New Company

I shifted to Dun and Bradstreet, Predictive Sciences and Analytics group. Would be working as a consultant on Operational Risk management focused towards BASEL II implementaions in large banks.
I would be working on the development of simutation models and forecast charts, where we guide banks as to how much capital it should have to minimize internal and external risks. The better the simulation models and the analysis, for forecasting risks means that, frauds are detected more easily and the banks will have lesser capital to control operational risk. Sounds cool??? :-) Its challenging and fun. I have done a little work related to simulation models and forecating earlier. :-)
And to celebrate this success we are going to watch Spiderman 3 on saturday night. Yahoooooooooo!!! Chak de fatte!!!
But the funny thing is (and also a good thing) my boss was a professor and the first thing he asked me to do is buy few books and start reading. Good thing about professors is they treat everyone as kids and students. The bad thing is that, they take tests to check wether this guy is focused or not. Heard my boss does so too. Anyways lets see. Got to go back at my seat.
We dont have acces to gmail or any mailing service from our system on the desks. No Gtalk or Yahoo chat. We cannot send mails from Outlook to friends and family only clients, which would be given access by the IT dept. Bloody strict I say.
So if I have to check mails or chat or check orkut I have to come to the library and check mails from the system given in the library. Well in a way its good, no one can see me chatting. he he he he he he he he he he
Ok now I have to run back.
Jai Raam Ji Ki!!!!


Anonymous said...

Lagta hai ghar pe to celebrations hi celebrations ho rahe hai! Congrats!

O jee sab jan vadhiyaan ta do mundeyanu!!

JM said...

hey! congrats and all the best for the new job... D&B eh??? interacted with them a couple of times for some database purchase... nice people!!! enjoy!

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