Girls and Hmmmmm

Sometimes girls have a weird sense of saying things. No its not that guys make everything clear but when girls say "Hmmmm" I can understand nothing.
  1. Rahul: Hey, Kajal. How was your exam??? Did you do well?? Kajal: Hmmmm!! (in a tone which might mean something to her) Rahul: Hmmm ka matlab?? Kajal: I said Hmmmmm na, it means yes, my exam was good. Rahul: What???
  2. Rahul: Hey Kajal. How was your exam?? Did you do well?? Kajal: Hmmmm!! (in a tone which might mean something to her) Rahul: Hmmm ka matlab?? Kajal: I said Hmmmm na?? If my exam was good I would have said it was good, now that I havent done good why are you asking me again and again how was my exam? Why do you want to make me feel bad that I didnt do well?? Is this all you care about me?? Rahul: What did I do?? (takes a brick and hits on his head)
  3. Rahul: Hey Kajal. What are you doing today? You want to go for a movie? Kajal: Hmmmm!! (in a tone which might mean something to her) Rahul: Hmmm ka matlab?? Kajal: I said Hmmm na. I want to go. Why?? You dont want to go now?? If you dont want to go why did you ask me?? Rahul: What did I say??
  4. Rahul: Hey Kajal. How was shopping?? What did you buy?? Kajal: Hmmmm!! (in a tone which might mean something to her) Rahul: Hmmm ka matlab?? Kajal: I said Hmmmm na. I wanted to buy Levis Jeans and that guy didnt have Levis but had Shevis. I wanted to buy a white top but that guy didnt have even one single white top which I liked. I think I should not have gone shopping. I didnt want to ever go. Why didnt you come with me? I was so confused. When ever I want you to be with me where are you? I can't find you anywhere. Rahul: Next time I will come. Kajal: Hmmmmm (Click!!! Rahul hangs up the phone)
  5. Rahul: Hey Kajal. What up? Kajal: Hmmmm!! (in a tone which might mean something to her) Rahul: Hmmm ka matlab?? Kajal: Hmmmm ka matlab, Hmmmm. You understand nothing. I am not feeling well. Why dont you understand that I have fever. Just listen to my voice. Dont you understand anything?? Rahul: Hey if you have fever why did you pick the phone. I will hang up. You sleep. Kajal: No now I want to talk. I am not that sick that I can't even talk. Rahul: Hey there is someone at the door. I will call you later.
  6. Rahul: Hey Kajal. I heard you friend came from B'lore. How is she? Kajal: Hmmmm!! (in a tone which might mean something to her) Rahul: Hmmm ka matlab?? Kajal: Dont even talk about her. She is such a bitch. Rahul: Is she pretty? Is her dad rich?? Kajal: Go to hell!!! Rahul: Thanks!!! Khi Khi Khi.)
  7. Rahul: Hey Kajal. I bought a new CD. Amazing songs. Loved the way Rehman has given music. I just loved it. Kajal: Hmmmm!! (in a tone which might mean something to her) Rahul: Hmmm ka matlab?? Kajal: Hmmm ka matlab I bought this CD long time back. I like the songs too. Rahul: Why didnt you tell me or lend me? Kajal: You never asked. Rahul: Hmmmmm. Kajal: Hmmm ka matlab?? Rahul: Hmmm ka matlab hai girls are wierd.

Hmmmm... Don't ask me the meaning...... Go figure.....


Update on Video Blog: For all the football fans, click here for the Ronaldiniho video and here for the Roberto Baggio video. And for the people interested in advertising, click here and here for two too cool commercials.


Pallavi said...


Kaala Kavva said...


Anonymous said...


Abi said...

honestly, who is this Kajal chick? flash back pls!

ritzkini said...

Not rahul and kajal !! AGAIN !!!!
I am going to murder them if i ever meet them !
Now..lemme go read the post..need a good laff today..

Anonymous said...


Virdi said...

Pallavi>> Hmmm to you too... Thrbrrrrrt !!

Ze Exaggeratorr>> Hmmm to you too... Thrbrrrrrt !!

Tinku>>> Hmmm to you too... Thrbrrrrrt !!

J'Adore>> Arre yaar she is like that ultimate girlie girlie types girl... Total girl types girl... Name itself says, Kajal = Hi Rahul, I am a girl!!!

Kini>> Worsht Wonly man !!! Abe acha laga tere se baat karke yaar!!! But you have become very decent these days... No cursing...

Nan>> Hmmm to you too... Thrbrrrrrt !!


Rays Of Sun said...

HAHAHAHH mast tha!! I end up "Hmmming" so much, myself:P

Rays Of Sun said...

// am going to murder them if i ever meet them !//
HAHAHAHHAH sahi hai!!

Sayesha said...

Mast post hai Virdi bhai!

Hmmmmm... :P

Sayesha said...

Yeah yeah some background on Kajal would be good! ;)

t said...

oye virdi! wot about this hmmm that we say huh?? y cant u guys understand what a simple "hmmm" means?? kabhi hamari aankhon mein jhaank ke samjho wot it means! hmmm??? hmmmmm

confused?? ;) hmmmmmm :D

Virdi said...

Vikram>> Khi... Khi... Khi... Khi... Khi...

ROS>> I end up "Hmmming" so much, myself:P duffer :-) Your hinglish is silly...

Sayesha>> Yeah yeah some background on Kajal would be good! ;) Arre yaar she is like that ultimate girlie girlie types girl... Total girl types girl... Name itself says, Kajal = Hi Rahul, I am a girl!!!

Trupsster>> Confused??? Eh??? Main kaun hoon?? Main kahaan hoon?? Tum kaun ho?? Yeh Sayesha kaun hai??? yeh ROS kaun hai?? yeh Vikram kaun hai?? yeh Kini kaun hai?? main kaun hoon??

Hmmmm Soochna padega...


Rays Of Sun said...

Kajal = Hi Rahul, I am a girl!!!

Wonder how Virdi would look with a girl (hahahah, I mean a girly-girl)

Rays Of Sun said...

and this Rahul sounds like max..ulloo..kuch bhi nahi samjhta hai...
Naam se hi lagta hai "Hi Kajal, I am cool. I can't read your eyes..I dont samjho anything"..

Virdi said...

ROS>> Wonder how Virdi would look with a girl (hahahah, I mean a girly-girl)

Eeeeeeksss !!! Bhaaaaaagooo !!! Girlie girl is mere peeche... Abe tu meri dost hai ki dushman???

Naam se hi lagta hai "Hi Kajal, I am cool. I can't read your eyes.. I dont samjho anything"

Egjactleee !!! Thats what guys are good at... Understanding nothing... Because girls say "Hmmmm" and "Forget It" something like 8 grizillion times a day....


Anonymous said...

Khi Khi Khi Khi Khi....Hmmmm...

Kusum Rohra said...

HHmmmm .... (in a tone which means something to me)

Anonymous said...

:) only u can write such posts!:D too good!

Sayesha said...

I have one thing to say to you.



R said...

Ye Rahul aur Kajal se kya obsession ho gaya yaar

ritzkini said...

pehle toh...baat baat pe pic change ! yassser arafat,khalsa,scaryface(your own photo,yaar!:) and now hobbes !!!??
/*no cursing*/
yeah,i know..bleddy f#$%ing dammit,na ?

@MAD aunty
seriously yaar ! girl psycho koi surd se seekhe,aur life-bhar single rahe !!

Virdi said...

A Jane>> Hmmmm to you tooo...

Kusum Rohra>> Agrrgggggghhhhh and Hmmmmm to you tooo...

Sayesha>> Uffff aabhi yeh Hmmmm khatam nahi hua hai and tera forget it shuru ho gaya??? Allah is aurat ka main kya karoon???

Rohit Talwar>> Yaar dono ekdum not made for each other hain yaar... ;-)

Kini>> yaar yeh aapun ka eshtyle hai... Khi Khi Khi Khi Khi...


Thanu said...

I say Rahul dump Kajal and get himself a normal girl.

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