btw,nasseer (the cutie reserve goalie) called you,yet ??
Kini u Besharam! what you thought? I am a good family gal!!! No twins shwins and all before mangal sutra! (sit down gurl.i didnt say Kama need to get this excited!) :-)
First you tie mangal sutra and we will have premature twins.. :-)
nasir called. where did u think i was last noon? nooners are the best.
n lemme tell ya, that fella's defence is v. weak! ;-)
koff...koff...rehan scored twice yest! :">
Still basking in budday glory, Popo??
New post new post new post! :D
appy bday man !!!!!!
/*nooners are the best.
n lemme tell ya, that fella's defence is v. weak! ;-)
koff...koff...rehan scored twice yest! :">
/*Kini u Besharam! what you thought? I am a good family gal!!! */
yeah..sure..and the queen is punjabbi !!
poda !
Fao>> I didnt even get the opportunity to taste your cake... kini and Tullu finished it already... bloody rats...
Dog>> when ever I meet you next time... cake for you pakka... promise... :-)
Dreamcatcher>> thanks :-)
Kini>> why don't you die da??? please die... as your parents always said "GO TO HELL AND THEN DIE!!!"
Sayesha>> done that... :-)
Jagan>> thanks man :-)
/*as your parents always said "GO TO HELL AND THEN DIE!!!" */
correction..sister did..not parents..they know i am the ideal kid..
Hey virdee,
U dog..Why u not mailing man...Belated B'day wishes...I wish i was there in chennai..
Nice Photos yaar..Mamiji ko hi bolna
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