

Many people pray regulary. But not me. WHY??? I dont know. Its just that I am not giving GOD priority in my life.
I really believe in God and I think there is someone or something, who/which is controling most of the things as they are happening. Yes behind that, there is science; its correct but belief is something which science cant explain.
I think sience can explain how a rocket works but whats going in the head of a scientist, which makes him think that yes he can build a rocket that can fly from one continent to the other in few minutes is "Belief" . Belief in himself, in his colleagues, in his family. Somethings science cant explain and then we say "In God we trust "
So I think I will start praying regularly from now on and "HE or SHE" need not put up ad in the paper. ;-)

Had a great weekend.
Friday night movie, watched "D". Movie sucked bigtime. (your 6th sense is good anonymous)
Saturday " I am not telling anything"
Sunday - went to IIT in the morning and watched 3 hockey matches India beats malaysia. poor umpiring but ultimately Indians won the match in extra time. Ozzys won the Azlan Shah Tournament beating Korea 4-3. they were 1-3 down at one point in the match.


Anil said...

Where did that image come from? Did you make it or was it a real ad?

Virdi said...

anil >> HE/SHE sent me this message..

Priya said...

wat did u do on saturday ;)

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