Why an I Pod is better than a Girlfriend!!!

Ok I bought the I Pod and I believe by now even half of Pakistan and Bangladesh knows that I have this gadget. But belive me after just few days I know its better than a girlfriend. No I am serious. Few reasons:
  1. It comes in different colors. Girlfriends come only in one color. Its called the color of DEAD!!!
  2. You can cover it and remove the cover when ever you want. Its always the girlfriend's prerogative when she wants to removes the covers. You are a silent spectator. (Ok this is being too much male chauvinist, but had to say something about the cover given free to me)
  3. You can play whatever music you want and when ever you want. With a girlfriend you always have to listen her music all the time. Blah Blah Blah Blah.... ...... ....
  4. It has tons of memory. And every part of the memory is useful. Unlike a girlfriend's memory revolves around talking about others and how much pain the other girl gives to her. "You know what?? That guy was looking at me." Do you have any answer to this?? Or can you do anything??
  5. From movies to photos to music it has everything to entertain you. Unlike a girlfriend who has nothing but talk about others and I hate when people bitch about others.
  6. Oh you can upload as much data as you want. It wont say anything. Keep uploading. You can never ever in this life make you girlfriend listen to what you have to say.
  7. And yes the best thing is that it is intelligent. You pause it for 5 seconds and switches off. If you ask your girlfriend to shut up for 5 seconds she will come back to you with some 5 hours of lecture, "You never listen to me. You don't understand me. You don't care for me. Blah Blah Blah Blah"
  8. And it has different categories of songs. Like Rock, Punjabi, Hindi, Metal, etc etc. So you want to listen to Punjabi just click on Punjabi and Wakaw!!! In a girlfriend's case, did you ever see the movie or the song on TV, you wanted to see??? Its always what she wants to see, you get to see.
  9. It doesnt lie to you. You play the song Enter Sandman and it plays the song. Never lies to you.

Ok there were few more gyan given by people. I will be updating them as more funde keep coming. Cheers.

  • Oxy had something to share: Importantly: it won't sulk, if you go partying with other friends and leave it behind! even the thought of doing such a thing with a g/f will get u grounded for a gazillion yrs!
  • DonTheCat and Vikram had something similar to share: And just think... you can actually take it anywhere YOU want to...
  • Sayesha had something to share: Oooh, you can selectively delete stuff from an ipod's memory! In the case of a gf, naah! Not possible! Sab yaad rehta hai! "Tumne mujhe char mahiney pehle aisa bola tha..." blah blah! :D It won't ask you dangerous and loaded questions like "Do I look fat in this cover?"
  • Exxaggerator had something to share: A Girlfriend can leave you thus breaking your heart!!The iPod wont! She's always there to love you. If u lose it u can always buy a new one. ...Also it won't have any mood swings!
  • Electic had something to share: You need not be stuck with one Ipod for life; you can replace them with newer, trendier, sleeker ones as time progresses (and they seem to get only better!). And at any point of time you can have more than one - you can borrow your friend's IPod if it is more attractive when in your hands! It does not need makeup and looks good anytime!!
  • Praveen had something to share: at least your ipod wouldnt ask you dumb questions like "honey, do i look fat in this jeans"..lolz
  • Simon (was with me in IIT Madras, came down from Switzerland as an exchange student. Went back with 15 kgs less body weight) recomends I should not spend a lot of time with the I Pod: My friends say, that I'm still not having a girlfriend because I pass to much time with my computer. (indeed, I love that thing. It's an iBook).
  • Thanu had an amazing explanation. Hillarious. God level funda. Sharing it: If ur friend wants to get a girlfriend. Friend: hey howz it having a girlfriend. Virdi: It rocks man, at least most of the time. Well its good sometime. You can try my girlfriend for few hours and then decide. Friend and Virdi don’t care, but Virdi's GF mad. Friend decides against a girlfriend. Ipod scenario. Friend: hey howz it having an Ipod. Virdi: Rocks man all the time. Do u wanna try for few hours and then decide. Friend tries, is impressed and get a new Ipod. Moral: U can share an Ipod, not a girlfriend.

This is so much fun!!! :-)

I love my I pod and yes it loves me too. In a girlfreind's case???? Hmmm let me scratch my dandruff!!!


PS: I know girls are not that bitchy and sometimes guys are more. It just a blog girls. :-)


Anonymous said...

good one! you can thank me for giving you the idea :P

Anonymous said...

awww...what a prince! vive le roi! *wink!*

looks like the jockeys are beginning to fray...the surd needs to stock up on new ones. new jockeys = sunshine mood!

Anonymous said...

my god...i am first...now the other thing left to do before i die is to touch your IPod. May my soul rest in peace.

Virdi said...

Ajane>> congrats pappu first aa gaya... and thanks for the idea... :-)

ok i allow you to touch the I-Pod...

Fao>> :-) no comments... you are a dog... :-)


Anonymous said...

Virdi, And just think... you can actually take it anywhere YOU want to...

I think you should start a tag on this and add more points to your thesis :-) . Would be a major help to MANkind.

Take a Look at this Thot Process . May inspire you futher :-)

Cheers and Keep the Party Alive...

ritzkini said...

saaley tu kabhi baaz nahi aayega !
Ipod vs Girl ? which one is free ??? yeah...u gawt me,pardner..

Rays Of Sun said...

Just read 5 Virdi..Thrbttttttt
Go hug your Ipod now:p

Anonymous said...

haha! good one! well, putting that note was a good idea.:P
not all of us are like that!!!

R said...


wait till your girlfriend reads all this!

Anonymous said...


Casablanca said...

We had the same phone, now we have the same iPod. Hmmmmmm... let me go scratch my dan, er, head and figure out what else I could comment to this post to sound reasonably intelligent.

Anonymous said...

@ shobs...that postscript was also my rejoinder while proofreading the writeup, which he added!

Praaji..is this your way at saying "thhhrrrrrrrrrrrbrrrrrrrtt" to girls? :-D

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

As to the last line, what a scardy cat :)

Virdi said...

DonTheCat>> oh yes I can do that... :-) will add what you said... can carry it anywhere...

Kini>> which is free?? what do you mean you can get a girl for free??

for your info people take loan to keep a girl happy... ;-)

ROS>> yes it hugs back too... :-)

Shobz>> I know that... and i want girls also to read my blog... dont want thm to run away after coming to my blog... ;-)

Vikram>> Yo man... DonTheCat says the same thing... :-)

Rohit>> My girlfreind is my I Pod... and I am in love with it and it loves me back... infact more, all the time... ;-)

Nan>> whatever it is same to you... now you will say THooo... i know!!!

Casa>> Intelligent?? are you not a girl???

beta virdi aaj tu pakka pitega...

Ajane>> thanks thanks thanks!!! :-) yes she pointed out some 15 spelling mistakes...

Wickedangel>> I am not a cat!!! Thrrrbbbrt!!!

I want girls to come back to the blog, not shoo them away... :-) because whatever it is men can't live without you... cant live with too... :-)

Abis>> hey I can send him the link to the post... that might make him happy and give me a million dollars... nice try na??


PuNeEt said...

too cool

Good one dude


oxymoron said...

most importantly: it won't sulk, if you go partying with other friends and leave it behind!
even the thought of doing such a thing with a g/f will get u grounded for a gazillion yrs!

Virdi said...

Abias>> nice try man!!! will give you 25% of 1 Million?? i think you need to know me better... ;-)

Vikram>> kya kar raha hi yar... ek comment likhta hai... fir delete kar deta hai... are you ok??? ok DOnTheCat ke funde are better... ;-)

Puneet>> arre no need to roll on the floor...

Oxy>> yes man... i need to add two things in the blog now... :-)


Sayesha said...

Whoala!! Mast post pappaji! :D

Maza aa gaya padhke! :D

I will come back if I have anything to add!

Sayesha said...

Oooh, you can selectively delete stuff from an ipod's memory! In the case of a gf, naah! Not possible! Sab yaad rehta hai! "Tumne mujhe char mahiney pehle aisa bola tha..." blah blah! :D

Rays Of Sun said...

You cant have a candle light dinner or a beach holiday with Ipod:))
Nice post.Kal raatko neend aa rahee thee to zyada nahi pad sakee@@
Virdi's ipod rocks:))

Kaala Kavva said...


A Girlfriend can leave you thus breaking your heart!!

The iPod wont! She's always there to love you. (if u lose it u can always buy a new one)

I love my ipod more than anything/anyone else and I completely agree with every reason you have specified here...

A shabaashi type chapaat 2 u for writing this.

Eclectic Blogger said...

You need not be stuck with one Ipod for life; you can replace them with newer, trendier, sleeker ones as time progresses (and they seem to get only better!). And at any point of time you can have more than one - you can borrow your friend's IPod if it is more attractive when in your hands! It does not need makeup and looks good anytime!!

Sayesha said...

It won't ask you dangerous and loaded questions like "Do I look fat in this cover?"


Eclectic Blogger said...

...Also it won't have any mood swings!

Anonymous said...

Gurl!!! Get outta the house and meet someone!! :-)

Virdi said...

Sayesha>> Added you on the main page... :-)

ROS>> baacha log so jao... :-)

Exxagg>> Added your coments on the main page... :-)

Electic>> Added you comments on the main page... :-)

Hobbit>> Kini was missing you... :-)


ritzkini said...

saami you back ??!!!! (thats u sam !)
hi machi !! me full lovesu and missings !!
you shld keep me informed now that we are an "us" !
later..day-long "zzz" training are there...

Praveen R. said...

thats a kewl post..at least your ipod wouldnt ask you dumb questions like "honey, do i look fat in this jeans"..lolz

by the way..was just wondering..wats the meaning of "gyan"..read it many places..

Canary said...

guruji, aap to girls pe thesis likh hi do..! u hav solved the mystery of "wat women want"!

Anonymous said...

Hmm. I think you should be carefull about what you're saying. My friends say, that I'm still not having a girlfriend because I pass to much time with my computer (indeed, I love that thing. It's an iBook).

So to be elegant, there should be a statement at the end something like "but I'm still looking for a girl because..." (because my iPod still does not himself reallise when I'm in a bad mood... can't cook for me ... isn't creative by itself... ) but it needs to be really convincing.


Anonymous said...

Hey Virdi, Congrats on the IPod. Enjoy yaar! :-)

Thanu said...

If u friend wants to get a girlfriend

Friend: hey howz it having a girlfriend
Virdi: It rocks man, at least most of the time. Well its good sometime. You can try my girlfriend for few hours and then decide

Friend and Virdi don’t care, but Virdi's GF mad. Friend decides against a girlfriend.

Ipod scenario
Friend: hey howz it having an Ipod
Virdi: Rocks man all the time. Do u wanna try for few hours and then decide

Friend tries, is impressed and get a new Ipod.

Moral: U can share an Ipod, not a girlfriend.

Rays Of Sun said...

Wow! Thanu, that was something...Great one..deserves to be on the first page, Virdi:)

Virdi said...

Kini>> Khush toh bahut hoge tum aaj... khush toh bahut hoge tum...

Canary>> I can never solve the mystery of "what women want"... but i guess i can solve "what guys dont want from women"... i am working on the list... ;-)

Simon>> You lucky bastarad!!! you don't have a girlfriend... you dont know how lucky you are...

Harshi>> Thanksssssssssssss!!! :-)

Thanu>> You are GOG!!! God of All Gods!!!

ROS>> She is on the page... :-)

Anonymous said...

Kini Dahling! Am back!!! :-) sorry love...wanted to inform you but then the night kinda took over my days! :-) *wink wink*

ritzkini said...

naam hai...shahenshah.. (???)
i got the actor rite..am i on the same page for the movie ???

hmm...and you have been busy burning the midnight loins,huh ??
*bad one..almost needs to be banned..but u would have puked at the one i had in mind !*

ritzkini said...

@simon !
hi hero ! remember me ?? how are you ?? no girlfriend yet,huh..3 men in the same boat...welcome aboard..

Anonymous said...

am so glad you held back Dahling! :-)

Casablanca said...

Oye papaji, staaap getting kanfoojed. I was in New York last week. Now back to Hang Kang ji!

ritzkini said...

my pleasure dear...my pleasure..

Anonymous said...

Baby! Not here! We're in a public space! *giggles giddily* Lets not talk about pleasuring ourselves!! :-) You KNOW I'll get carried away! :-)

ritzkini said...

/*Lets not talk about pleasuring ourselves!! :-) You KNOW I'll get carried away! :-) */
too much hai yaar !!
ok...not today.. ok ?? girl has come up with a theory *again* on girls..so..we'll grant him his space..
pleasuring etc..in person..or on the phone..girl's phone !

Thanu said...

GOG - No one has ever called me that. I feel so special.
tusi bade nice ho ji.

Virdi said...

Kini & Hobbit>> No comments!!!

Casa>> okie dokie

Thanu>> The comment was GOD level... all hail cesar... all hail Thanu.. :-)


Anonymous said...

*chanting* new post..new post!!!

ritzkini said...


new pooooost !! new post !!
*clap clap clap*

besides,our love-lust story needs to continue !!! we granted you your space this time !!
not on the next one..what say saami ?

Anonymous said...

Most of what you have written is a stretch...and not very tasteful and extremely chauvnistic!

Anonymous said...

Virdi, Wish you a Lovely New Year! :-)

I am because I can be said...

Good - seeing the overwhelming response in agreement to Virdi´s post (that an iPod is better than a gf), we can decidedly conclude that in India:

1. iPod sales are going to shoot up in the coming quarters.

2. Valentine´s day will be as obscure as Rosh Hashanah.

3. Lakmes, Oriflames and Avon are going to shut shop.

4. Virdi and friends will be bachelors for life.


Kusum Rohra said...

heheh! and ya, you will never have to carry huge shopping bags or buy diamonds for your i-pod :)

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