How does IP Tracker work.

Something happened to Priya's earlier blog and she had to make a new blog. I think someone cracked her password and deleted it. Now he is trying to give her pain and is trying to showoff the skills of being too smart.
Priya this is the link to IP Tracker. All you need to do is go to your GO Stats page and check out who has come in from where at what time. Like you can see when the comment was posted by the fake Priya. Then put the ID there and find out where did the message come from. Very simple. We can screw them and Indian Government also has strict laws agaisnt hackers.
this is just a small campain to find out what is to be done if someone is trying to hack into your blog or website.
Don't worry uski maa ki toh. ;-)
Go for it Priya dont worry we can screw them very easily, believe me we can.


Anonymous said...

hey...what is this GO stats ??

Sayesha said...

Damn the hackers! :(

Narayanan Venkitu said...

Thank you very much. I hope this helps.

Anonymous said...

Hope u get 'em Priya!
Kinda shocking to know your blog may have been deleted :-( Am sorry..

div said...

hi virdi...
will this work out...well we can track the computer or the IP adress...but do u think this is enough to find the culprit out...??

anti hackers campaign zindabad!

Anonymous said...

This is not going to work if the bastard has a dynamic IP.

I have some ideas. I'm sending you a separate mail

Casablanca said...

Ouch... blogs getting deleted.. its scary :(

Anonymous said...

awww... my sweetheart...:-) my jaaan...helping a gal in distress altruistically...where u been all my life?

Jagan said...

man ..i thought priya had deleted her blog by mistake ..i hope things get better

Anonymous said...

i cant believe ppl get their kicks out of doing such things!
i sincerely hope she finds him and screws his case!
go priya go!

RP said...

where to find the 'GO stats page'?
And, yeah, as donthecat had put it. Will this IP tracker help us even in dynamic IP scenario.
Neways, nice info.

Virdi said...

Everyone>>> the problem has been solved... the hacker or the prank master mailed me...

requesting for the last time... just stay away from our blogs... read them and leave... no comments also...

VK>> its the counter on the blog... tells you all the statistics who comes in who goes out... whats your IP address... and things like that... i use this

Sayesha>> damn him... and as you say "what the.........."

Narayanan Venkitu>> yes sir it has helped... :-)

Harshi>> shocking??? i would say disgusting... why do people do this shitty stuff which gives others pain...

Div>> yes medem Zindabad... down with the hacker...

DonTheCat>> sure sir please send the mail... :-)

Casa>> some people are idiots...

Hobbit>> slap slap slap... how is your new phone?? i will ask the hacker to screw it too...

Jagan>> no da she didnt delete her blog... the problem is solved...

Shobz>> yes some people are idiots... dont think before they do something stupid...

Go Priya GO!!! Like Run Forrest Run!!! :-)

RP>> well generally people who read blogs or write blogs do it from their personal computer... i havent heard about any blogger who blogs from a cyber cafe...

I use this to go to my stats..

Ram said...

Thanks Virdi!

Anonymous said...

virdi> on RP's comment and your reply....

They dont have to be in a cybercafe. Almost all ISPs in India allocate only Dynamic IP to dial-up/broadband users. Dedicated IPs are probably used only by corporate. So even ifthey r blogging from personal comps, the IPs would differ for every session.

If you are using Zone Alarm, jus connect, check your IP and then reconnect and check again. You'll see that they are different..

Virdi said...

Ram>> welkaaam welkaam.

Don>> I have Zone Alarm on my home computer... will check doing that... will call you soon...

Virdi said...

Vikram>> it is possible... if u keep doing refined search and if the guy is using some office computer then we can pin point his location...

home computers keep changing their IP address...

DonTheCat gave me a tuition class today, how to protect yourself from the spammers and the hackers and the people who throw anonymous comments... :-) Thanks sir... :-)


ada-paavi!!!! said...

virdie send me dons tuition to my mail
sm dot vatsan at gmail dot com

n i doubt if the ip tracking is gonna work, ll have to try something else

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys,

Options that we have is to let the know about the situation(i doubt whether they could be any help) and by ignoring such comments, making fuss about this thing, will only encourage this person to post more comments(as their primary intention is to grab attention & create chaos). IP address can be masked(as i did with this post) and As per my knowledge of Indian IT laws, this is not a big crime to start with, these people are using common sense to post these comments and no cracking is done and we cannot expect any help from ISP to reveal information of their client, based on IP address for above reason. But if there is compelling case, then ISP can track their client information irrespective of whether they have allocated static or dynamic IP address to them. So better to know reality than to have false sense of security.

Sorry, Sayesha madam for assuming your identity. I just want to channel more hits to your wonderful blog (just like a small kid who want to share good things that he discovered(long time ago) with others):). Ma'am, hackers are those who break into others systems with intention to learn and crackers are those who break in with intention to harm.

Please don't mistake me for that person, who is annoying priya.


Rays Of Sun said...

OMG! that is so freaking scary..TO LOSE A BLOG!!
I wonder what sadistic pleasure people derive by doing that. Such jackasses..Huh!
Some people dont have any other job that to mess other's life..How compulsive can that be!!

Anonymous said...

Virdi, he mailed you??? I don't understand. What did he say. This is confusing :-(

PS: and I really thought that comment was from Sayesha, but it's not. Man! Computers are too complicated.

Sayesha said...

Gosh, now someone's posted as me on this blog!!!!!!!! People, pls look out for my PHOTO when you see a comment by me.

And you, whoever posted as me, it's not funny, and it's not flattering. There are other ways of "sharing good things that you have discovered". This is not it.

May I request you to not do it again.


Rays Of Sun said...

I could tell it was not you, Sash:)
You have that right blend of funny bone and logic and the guy missed it..even if someone comes and tells me that was you...I wont beleive it!

Jagan said...

@virdi - ome computers do changing their ip address .but it will point to the right isp and then it can be tracked down dude :-)

Anonymous said...

awww..helping the damsel in boy has grown up! *sinff* (clasp hands to own cheek!)

lets get em hackers, soldiers! (coz i wanna learn a trick or two.) n S****o sure is cheeky! hyuk! hyuk! :-))

Kroopa Shah (Kr00pz) said...

That was some useful info, not just for Priya but for most reading your post. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

even if ip changes, u can go to the ISp and ask them with ip address+date+time and they will tell u who it is. many people are prosecuted this way. click here to track ip address.

Anonymous said...

there are more links there actually http://aruljohn/track.html directs to

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