We watched Guru few days back and it was very very very classy movie. Everything in the movie looked perfect. The direction, Mithun, Abhishek, Aishwarya, even Dhirubhai errr I mean Gurubhai looked a smart ass crook.
Well the movie is completely based on Dhirubhai Ambani's life story. It shows how Dhirubhai went out of India to earn money in the 1960s, then came back and started Reliance.
In real life Dhirubhai was a very hardworking man. But more than hardwork he was extra smart. He bribed the government official, found loop hole in the indian business functioning, tried arm twisting he government when needed to get his work done. Look at the CDMA and GSM case where CDMA was launched in India as a service to be provided only as Wireless in Local Loop, but today Reliance provides the best connectivity and cheapest price in India. If anyone is travelling from Madras to Banglore the Relaince signal is never weak.
One of my friends who used to work in customs in Bombay used to tell, "When ever any machines from abroad come to the dock and the machine is to be delived to Relaince group, I get phone calls from some ministry in Delhi." He also said these kids fo things never happen in case of Godrej or Tatas.
COming back to the movie. Abhishek Bachchan has really come of age and acts with a lot of dignity. He put on weight for the character and looks very focused in the movie. Maniratnam as usual was very perfect. We cant find a flaw in his direction but sometime I felt there were songs which were really not needed in the movie. Aishwarya Rai after billions year looked pretty. May be its loveeee ;-)
Above all was the performance of Mithun Chakraborty as the owner of the newspaper who takes up the challenge to rip apart Gurubhai. This guy comes up with some or the other movie after some 10 years and makes others feel "Mithun Da is Tooo Maaaach" In one of the scenes he is shouting at his editors and barks at them as if he might eat them alive. Bahut Aacha Hai!!! Bahut Aacha Hai !!!
Guru is a must watch according to me. Some of my friends didnt like it because they say "what is Maniratnam trying to prove" Infact nothing, he is just telling us the story of Dhiru Bhai Ambani and how he made the Reliance Empire.

Happy Birthday Chote Miyaan !!!

Mera chota bhai Amrinder's Birthday was yesterday we all had fun. Cake from cake walk. I really don't know what they do, but they make the best cake in Madras city.

Trupti lighting the candle :-)

Trupti looking like the 1970's heroine. Sharmila Tagore types. He He He He He He

Happy birthday to you. Amrinder was born in a Zoo. Hathi doing Pooo Pooo...

Mamiji Khilaoing cake to Chote miyaan. :-)

Now Trupti's turn.

My turn.

The Three Studs of the house. Deepu, Amrinder and Me.

Amrinder got a lot of presents but I guess the best present which he would have got is this. The match tickets to India West Indies encounter at MA Chidambaram Stadium. Yahooooo !!! We going to watch the match.

Jeetega Bhai Jeetega India Jeetega !!!! Jeetega Bhai Jeetega India Jeetega !!!!Jeetega Bhai Jeetega India Jeetega !!!! Jeetega Bhai Jeetega India Jeetega !!!!

Match Starts at 2.30 on Saturday. We got some super hi funda tickets. :-)

Chak !!!!


Happy Republic Day

Super Message on republic day. I forgot what every color signifies in the Tiranga. Its a cool message Rebublic Day message. :-)

Now for the joke of the century, it has to be a Bush Joke...

George W. Bush is sitting at his desk in the Oval Office one morning meeting with some people when a staff member comes in and tells him, "Mr. President, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed yesterday."

George sits there, stunned. He buries his face in his hands for a minute. The others in the room are puzzled. They don't know why he's so shaken up.

Bush finally he looks up at the staff member and says, "Um... How many is a brazillion?"

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha... Give Up Maxxxxxxxxxxx !!!!


Satya Sai Bhavdeep Virdi Baba

Satya Sai Baba was in Madras this weekend and I thought if he can have a Afro hairstyle why not me. So here I am with the Jimmy Hendrix hair style.
Just a comparitive study of the the Afro hairstyle done by the great Virdi Baba.



And the Baba

Khi Khi Khi Khi


INOX in Madras

Inox Opens up in Madras today and I hope the monopoly of Satyam goes down. There should be more theaters, lke Satyam standard in the city.
Satyam has horrible parking and the tickets are over priced. Infact Satyam had horrible fire policies also. Believe me if there is a fire in Satyam then more people will die of stampede rather than suffocation and fire.

Just incase anyone wants to book tickets through the internet in Inox this is how you do.

Choose the show timings. The grapics is less than the Satyam site. Kind of faster. And it doesnt look like its a huge commercial site. Doesnt have stupid offers which are not needed, fuel card and food bookings.

Choose the bloody seats.

Do the bloody payment.

It would be a great if they also allow you to book a parking space online. They might be having "East Floor C parking" something like that. And you can book a parking space there. Its not very difficult to design a parking space page. This would be a great advantage for Citi Center as it is planned and has a huge shopping place also. Make the parking cost you 20 rupees plus the movie ticket and 10 rupees per additional hour spent there. But it could also mean that people might finish the movie and then do their shopping for 10 hours. I just hate Satyam and its monoploy shit.

Yahooo aapun log abhi sala mast movie dekhega. :-) Oye Chakkkk !!!!


To Hell With Indian Media

To hell with people dying in Orissa...
To hell with farmers dying in Maharashtra...
To hell with Indian hockey being a failure...
To hell with people of Kashmir dying of bomb blasts...
To hell with Laloo eating all the grass for the cows...
To hell with a crazy guy sexually molesting 50 kids and then killing them...
To hell with the poor infrastructure in country...
To hell with the Navjot Sidhu killing the guy in the parking lot...
To hell with the girls being killed in the mother's womb, before they are even born...
To hell with the frauds in the stock market...
To hell with kids protesting on the street capital against OBC reservations...
To hell with rats eating more food grains that actually reach the flood and draought effected districts of India...
To hell with Indian football being the 161st in the world...

Today we all shall celebrate the death of Indian media and the engagement of Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachan..

Fuck You Indian Media !!! Just Fuck You!!
It looked like the media was waiting for this news not with open arms but open legs...


Apple i-Phone

Check out the new Apple I Phone.

Its got two memory cards of 4 GB and 8 GB memory.

Check out the specification

You can flip through the albums like you are flipping pages.

Some of the features are too cool. If you are looking at a photo while the phone is vertical and you change the position of the phone to horizontal, the picture automatically changes to horizontal mode.

It is one of the best phones to use the internet. Very much compatible with Google Tools. Google Maps and all that. Check out the Washington Pillar thing by Google Maps. If you are watching a video on the phone and then a call comes, automatically the video is paused and the lights go dim when the phone is near your ear.

You still have the cool BOSE earphones just that a speaker is now attached to the earphones.

The 8 GB thing is priced at $599 and the 4 GB thing is priced at $ 499.

When you have to charge it all you need to do is link it to the iTunes. It is a I-Pod, Phone and a computer in one. THATS IT !!!!

Its being released in US in June 2007 and December 2007 in Europe. Asian market will wait till early next year.

Apple targets a market share of 10 million units in the year 2008. These guys have a great vision. I believe thats why they are what they are.


IIT Madras MBA Student Gets $90,000 Offer

Some guy from IIT Madras MBA deparetment landed up with a huge package of $90,000 foreign placement in Bloomberg. Read the news from "The Economic Times" here. IIMs may have serious competition from the IIT MBAs by 2010.
Also the department has put up its placements report. Please read it here.
Also, I sent the photos cliked during PHL on 5th and 6th Jan to Rediff. They posted the photos. Check them out here.
Over and Out !!! Chak De Fatteeeeeeeeeeeee

Premier Hockey League is in Chennai

Premier Hockey League, is being played in Chennai between the top seven teams of India. All the seven teams have players of different countries, some 50 players across the globe have come to India this time.

We went to watch few matches. Trupti supports Maratha Warriors and Bangalore Lions. Bloody Kannadiga Lions are playing very good. They have won all their matches.

Lions having a team talk during the match against Marathas. The match was on Saturday and it got extended to extra time. Len Aiyappa scored the winning goal.

Len Aiyappa drag-flicks the goal.

Trupti with the Pakistan Super Star "Rehan Butt". Rehan Plays for the Lions.

Man of the match Len Aiyappa (Saturday's Match)

We turned up for the match against Sher-e-Jalandhar and Maratha Warriors on Sunday evening also. Ashwin is back from London for a few weeks and we dragged him along.

Marathas won this match in Extratime and Trupti was again jumping with joy that her team won. She Imran Warsi made a superb pass and Shivender Singh was good in the D-Box to score the goal. We all took photo with Warsi after the match. He was dead tierd but was very cool for him to stand after the game for the fans. I clicked a photo with saying "ready" and he made a face like "What??? You didnt let me pose" Had to click again. Hehehehe... From Left to right : Ashiwn, Trupti, Warsi and Tullu. Tullu finally had a hair cut after two and half years.

We went to IIT to drop Tullu and saw these deer. Had to take photo. They look so calm.

IIT is heaven yaar !!!

Chalo more photos later.


Happy Birtday Chakkk Ji

Happy New Year everyone.

New year's eve was very special for me and it was also Trupti's birthday.

Sumita came home around 7.00 and Kelkar's (Indrajeet and Archana) were home around 8.30.
while Kelkar and I went out to get food for the eve, amrinder and deepu were on a secret mission, "TO GET BHABHIJI'S CAKE READY"

We watched some Tv and we all laughed at some Bihari dancing on TV. What all these guys show on Tv for the new year's eve. Anyways the Kelkar's discusssed how much they were in love in IIT and how much fun they are having now. Both of them drunk. He He He He He.

Kelkar even got some red wine from Nasik. It was good.

One suggestion. If you want to order vegetarian food "EDEN AT BESENT NAGAR" is the best. Lovely food they make. Please try the Methi Butter Naan, its delecious.

At 12 Amrinder got out the fireworks and also the cake. Trupti says CHAKK lots and so her cake read "HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHAKKJI" hahahahahaaha

Sueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeper fun we had.

Happy Birthday Chakji

Cut the cake soon. We are hungry.

Thoda Khao Thoda Feko. Yeh switzerland ka cake hai.

Drunk gang.

Fireworks at 12 in the night.

My biwi in her new dress. Masttttt.

one happy couple I say what


Happy Birthday Biwi. Oye Chakkkkkkkkkkkk.

Please check out the latest KBC Promotion Advert. Its the best advert I have ever seen. And for people who are Shahrukh fans they will love it.


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