Sangam Hockey

I had great fun being part of the Vikram Birthday surprise. Didnt know what to write as Sayesha had written everything. You can read the story at Sayeshaz, ROS's and Vikramz. I am feeling awesome. :-) Happy Birthday Vikram. Cheers Mate.
The Post Starts here:
As part of the annual tradition at IIT Madras "The Six Players a Side Hockey Tournament" was played from 29th to 31st of March. Its played on a small ground called Sangam ground behind Godavari Hostel and near Saraswati Hostel.
Basically it is inter hoster tournament and there can be any number of teams from any hostel. Most of the matches are held from evenings 6 PM to night 2 AM. Its major fun with people cursing in as many ways as they can. From Curses in Golt to curse in Punjabi you can hear anything to everything. The freshies find this major interesting as they bring out the frustration of "Why did I come to IIT Madras" on the umpires and the players. (By the way everyone has that feeling in first year. Maacha, I don't like this college ra. I guess MIT was better. MIT = Mujaffarpur Institute of Technolgy)

This time the ground was bad and lighting was worse. During our time there used to be grass and the road rollers used to roll the ground for few days before the tournament. And it was held in the odd semester. So if you organise it in odd semester you can find the new players and the coach can train them for Inter IIT, which is held during the winter vacation.

2nd Semi-Final between Ganga and Saras (Part 1)

2nd Semi-Final between Ganga and Saras (Part 2)

Most of the times when I played, Jamuna used to be really well. And everytime we found Jamuna against us in the semifinals and bloody dogs used to kick our ass. So just for the heck of it I was anti Jamuna.

The four teams in the semis were Ganga, Saras, Jamuna and Alakh. And finals were held today at 5 PM. It was great to see the respect for the coach as the senior players presented him a hockey stick. Really cool guys!!!

Jamuna won the tournament on penalties. Bad luck Ganga. But believe me Ganga were a better team. Click here for all the photos.

All the credit for the win goes to the Jamuna Keeper - Bala. He got injured took some spray came back and saved few penalties and gave victory to Jamuna.

Jamuna Hostel Players

Three cheers for Jamnua Hip Hip Hurray.



Pi said...

Loved the background commentary in the videos. "Good One man", and then one more phrase that I will not mention ( but it was in the first video).

When I heard it, i went khi khi khi...

(copying your style)

Praveen R. said...

kewl game yaar

Virdi said...

Vikram>> Yes man weapon wonly... But no maar peet only drible and goal... ;-)

Coming to the point Selvan Mani...

Na Chai Na Kaapi Na Thanda, Sirf Khaana Kha Ke Jayenge...

Yehich Bola Main Maalik...

Ganja Market Mein Teil Aaya Hai Baal Ugane Waala, Laga Ke Dekho...

American Pi>> Boss I don't know where junta makes such kinds of Gaalis but it is fun listening to them... :-)

Praveen>> Its maaaaaajor major fun... :-)


ritzkini said...

"ek do teen chaar..
cauvery ki g@@nd maar !"

"maa bahut boodhi hogi..
behen ko bhej de..."

saiNi and his dialogues..still go :))) whenever i am reminded of them..

Anonymous said...

soory da...i was the who commented u on that day..finals day..sorry for that...nice pictures..good sporting spirt yaaar..keep going

Virdi said...

Kini>> Abe mast innovative gali deta tha woh... Saini and Mishra gave Godav ke saabhi logon ko complex and embrassed them to hell... The were the God of all Gods in Gaalis...

Anon>> Chillax man... :-) I know its was just the heat of the moment you said that... Anyways if we meet at Tarams, sutta from myside... Passout na, jitna sutta and cool-d peena hai pee lena... ;-)


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