Food for thought!!!

I stay with my cousin sister in London and she has two kids who do some much natak when they eat. "Mommy its hot", "Mommy its yukky", "Mommy its cold", "Mommy its green", "Mommy its red", "Mommy I want blue vegetable". Now that was it and I thought Bhavdeep did you also do so much natak when you were a kid??
Conclusion: What are you talking about kid Bhavdeep? Even now you do so much natak and you don't eat vegetables today also. This is the list of what I don't like:
  • Pumpkin
  • Karela or Bitter Gourd
  • Spinach
  • Capcium or Shimla Mirch
  • Dont put pepper in my food
  • Dont put too much chillies in my food
  • Beef
  • Pork
  • Prawns
  • Fish
  • Dont put tomatoes in my yellow dal
  • Tell me what color is the dal, Yellow or Black. I dont know the difference in the names.
  • Don't put tomatoes in my omelette
  • Egg Poach - Its so smelly
  • Brinjals or Baingal
  • Many more vegetables
I love lot of chatter matter things, love junk food. :-)


Sayesha said...

Hahaha! Cool post. I used to hate anything that was dark green! :P

Priya said...

i used to have a doc who kept saying eat veggies.. else i'll poke this injection into u and it was one mega injection!!.. bad man.. scaring lil kids like me :(

Virdi said...

sayesha>> dark green?? thats it?? i really hated anything which was of my dislike... today if i like "peas and carrorts" doesnt mean i will like them tomorrow...
Priya>> who is that doctor?? i will go and slap him... uski maa ki toh...

Priya said...

aftr omitting so many items fm ur diet.. u still managed to develop a bean bag in place of ur tummy.. ur awesome man :)

Sayesha said...

Hahahahahahah! :D

It's the bee(r silent), girl, the bee(r silent)!

Hahahahah! :D

Anil said...

tere ko kabhi khaana nahin khilaoonga.. my cooking involves the following:
1. Karela
2. Spinach.. mmm.. I love spinach
3. Bell Peppers if I have them
4. Lots of chillies
5. Prawns... I can make a killer shrimp curry
6. Fish... I can make a killer fish curry
7. Tomatoes in yellow dal... is there any other way of cooking it?
8. tomatoes in omelette.. I just discovered it a week back.. I'm not going back!
9. Lots of vegetables.

Chal bye bye.

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