Sangam Hockey

I had great fun being part of the Vikram Birthday surprise. Didnt know what to write as Sayesha had written everything. You can read the story at Sayeshaz, ROS's and Vikramz. I am feeling awesome. :-) Happy Birthday Vikram. Cheers Mate.
The Post Starts here:
As part of the annual tradition at IIT Madras "The Six Players a Side Hockey Tournament" was played from 29th to 31st of March. Its played on a small ground called Sangam ground behind Godavari Hostel and near Saraswati Hostel.
Basically it is inter hoster tournament and there can be any number of teams from any hostel. Most of the matches are held from evenings 6 PM to night 2 AM. Its major fun with people cursing in as many ways as they can. From Curses in Golt to curse in Punjabi you can hear anything to everything. The freshies find this major interesting as they bring out the frustration of "Why did I come to IIT Madras" on the umpires and the players. (By the way everyone has that feeling in first year. Maacha, I don't like this college ra. I guess MIT was better. MIT = Mujaffarpur Institute of Technolgy)

This time the ground was bad and lighting was worse. During our time there used to be grass and the road rollers used to roll the ground for few days before the tournament. And it was held in the odd semester. So if you organise it in odd semester you can find the new players and the coach can train them for Inter IIT, which is held during the winter vacation.

2nd Semi-Final between Ganga and Saras (Part 1)

2nd Semi-Final between Ganga and Saras (Part 2)

Most of the times when I played, Jamuna used to be really well. And everytime we found Jamuna against us in the semifinals and bloody dogs used to kick our ass. So just for the heck of it I was anti Jamuna.

The four teams in the semis were Ganga, Saras, Jamuna and Alakh. And finals were held today at 5 PM. It was great to see the respect for the coach as the senior players presented him a hockey stick. Really cool guys!!!

Jamuna won the tournament on penalties. Bad luck Ganga. But believe me Ganga were a better team. Click here for all the photos.

All the credit for the win goes to the Jamuna Keeper - Bala. He got injured took some spray came back and saved few penalties and gave victory to Jamuna.

Jamuna Hostel Players

Three cheers for Jamnua Hip Hip Hurray.


Punjab and Terrorism

I am not a great believer of religion. I believe religion can never bring people together. It can only bring in differences. Some say this religion is better than that religion and all that. I believe if there were no religions on earth the problem of terrorism would become nil. Other than Irish Republican Army I don't know a single terrorist group which is not based on religious fundamentals.

Sikhism is based on the belief of one god and equality of all people. Difference on the basis of casts doesn't exists in Sikhism. In the years 1975 to 1990 Punjab saw the worst years in the history of the state. Mostly because of the wrong policies of the Congress government and because of the stupid demands of the Sikh fundamentalists. Terrorism and hatred engulfed the state. During that time a prime minister was killed and 20000 (or may be even more) innocent Sikhs were butchered on the streets of New Delhi and northern India. (till date no arrests have been made)

Two people are responsible for this. First is Sant Jarnail Singh Bhinderenwale and second is the then prime minister, Indira Gandhi. And both were killed, one by the army and the other by her own body guards.

I read something about Jarnail Singh in My Bleeding Punjab by Khushwant Singh where he says, "Jarnail Singh was nothing but a political motivated speaker and a puppet in the hands of Congress against the Akali Dal. He was motivated specially by Sanjay Gandhi. But he became so powerful that the Akalis Dal leaders asked him to stand against the Indian Government and ask for a separate country, Khalistan." No prime minister can ever see that. And today if Punjab wanted another country and the Indian Government granted that, tomorrow there could be other states demanding the same. So we see, what was just a politically motivated step by the Congress party, became a tron in the ass for the Indian Government.

Here are few videos which tell what really went wrong in Punjab during that time. Most of the things wre not known to me too. Were kind of eye openers.

In the following video the US govt talks for human rights violation in Punjab. Yes everyone knows that K.P.S. Gill was the sole person who curbed the terrorist movement in Punjab but there were innocent people being killed everyday in Punjab and no one dared to question the police. Manytimes I have heard even my friends cracking a joke, "Hey Surdar, I can find thousands of Surdar taxi drivers on the streets of New York!!" The main reason was that the youth were being pulled out of the houses and being killed. Now what can the parents do other than sending their kids away from homeland. Its a sad but very true story of one of the richest states of India.

There are people today who still believe in a separate state for Punjab and all that. They call Jarnail Singh and his deciples Martyrs and Soldiers of Freedom Movement. I believe that to be utter crap. Check the video here.

This video here shows the complete history of why and how the Golden Temple was stormed. And the atrocities of the Indian army on innocent civilians.

In the start of the video a young sikh Gataka Dancer says "Oh Indira Raaniye tu dhaaya HariMandar, tenu kistarah da khooni khaab aaya." Which means "Oh Queen Indira!! Why did you destroy the Hari Mandir (thats golden temple in Punjabi). How did you get this bloody dream?"

Gataka is Traditional Sikh Warrior Dance, like Haka Dance of the Maori Tribe of New Zealand

I have lived in Punjab for a long time and believe me its one of the most beautiful places I have ever visited. Lots of love today flows in the rivers of Satluj and Raavi. I pray those days of hatred and anger never come back.


Chelsea Double Standards

I know Chelsea is a rich club with a lot of big players but the double standards they show during the game is phenomenal. Even great clubs like Manchester United have shown that "Winning and Losing" come together. But for Chelsea its different.

Chelsea lost a match to Fulham on 19th of March. The score was 0-1. I have been telling this to many of my friends that, "If Chelsea is losing a match they start cheating and fighting." And thats what happened on that day. One red card and five yellow cards were shown to the Chelsea players in the match. And after the match when the Fulham supporters invaded the pitch to celebrate the win, Chelsea supporters had a fight with the Fulham supporters, on their home ground. Wow Mohriniho this is your standard and this is what your supporters are capable of doing.

And just hear this, Drogba scored a goal after doing a handball. When the goal was disallowed later on Mohriniho was cribbing about it. Firstly Drogba has no spirt and he should have volunteered and said "Ok boss I did a handball, as I was desparate to score the goal." Infact Mohriniho even said that the refree was put under pressure. Bloody cheat!!! If you cheating gets caught you crib about that too???

Also, just see how charged up Mohriniho gets in the above video. Like a kid who has lost his toy. Excuse me boss if you can't control yourself when your team is losing how will you control you players???

I know Chelsea is going to win the Premiership but do they realy deserve to win??? I dont think so. They are the best club today not because they have great team but because they have bought a lot of players and making them play together. I am really looking forward to Arsenal next year. They have young and exciting players who can take the club forward and unlike Mancheter United, they have picked up really well after doing bad in the early season.

Here is the video of the clashes on the pitch between Chelsea and Fulham supporters. Whats th problem of Chelsea supporters if the Fulham guys want to celebrate it on their home turf with their players??? Stupid Idiots!!!

Oh by the way I am quiting Frost and Sullivan, tomorrow and would be joining California Software Company on 3rd of April.


Shoaib Akhtar - I Salute You

This post is dedicated to the best fast bowler right now.

I must say Wasim Akram was the greatest fast bowler ever born (he could do anything with the ball except swing it like a reptile with a single delivery), but today Akhtar is the best fast bowler. The Bret Lees and the Shane Bonds and the Chaminda Vaas come a distant 30th and 40th and 50th, not second or third or fourth. Dear Indians don't even think about Munaf Patel.

Check the photo above, just the sheer pace at which Akhtar runs towards the batsmen, looks like he is going to bowl fast, very fast, very very fast.

Among all the controversies and all the problems he has faced, there is one thing which you can always see in this guy, "THE PASSION TO BOWL FAST". Like Lance Amstrong said "I want to do everything fast fast", same way Akhtar wants to bowl fast. Check his video here.

The effort and dedication he shows while he is bowling is amazing. The inswinging yorkers and bouncers is always a treat to watch. More than that even if his bowling is not getting him wickets, his dedication towards speed is just mind blowing. I wish I had so much dedication in my professional as well as personal life.

Ah please please don't call him a chucker. If Muralidharan "The Javelin Thrower - Who Plays Cricket" can take more than 600 wickets in test matches, then I would say Akhtar's action is as smooth as a BMW engine. More than that, I say as a fast bowler one should be allowed to bowl with a little chuck action or else his career would be injury prone. Just see the career of Shane Bond. Bowls as clear as Dravid's cover drive and as fast as Sehwag's cut shot, but has played one tenth the matches. So thoda bahut toh chalta hai yaar. ;-)

Rest I wish he was in the Indian team atleast for the world cup 2007. It would be amazing fun. Sehwag, Sachin, Dravid, Yuvi, Kaif, Dhoni, Pathan score 450 runs in 50 overs. Akhtar comes in to bowl the first over of the next innings and takes a HAT TRICK. Ah, what a treat !!! Inshah Allah aisa ho jaye toh main ghee ke diye jaloon. (Virdi then slaps his forehead, "kaash aisa hota")

Oh b.t.w his best friend is Ashish Nehra. Khi Khi Khi Khi. (Dilli and Duffer and Pindi ki Express are best friends.)

To Rawalpindi Expresss I salute. Jaa Pathan Jaa, Kar Le Duniya Moothi Mein.


Joined Greenpeace

I joined GREENPEACE today.
Right now I don't know, what I would be doing or would be asked to do as a volunteer. I just wanted to join. Thats it. Don't ask me why and all that.
May be I wanted to do some social work but was not able to devote time and energy so found the easiest way out by donating some fixed amount every month. Anyone can join GREENPEACE in India by making a tiny donation of Rupees 5 everyday. So it would come to just Rupees Rupees 150 per month. But GREENPEACE expects you to not just give meoney but also your time and energy. Also keep the motivation level high.
They gave me all the information about what all environmental awareness work they are doing in India so that if the need arises then I can also jump in. Presently the biggest campain is in Paradweep in Orissa against the development of the Paradweep Port as it is adversly going to affect the growth of migrating Turtle Population every year. (I didn't know this)
Would be updating more about the protests, awareness rallies, campains, etc etc soon. Till then be healthy and keep the environment clean. And if anyone wants to join please feel free to contact me.
Oh another thing I did few days back, I quit Non Veg food. Its been like some 50 days now. Feeling healthier already. Buuuuuuurp. Ooopsss. That was the Aaloo Parathas and Dahi. :-)

I-Pod Next Generation

I was reading this article on the Next Generation of I-Pods. Wanted to share it with everyone.

Research analyst firm PiperJaffray informed clients that they expected that Apple would release an Apple branded cell phone in the next 12 months.

Rumors of an Apple-branded phone has been ongoing for years. The rumors have slowed down since the release of the Motorola iTunes-capable phone.

Apple trademarked "Mobile Me" earlier this year, which many have felt could be related to a phone service. Meanwhile, Apple has also filed a trademark for the term Aloha in Hong Kong. This trademark was filed back in December 22, 2004 and based on the classification may simply have been an alternative name for Apple's Bonjour technology but the trademark categories also cover a broad range of devices.

Meanwhile MacOSXRumors notes that Apple has filed for a trademark for the term "Mobile Me": The name appears to be under a number of descriptive categories including "telecommunication services", "portable digital electronic devices and software related thereto", "providing digital music from local or global communications networks" and "computer services". The trademark was filed on January 5th 2006 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

The rumor site suggests that this may have to do with Apple's speculated entry into the mobile phone market, but appears it may have to do with providing iTunes wirelessly over cell phone networks.
So I just wanted to check few videos of what Apple is really upto and came across of what I could not believe. I have uploaded a video of next generation I Pod. Click here. Its the awesomest, craziest, wackiest, freakest thing one can ever see. Mind freaking blowing. Me, Arun and Ashwin saw and went crazy.
Check out trailers of Ice Age and Da Vinci Code . Also check this cool Video Game Simulator.
Going for IIT Madras MBA Sports meet tomorrow morning. Will make the Alumni kick the ass of the kids. No need to wish me luck because Me stud Me!!!

The Tag Thing By Sayesha

Happy Holi Everyone

I asked Sayesha to tag me long back and now me doing the tag thing. She said So okay, here's my post and I hereby zabardasti tag Virdi. :)

4 Jobs that I have had (before my current one):

  • Mechanical Maintenance Engineer
  • Nearly sold Gas cylinders when I was doing my summer internship during MBA at Bharat Petroleum.
  • Worked with dad in his business.
  • Worked in a process plant, Tata Metaliks. Not telling what all I did. They made me do everything. Bloody cheap bastards. And they promissed to pay me and never did. Last heard they made profits of some Rs 600 Million. All because they make people work for free. Bloody cheats.

4 English movies I can recommend to anyone:

  • Hotel Rawanda
  • Sixth Sense
  • Matrix Trilogy
  • Lord of the Rings Trilogy
  • Harry Potter Series

4 Hindi movies I can recommend to anyone

  • Andaaz Aapna Aapna
  • Rang De Basanti
  • Dil Chahta Hai
  • Swades

4 Places I've lived in, that linger in my memory

  • Madras since August 2004 till date
  • Sangrur. Small place near Patiala. Got my first paid job there.
  • Ludhiana.
  • Kharagpur. Babuji ka ghar.

4 TV shows I will remember

  • Surabhi
  • World this week
  • Kaun Banega Corepati
  • F.R.I.E.N.D.S

4 Vacations I will always remember

  • Goa. March 2000.
  • Kufri and Simla. January 1998.
  • Dalhousie. August 1999.
  • My company sent me to London for work in July 2005. Was not vacation but it was an amazing trip. New country new people, saw lot of places. It was nice.

4 Places I'd rather be right now

  • Goa or just some beach
  • Bed sleeping. Zzzzzzz.
  • Movie theater. Aaraam se movie dekho.
  • Where ever my family is. :-)

4 Foods I love

  • Paani Poori
  • Juices. I love Judghead Special of Fruit Shop's at Gream's road.
  • Ice Cream. Butter Scotch.
  • Raajma Chaawal.

Hmmm... I am done... If anyone wants to get tagged then please bata do... I dont want to do the zabardasti ka tag... Like someone did... Khi Khi Khi Khi Khi...


Girls and Hmmmmm

Sometimes girls have a weird sense of saying things. No its not that guys make everything clear but when girls say "Hmmmm" I can understand nothing.
  1. Rahul: Hey, Kajal. How was your exam??? Did you do well?? Kajal: Hmmmm!! (in a tone which might mean something to her) Rahul: Hmmm ka matlab?? Kajal: I said Hmmmmm na, it means yes, my exam was good. Rahul: What???
  2. Rahul: Hey Kajal. How was your exam?? Did you do well?? Kajal: Hmmmm!! (in a tone which might mean something to her) Rahul: Hmmm ka matlab?? Kajal: I said Hmmmm na?? If my exam was good I would have said it was good, now that I havent done good why are you asking me again and again how was my exam? Why do you want to make me feel bad that I didnt do well?? Is this all you care about me?? Rahul: What did I do?? (takes a brick and hits on his head)
  3. Rahul: Hey Kajal. What are you doing today? You want to go for a movie? Kajal: Hmmmm!! (in a tone which might mean something to her) Rahul: Hmmm ka matlab?? Kajal: I said Hmmm na. I want to go. Why?? You dont want to go now?? If you dont want to go why did you ask me?? Rahul: What did I say??
  4. Rahul: Hey Kajal. How was shopping?? What did you buy?? Kajal: Hmmmm!! (in a tone which might mean something to her) Rahul: Hmmm ka matlab?? Kajal: I said Hmmmm na. I wanted to buy Levis Jeans and that guy didnt have Levis but had Shevis. I wanted to buy a white top but that guy didnt have even one single white top which I liked. I think I should not have gone shopping. I didnt want to ever go. Why didnt you come with me? I was so confused. When ever I want you to be with me where are you? I can't find you anywhere. Rahul: Next time I will come. Kajal: Hmmmmm (Click!!! Rahul hangs up the phone)
  5. Rahul: Hey Kajal. What up? Kajal: Hmmmm!! (in a tone which might mean something to her) Rahul: Hmmm ka matlab?? Kajal: Hmmmm ka matlab, Hmmmm. You understand nothing. I am not feeling well. Why dont you understand that I have fever. Just listen to my voice. Dont you understand anything?? Rahul: Hey if you have fever why did you pick the phone. I will hang up. You sleep. Kajal: No now I want to talk. I am not that sick that I can't even talk. Rahul: Hey there is someone at the door. I will call you later.
  6. Rahul: Hey Kajal. I heard you friend came from B'lore. How is she? Kajal: Hmmmm!! (in a tone which might mean something to her) Rahul: Hmmm ka matlab?? Kajal: Dont even talk about her. She is such a bitch. Rahul: Is she pretty? Is her dad rich?? Kajal: Go to hell!!! Rahul: Thanks!!! Khi Khi Khi.)
  7. Rahul: Hey Kajal. I bought a new CD. Amazing songs. Loved the way Rehman has given music. I just loved it. Kajal: Hmmmm!! (in a tone which might mean something to her) Rahul: Hmmm ka matlab?? Kajal: Hmmm ka matlab I bought this CD long time back. I like the songs too. Rahul: Why didnt you tell me or lend me? Kajal: You never asked. Rahul: Hmmmmm. Kajal: Hmmm ka matlab?? Rahul: Hmmm ka matlab hai girls are wierd.

Hmmmm... Don't ask me the meaning...... Go figure.....


Update on Video Blog: For all the football fans, click here for the Ronaldiniho video and here for the Roberto Baggio video. And for the people interested in advertising, click here and here for two too cool commercials.

Video Blog

Hello everyone. I have started a new Video blog. Click here.
I have posted few of the cricket videos. The best being the one where "Venketesh Prasad uproots Aamir Sohail's wicket in World Cup 1996 at Bangalore". See it here.
I love this You Tube thing. I just love it. Kiruba tells us "Why You-Tube is better than Google Video, here. "

Barcelona 3 - Chelsea 2

Chelsea lost this time to Barcelona in Champion's League round of 16. This is what the BBC Sport pundit and European Cup winner at Liverpool, Mark Lawrenson had to say about the loss : "CHELSEA NEED TO CHANGE"

If Chelsea want to win the Champions League, owner Roman Abramovich should go to Arsenal and ask them how much money they want for Thierry Henry.

If they had Henry, they could sit five in midfield just like they did on Tuesday and it's utopia, isn't it? We are looking at life in a perfect world.

Henry has been linked with a move to Stamford Bridge before and he is the one who could make the difference, so it will be interesting to see what Chelsea do in the summer.

It would be the final piece in the jigsaw for Jose Mourinho, who will not play two players up front. Henry could play the role to perfection - just like Samuel Eto'o does for Barcelona.

I'm not a Didier Drogba fan - he has that battering-ram effect, he knocks people over and is a threat, but that will only take you so far.

I like Hernan Crespo a lot, but he needs to play up front with someone else - most strikers at that level do, to be fair, even the likes of Andriy Shevchenko at AC Milan.

As for Mourinho himself, I was disappointed with his behaviour both before and after the second leg at the Nou Camp. To be honest, I found it all a little condescending.

All that stuff about walking out of the airport first to protect his team - it's rubbish. Players are big enough to cope with that, it's part of the job.

Even after the game, saying Barca hadn't beaten them 11 versus 11 - sometimes you should just hold your hands up and say you've lost to the best team in Europe. There's no disgrace in that.

People would think more of him if he did that.

Very True. Barcaaaaaaaaaa Barcaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. No I am not a Barsa fan but just an anti Chelsea club member. ;-)


Happy Women's Day !!!

Dear girls, women, aunts, mothers, neice, daughters, sisters, grand mothers a very Women's Day. Thanks for being part of our lives.

She makes us happy as a daughter

as a Sister

as a Mommy

as an aunt and grand mother

Ok Ok Ok you also make us happy as a girl friend sometimes, but not always. ;-) You make us happy only if you dont ask us to take you for shopping on a Sunday and then make tea and garam garam pakodas, every 1 hour, while we are watching Cricket or Football or Hockey on TV. ;-)

Khi Khi Khi Khi Khi Khi Khi Khi Khi... Happy Women's Day!!!


Ek Gilahari Aneek Gilahariyaan

I was going through Kiruba's blog and saw that he had put some videos. Went to this site and registered and tried to put a video. People it works. Yahooooooo. I am genius. Check this out. My first video on the web.

Ek Aneek

Coke and Mentos

I am soooooooo happy. I am Happy Singh Virdee. Oye balle balle !!! Oye balle balle !!! Oye balle balle !!!

Creative Bags

Had been really really busy past week and was not able to post anything. My brain not working in any other thing, other than the stuff I do at work. But one of my friendssent me a mail with these bags and I really wanted to share with everyone. Just awesome. Now Pandey if you are reading this, I would say this is called Marketing at its best.

We sell Guns !!!

Jewellery Store

Some Sports Store

Some Clothes Store. Looks like "If you wear our clothes, you will still smile even if you have a rope around the neck." ( I am guessing here)

Dont know what is the store but yes "Girls do bite!!! " ;-)

M Tv Enjoy...


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