Satya Sai Bhavdeep Virdi Baba

Satya Sai Baba was in Madras this weekend and I thought if he can have a Afro hairstyle why not me. So here I am with the Jimmy Hendrix hair style.
Just a comparitive study of the the Afro hairstyle done by the great Virdi Baba.



And the Baba

Khi Khi Khi Khi



Anonymous said...

you are one big madcap!!! :P

Anonymous said...

right said jane! and so, you should have that hairstyle permanently! :P

Anonymous said...

right said jane! and so, you should have that hairstyle permanently! :P

Anonymous said...

hahahha...sahi comparative study..

btw ..i always doubt ki sai baba wig lagate hai :D:D:D:D

Anonymous said...

so hot!!! get dreadlocks next week, bob surd marley.

Virdi said...

Jane>> What I am mad??? maacha dont say anything to me... I have the powers of Sai baba now... I will give u one bloody sharap and then u will become a lizard... Khi Khi Khi Khi Khi

Sugar>> I will have that hair style permanently if and only if you support Sher E Jalandhar and not Marathya Warriors and B'lore Lions...

Itsme>> Next time he comes to Madras, I will just ask him..

Fao>> yeah... Sai Baba is so hot... Like hot potato ready for sandwhich...

Anonymous said...

He is in madras right now...till month end in fact!

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