
Well lots have been happening on the blogging scene. Loads of comments spaming of Sayesha's blog, someone putting up comments taking somone else's name, someone deleting someone else's blog. Please check the below links to know more about the anti spamming and hacking issue. How to stop it and how to find someone hacking into your computer. DonTheCat gave me tuitions over the phone. Thanks sir. :-)
3. Attack on your computer, Ok forget all this. Lots of crap happening but few things do surprise you at times. :-) (
Today I was in a meeting at around 5.30 PM and I get a call from a local Madras number. I missed the call that time. Called back after 30 mins or so and SURPRISE it was one of my blogging friends from London. Arjuna has come down to Madras and is a cool character. Major masti marofy guy, lots and lots of leg pulling and is major fun reading his coments on junta's blog.
Sometimes I wonder why do few things happen? Is it always for some reason? What is the purpose of anything happening? Why did this guy call me? I don't even know him very well and I felt so cool talking to him. Is there some continuity somewhere? Don't know- Cant say much but one things is for sure HE up there is "The Master of Puppets"
Arjuna said, he had some major icecream lunch few days back. Ice Cream for Lunch???? hahahahaha. He said we should all meetup sometime soon and we can go for lunch or some coffee.
Sometimes the people whom you least expect to give you a shock, give you the shock of the lifetime. ( I would say) Shock can be source of major happiness or major pain. Life is full of surprises isn't it? and as Tullu says "Life hai yaaar!!!" :-)


Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Blog spamming sucks

I actiavted comment moderation coz some fella was having stomach upsetting looking at ma blog and he used to puke in ma comments section

so hafta do something :)

Ice cream lunch is a kewl having sandwich lunch for past 4 days :(

Yes...its true
Life is full of surprises...Im getting surprised a lot lately ;)

Jagan said...

cool dude ..ensoi life ..

Parth Anand said...

have had icecream dinner coupla times now 2 mastikhor terrorizing madras...

liked Tullu's hai yaar...

ritzkini said...

sahi hai yaar..tullu ke funde sahi hain..
"Life hai yaar "

PS: waiting for ur post on last-nite's near-death experience with "garam masala" !

Virdi said...
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Virdi said...

Arz00n>>surprises are good if the make you happy... :-)

Jagan>>yo maan... enjoying...

Parth>>wakaw.... Madras terrorized, now everyone beware.. ;-)

Kini>>abe Bruce Lee ki aulad... where did you get this non naked photo of Mr Lee?? i guess he is NukLee and not AssLee

ritzkini said... theek se dekh...mein an intense mood !
and the anagram of the name rocks na !?

Gnana Kirukan said...

Virdi bhai,

Thanks a lot man :)..It was a pleasure speaking to u..most probably we will meet tommorow..will give u a call tonight :) thanks once again :)

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