Beautiful View

The best thing about the new office is the view from the 9th floor. It is a magnefercient view from the office window. Work is piling and even the HR lady was asking me this morning,"So you have jumped into work I heard??" Me,"Yes" and ran away. No time boss.

I have a problem though. The freaking AC is right on my head and I might get frost bite very soon. See I dont carry wollens to office and my fingers get numb. Hence the susu break, or water break or post the fotos break. Or I need to buy mittens to work on my seat.

Photo take from my office canteen

Zooom in and you get horrible resolution but yes I can see the sea :-)

We have a TV in our canteen. Super plazme thing. I dont think people might work during cricket matches. One funny thing is that, the canteen guy loves watching animal planet and for some stupid reason the Channel - Animal Planet shows octopus, squid, crabs, and all kinds of reptiles between the time 12.30 to 3.00 PM. You see we have our lunch break at that time and the canteen guy wants us to eat quickly and move on to work. Hence replites on TV when I have food in my mouth. PUKE ARE THERE!!!!

Work is fine. Still trying to know what is what and how do I fit in. My boss is from Singapore, he hasnt joined in yet but is on a tour to meet us. He will be joining in June and is quitting one of the big banks and joining DnB. Reverse brain drain you see. I dont remember who said but one of the education guys like APJ or Narayanmoorty kinds. He said - If we allow people from India to go abroad its not bad. We need to creat enough challenging jobs in India for those guys so that they come back with their knowledge and help in the growth of the country. We have a great example of that guy's words coming true. :-) Feel good factor are there. :-)

Chalo got to go back to barracks.



Praveen R. said...

I wouldn't even eat in that canteen if I had to stare at reptiles..ewww..I hope ur liking ur job,buddy...How is Mr.Singapore doing?

Anonymous said...

hey this is cool stuff :)
put spidey pics na :)


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