Saarang Lives!!!

I clicked hazaar photos during Saarang 2006 and two of the best photos are being posted here.

What no drugs??? Dear Dean, for your information, my flat mate Mr. Ritesh Kini used to bring so much drugs from outside the campus that the junta from other hostels used to come to buy drugs from him. Its business for god's sake. Tum ek insaan ke peet pe laat mat maaro. Let the business flourish at all the venues.

And what do you say no booze??? Junta used to get so drunk before the Rock Concert that they never reached the show. In a way the booze never reached the venues.

Ahhhh!!! Loved it when Parikrama sang few of the Pink Floyd numbers and junta went crazy. Hands in the air and everyone jumping. Ahhhh, beautiful scene!!! Zindagi jeene ka maaza aa gaya.

Loved Saarang this year too. :-)



Anonymous said...

Me first? Really? :-)
Oh, that stadium atmosphere looks exhilerating. That's an experience. I know what you mean!

Pallavi said...

What is Saarang?

t said...

I LOVE Parikrama!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAA u didnt get me their autograph

Jagan said...

damn.....i missed it by few days ....:-((

Unknown said...

man..i loved it too! Parikrama was awesome and so was Led Zeppelica!!...You know, i was laughing all the way through the entrance cos the guy who was checking me wouldnt even answer back when i asked him what he was looking for in my wallet! And then i realised that it was dope!!

JM said...

Sarrang is total fun... missed it this year coz i'm getting married in 3 days time...

the OAT is the best, i was in Loyola and used to sing and play the rhythm guitars then...

Most of my best guitaring days always revolve around saarang the feb fest deep woods!!!

Chitra said...

Kini?? Kini?? Kini?? I cannot believe it !!

Virdi said...

Harshi>> Oh don't ask it was great. Fantastic.

Pallavi>> Saarang is Madness... Saarang is nostagia... Saarang is life... Saarang is IIT Madras's Cultural festival...

Trupsster>> Ok will ask them to come to your place and give you the autograph... ;-)

Vikram>> //All of them drunk like hell.// who wants to go to a concert without getting drunk?? Not me atleast...

Jagan>> I got few videos... will post them soon.. :-) U can enjoy them... Audio quality sucks...

Vikram H>> The best thing is when the security incharge is you friend and you were his senior in college... You come to the gate...

Virdi : Hi Bulby. Whats up??
Bulby: Fine Virdi
Virdi: So kya chal raha hai??
Bulby: Kuch nahi. Virdi you get in through this gate. Have fun. Bye.

Jay Rulz!>> Hey congrats on your marriage... You can come next year with your wife...

My friend tells his boss,"I am getting married." Boss," What?? Why?? If you want to die jump of a bridge, thats easier."

Jokes apart... We wish you a very happy and married life... :-)

Chitra>> Oh and you thought Kini was all seedha sadha and nanha munna baacha?? He is one hell of a person... Oh btw I have photos of him rolling joint...


Praveen R. said...

looks kewl dude....what stuff do they have at the festival??

JM said...

Thanks Virdi,

Wedding on monday evening at the santhome cathedral @ 4 pm/// you Kini and hobbit are would be fun to visit some unknown guys wedding in blogosphere!!!!

t said...

Baaki ke nau sau atthanvey fotos bhi dikhao na :P :D

Virdi said...

Praveen>> Hey check out the comment I left on your post... Just incase you dont, this is the site for Saarang

Jay Rulz>> Wow Invitaion for a party?? Free food?? Free beer?? Pretty girls?? Will surely try to make it there... :-) Just thinking what shall I bring for the ocassion.... Hmmmm... Ok I will bring along my friends... ;-)

Trupsster>> //Baaki ke nau sau atthanvey fotos bhi dikhao na :P :D //

Saarey medem!!! That is censored... Gandi gandi photo hai... Baachon ke liye nahi hai... ;-)


The Girl Who Sold The World said...

Oh WOWWW!!! THAT is some life!!!

Tum ek insaan ke peet pe laat mat maaro. Let the business flourish at all the venues.
HAHAHA. I agree. :P

Oh, and Parikrama is nice, Rohit. I attended their concert at Lady Irwin College in November...that was FABULOUS!!!

Anonymous said...

*sulking at being left outta the wedding*...humph! ll ve my own wedding n not invite jayz! n ll ve a band playing rhythmic blues.

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Bryan is coming today in Mumbai...

Im getting ready to watch him on TV....

ritzkini said...

I prefer to not say much...except "it was a phase..I have no regrets.."
Wow ! guitar ?? and strawberry fields ?? cool,dude !

WOWWW !! Congrats dude !! All the best...

I am a reformed man me on this..Not all of what surd said is me on this...
and this had to happen just when my love affair with sponchi was blossoming ! DAMN !!DAMN you, surd !!

PS: Haan haan theek thaak pahunch gaya..

R said...

@ The girl..
Naah. I dont like the band. I don't.

@ Arz000n
Yup man, me jealous. He is not coming to Delhi this time. He came to delhi 2 years back and I went for the concert. He's awesome! But anyways even if he was coming to delhi, I'd not have been able to go probably.. sis's wedding is up! hehee..

The Girl Who Sold The World said...

@ Rohit
I do, I do. :P

Whaaaaaaat?! Bryan Adams is coming to Mumbai and you watch him on T.V.???????!!! That's it???!

Virdi said...

Rohit Talwar>> Hmmm... Parikrama theek hai yaar... Itna bhi bura band nahi hai... And I paid 200 rupees so I better love them...

The Girl>> Dekho Rohit, dekho.. Kuch sekho... When you pay for the tickets you better love the show...

Fao>> Hehehehe... Koi baat nahi... You can just jump in... :-)

Arz000n>> Smart you are!!! Who wants to listen to girl rock live??? Not me... Pour me a drink... Give me the dope... I dont want to be just another brick in the wall!!!

Ritzkini>> Buddha says: Denial is the first sign of being guilty.

Some things in life never change Morpheus. But some things do Naiobi!! They become smugglers of dope and hash and marijuana...

And please don't say to anyone "Trust Me!!!" you lived in Bombay for more than 1 year... No one can ever trust you...

Rohit Talwar>> Sister ki wedding me sohni sohni girls ke sath dance wance karne ki practice kar rahe ho??? ;-)

The Girl>> Arre baba Brayn Adams saaabhi ko pasan nahi aata...


JM said...

How did i leave Fao... me going dumb and mad(what to expect am getting married) Fao please make your presence felt... beer and pretty girls for sure virdi!!!

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