Graduated from 2 to 4

My mamaji presented me or rather said: "OK, you can drive this car" and made me graduate from a imported from Italy - Vespa Scooter to a local Indian made Maruti Suzuki. Thanks Mamaji.
:-) And this is my mamaji by the way.

Drove some 900 Kms, from Belgaum to Madras. On the way, saw some beatiful places and at one place I saw some 500 Wind mills and yes that place was really windy.

Crossed Nandi Hills near Bangalore.
Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3
And as soon I crossed Bangalore down came the rain. And it rained like crazy in the past few days in Bangalore and now its flooded. Thankfully I took other route through Tumkur, Kolar and Chittur.

One thing is for sure, Reliance is trying to bring in a new perspective to petrol pumps. Stopped on the way and this a beatiful Reliance petrol bunk, with Dhaba type facility. The food was great and also very cheap. And as soon as you get down from your car you are greated with a NAMASKAR, now this is called customer service. Ambanis have some grey matter.

Mamaji Thanks agian. :-)


Thanu said...

Me First again... Congrats on the car and thanks for adding me :)

Anonymous said...

Oye Praaji, nice gaddi! But no tinted glasses?? :O

Virdi said...

Thanu.. now everytime u r first I had to add u.. :-)

Thanks Thanks...

Jane.. No tinted glass... all the tam bram girls with beautiful eyes can see me now... ;-)


Rays Of Sun said...

Hey Virdi,

Wow..Nandi Hills..Know when I went there?? In the year of 1990...merely 10 years of age...feels wonderful to see that..Unfortunately, I do not have pics from then:(! I am goin down the notsalgic lane..

Parth Anand said...

cool...congrats on your graduation..
seems you already started in the 4th gear...driving 900 kms .
well drive safe :)
no tinted glasses so the girls outside can see the beautiful one sitting besides you and feel J...

Sayesha said...

Oh God now I am craving for dhaba food! The really fat rotis and the tadke wali daal... oh man! :(

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new car!
when are you taking us for a spin?

Anonymous said...

chalo, lets go for a drive along the bay! lets go on diwali weekend. will intro u to pink floyd girl too. deal?

ritzkini said...

sahi hai beedu...chalo phokat ka driver mil gaya..

/*Okaii...mai on ta Maount road,will ya...need to check out the baybes(in an english accent)*/

Surd:yes sir..three bags full sir...
/*scratching ear behind head*/
pliss saar...smaalll smaalll kids saar..


Virdi said...

Rays of Sun... Took foto with my phone camera... it was really great but notime to stop and have fun... :-(

Parth... thanks.. :-)

Sayesha... Jao jao aur jao, Inga Minga Singapore... don't come back, I have asked everyone here not to feed you on the dhabas when you are back...

Nan... Anytime... :-) as i said beatiful girls ;-)

Fao... wakaw... awesome... but I need to repair the cassette player... no music in the car... :-)

Kini... Do you Remember?? when we went to Dhabba Express someone gave us his token to bring his car... me, you and Rohit?? all in shorts... :-O

ECR will become our second home..

Anonymous said...

Nan... Anytime... :-) as i said beatiful girls ;-)
yeah yeah! jus because im editing your report!

ritzkini said...

/* Do you Remember?? when we went to Dhabba Express someone gave us his token to bring his car... me, you and Rohit?? all in shorts... :-O */

Of course yaar...guess 1st year tha...isliye...phir bhi acche ladke tha...2nd year hota toh keys leke bhaag na jaate !!
free mein valet parking ka shauk hai na...dikhaate hain !

Kroopa Shah (Kr00pz) said...

Wow!! thats an impressive journey!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome man! I love driving... especially on long trips... Sweet!

Casablanca said...

Lucky you!!
I need more mamajis!!!

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