I was FAT !!!

Once upon a not to long ago there was a guy who was fat. Now he is fit and fine. :-)

I was looking at my London photos and I was shocked to see what Stupendous Man was in July 2005.
"Ohhh My Gawd!!!" F-R-I-E-N-D-S style.

July 2005

January 2006



Thanu said...

wow....that is a huge diff..

Diet or excercise or...or just reduced ut intake of beer

Sayesha said...

Me first!!

Man, you looked eight months pregnant! :O

Sayesha said...

Darn Thanu! :D

Me second!

And third!!

Virdi said...

Thanu>> Everything... :-)

Sayesha>> //Man, you looked eight months pregnant!// Bacche ka naam hai PAPPU PAGER... Main maaa aur baap dono ban gaya!!


ritzkini said...

OHMIGOD !! MAAAN !! Seriously outta shape da !! in january 2006 too,i mean !

t said...

lol @ kini's comment

and you, kini, whats wit the tee u wearin?!! waitin tables at cafe mondegar when u were in bombay eh? bole to, waiter tha kya?? :P

Virdi said...

Kini>> Kini let me tell junta to look at your shoe' color... People he is wearing RED shoes...

Trupsster>> Shut up at Kini' comment... :-P

and Kini was a waiter at "Cafe Mondegar"... =))

Guest: eh chotu.. idhar aa...
Kini: jee saab !!
Guest: je saab ke baache... chal fatka maar...
Kini: jee saab !!
Guest: ja ek coffee le ke aa...
Kini: jee saab !!



ritzkini said...

@Trupsster & Surd
!!! Oi !!! I bought it with my hard-earned money ! and i didnt work at the cafe to buy it,ok !!!
Peeche Mario Miranda ka sooper "bombay-life" cartoon hai..awesome...pity,none of you can see it..
Oye surd, photo ka peechla hissa bhi post kar de yaar...
*surd runs and tries to upload the back of the image *

PS:Red shoes,the mark of a un-self-conscious man...hamaari soch alag hai,tu nahi samjhegaa...

ritzkini said...

/*the mark of a un-self-conscious man*/
the mark of an un-self-conscious man..

Virdi said...

Kini>> HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Red Shoes!!!!

/*the mark of an un-self-conscious man*/ Hahahahaha... Dekh tu kaise khada hai... Looks like someone has slapped you and commanded>>> Vishraam!!! Savdhaan!!!


Unknown said...

Man! Thats quite some transformation!!

ritzkini said...

It's called respect towards your Prof..Somebody you respect,without question !
Waise...Tujhe Yaad dilaaoon ?? Tera Summer Project Presentation..Yellow tie..Vishraam pose..Veeru's cynical look..ring a bell ?
Or the STA presentation ??
"yeaah...the springboks are great rugby players..thats why they are good at cricket.."
*Shubham nodding...*
*Me and kelya wondering.."where did this come into the script ??"*

Praveen R. said...

yeap..how did u lose that pot-belly??

Anonymous said...

the NBA called. they want their basketball back! cought it out, surd!

Anonymous said...

the last comment was mine.

Anonymous said...

so what happened? Food not as good in Chennai compared to London?

And as to the red shoes :))

Raj said...

how did you do it?

i need few tips. Im not fat but i aint very fit either.

Virdi said...

Vikram H>> :-)

Kini>> ha ha ha... I don't want to tell everyone that you wore red boxer jockey shorts and went to recieve Shubham at Andheri Station??

Praveen>> One day I woke up and it was gone!!!

Fao>> Duffer gave it back... See no tummy...

Wicked Angel>> Jogging!!!

Raj>> Jogging!!!


Anonymous said...

Raju beta, left se third wale unkil ke joote to motiyon ki tarah chamak rahe hain.

Kyun na ho Master jee, Dabur lal dantmanjan se joota brush karte hain!


no offence to anyone. Virdee le kar le comment delete =))


Anil said...

Oye virdi, tell the truth... it was all gas-hi-gas right? You must have let out one mighty fart when you landed in India.. that's why the tummy's not there anymore.... Saala chennai ka pollution triple kar diya na!

Virdi said...

Tinku>> Delete kar doon?? eh?? kya bakwas kar rah hai??

Anil>> Hahahahahahaha !!! God of all comments...


Anonymous said...

that fella's keds are glowing...

surd..what did you name the baby?

R said...

I'm with Sayesha. I hadnt read the post at all n saw the straightaway....n suddenly I thought.. 'dude, how did THIS happen!'


waise.. not bad! quite an achievement!

Virdi said...

Fao>> Happy Singh haiga hai ji mere puttar da naam!!!

Rohit Talwar>> ahem ahem ahem... Thanks for the achievement fundas... :-)

Behind every successful man there is a girl rolling her eyes!!!


Praveen R. said...

One day I woke up and it was gone!!!

haha..yeah rite!

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