Chelsea Double Standards

I know Chelsea is a rich club with a lot of big players but the double standards they show during the game is phenomenal. Even great clubs like Manchester United have shown that "Winning and Losing" come together. But for Chelsea its different.

Chelsea lost a match to Fulham on 19th of March. The score was 0-1. I have been telling this to many of my friends that, "If Chelsea is losing a match they start cheating and fighting." And thats what happened on that day. One red card and five yellow cards were shown to the Chelsea players in the match. And after the match when the Fulham supporters invaded the pitch to celebrate the win, Chelsea supporters had a fight with the Fulham supporters, on their home ground. Wow Mohriniho this is your standard and this is what your supporters are capable of doing.

And just hear this, Drogba scored a goal after doing a handball. When the goal was disallowed later on Mohriniho was cribbing about it. Firstly Drogba has no spirt and he should have volunteered and said "Ok boss I did a handball, as I was desparate to score the goal." Infact Mohriniho even said that the refree was put under pressure. Bloody cheat!!! If you cheating gets caught you crib about that too???

Also, just see how charged up Mohriniho gets in the above video. Like a kid who has lost his toy. Excuse me boss if you can't control yourself when your team is losing how will you control you players???

I know Chelsea is going to win the Premiership but do they realy deserve to win??? I dont think so. They are the best club today not because they have great team but because they have bought a lot of players and making them play together. I am really looking forward to Arsenal next year. They have young and exciting players who can take the club forward and unlike Mancheter United, they have picked up really well after doing bad in the early season.

Here is the video of the clashes on the pitch between Chelsea and Fulham supporters. Whats th problem of Chelsea supporters if the Fulham guys want to celebrate it on their home turf with their players??? Stupid Idiots!!!

Oh by the way I am quiting Frost and Sullivan, tomorrow and would be joining California Software Company on 3rd of April.



t said...

me fursht!!!!

abe wot yaar virdi always football football!!!

bring on more girl gyaan posts na!!

chelsea ko maar goli :P

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to Arsenal next season? Arsenal are nothing without Henry and with talks of him leaving unless they can get a suitable replacement can't see them going very far.

And about Chelsea, I don't it's just about the money factor and being able to buy players...They very prevalently have great team spirit.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the new job!

Drogba kare to cheat! Maradona kare to hand of God! Double standards!

ps: Arsenal will strike back. Go Gunners!


Jagan said...

hey ..i prefer liverpool anyday ...

and btw , u r joing cal soft ? the one in besant nagar ? cool dude ...

Jagan said...

will call up sometime ..

Thanu said...

this sounds like all greek to me.. thrbbbt...

Virdi said...

Trupsster>> Party de de... u r firsttt :-) No more girl gyan yar... I dont understand girl... Seriously...

A Jane>> Yeh "Hmmmmmmmmm" ka matlab???

Ad>> Is Henry going??? there have been talks but he told some 2 months back that he plans to stay in Arsenal till his contract is over...

Mike>> Yes man Chelsea sucks and I love people who say that... :-)

Mohriniho has the least sportman spirt I have ever sen in a football coach... I remember his comments before the matches against Barcelona... Its great that they lost... They deserved to lose...

Tinku>> Thanks boss... Abe he scored 2 goals in the match against England, u are talking about... One was "Hand of God" but the other was one of the best goals ever scored in human history... Toh hand of God cancel ho gaya.... B.t.w he had become god by 1986 world cup, Drogba is just a litle kid...

Jagan>> Well the company is next to Tidel Park... The place is called El Net City... When are you coming to Madras??? This weekend???

Thanu>> Oh yes the Greeks... They won the Euro Cup... ;-)


Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

I'm so anpadh in this Chelsea and Manchester United talks...seriously...the only time I used to watch soccer is during ma exams when I used to get extra time to steal in under the name of soccer used to be fun :)

Btw, Good luck on starting ur new job in calsoft!!

Pi said...

I hate EPL. I only like world cup.

Praveen R. said... bk!!!

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