Mom would say : Dekho Dekho, he looks so smart in turban. Mom's never change. :-)
Well being a sikh and getting a hair cut is like commiting a sin, infact I am not a Sikh anymore, more like an outcast.
Do we really need to follow a religion if we have to believe in GOD? Me and Amrinder are brothers and I still pray the way my parents taught me. I can pray better than a sikh who goes to the Gurudwara everyday or a Muslim who goes to a Mosque everyday, what I mean is GOD will listen to me even if I don't follow any religion. Is following religion so important? Just wanted to know what you think. Because of different religions and casts our society has been divided and wanted to know has religion ever helped anyone? Feel free to comment.
A very happy "Dushehra" to everyone, posting these lyrics from the song Pal Pal Hai Bhari, from the movie Swades.
Ram Hi To Karuna Mein Hai, Shanti Mein Ram Hain
Ram Hi Hai Ekta Mein, Pragati Mein Ram Hain
Ram Bas Bhakton Nahin, Shatru Ke Bhi Chintan Mein Hain
Dekh Taj Ke Paap Raavan, Ram Tere Man Mein Hain
Ram Tere Man Mein Hain, Ram Mere Man Mein Hain
Ram To Ghar Ghar Mein Hain, Ram Har Aangan Mein Hain
Man Se Rawan Jo Nikale, Ram Usake Man Mein Hain
Well, Religion - I think religion is very important to believe in God. Every religion has a different explanation for God. To live a Moral life one does not need religion or God, but to believe in God, you need a religion. Religion defines what god is. Society is not divided b/c of religion, it is divided b/c ppl choose to be divided in the name of religion. Just my 2 cents.
I dont think religion is required for worship. Although I'm hindu, in my prayers I can never worship a specific deity. Its never 'Ramji' or 'Shivji'. I cant do that! Its always just 'God' or 'Bhagwaan'. I pray to a supreme power.. and if he is 'supreme', he ought to be above any demarkations, isnt it?
My take is that each of us has his/her own definition of what the word 'religion' means. Personally, I don't "follow" any religion, though I do fill "Hindu" in forms that ask for my "religion". I may not have a religion, but I do have a faith.
ps: Virdi, thanks for inspiring a post in my head. Coming soon :)
Kya baat hai bhai? So serious suddenly :)
I'm very confused about religion. I was astounded when my teenage cousin said, "I don't have to pray to God by chanting some prayers. I appreciate all the wonderful things we see everyday in life, and I think that is my prayer." And to me, she's right!
I don't believe there is a God up there listening to your prayers and granting your wishes. But I do believe that there is a supreme power that is responsible for the wonder called life... I do believe miracles are possible and I don't think they are directly related to prayers.
Am I lazy because I don't pray? I don't know. Maybe mom thinks so. Am I being an atheist? I don't think so.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions and beliefs on religion provided they do not impose their views on others, or discriminate because someone believes differently.
It's a pity that sometimes man chooses to be so petty.
WV: saahu (that's my friend's surname!)
Great post Virdi!
Religion is a term something that each of us can define each in his own way. Just because I go to a temple almost everyday, that doesnt necessarily mean God will listen to my prayers more than the others.
hey sardar,
religion is supposed to be something that brings ppl together..butstill society is divided not bcos of religion but because of we so called "higher beings.." who do so in the name of religion....its just not worth it....-d-
the whole meaning of religion is lost.. and people claim to propagate love and togethernes in all eligions.. then why do they fight against eachother huh?????-d-
Hasn't God been created by humans to confuse lesser mortals? Religion has simmilarly been defined to segregate people further
Koi Bole Ram Ram koi Khudaee,. Koi sevay Gosainyan koi Allah
oye ! tainu ki ho gaya ???
why so senti-senti ??
1. ur bro is an absolute chhaap of u da ! with much more hair ! on the head,i mean !
2. too busy and tired to debate on religion..some other day when i am bored...
3.Ram To Ghar Ghar Mein Hain, Ram Har Aangan Mein Hain
Man Se Rawan Jo Nikale, Ram Usake Man Mein Hain
Amazingly Awesome lines...
i dont believe in ritualistic religion. therefore wrong person to ask such questions, i dont paticularly like going to the temple. how are we so sure that god exists only in the confined area of a temple?? read
mr god this is anna - u mite find it interesting
Thanks and wish you the same :-)
I beleive that as long as we are not blinded by religion into doing things that we shouldn't or wouldn't originally do its ok. I don't like going to the temple either, I would rather just pray at home. But I guess it differs from person to person.
I think religion is required initially to just put us all on track. Once we get mature and can think for ourselves, each of us can come up with a different definition on religion.
Hope you had a nice time at the bloggers meet. And ya Happy Dushehra to you too
methinks most religions are humbug...but most of them have two grains of truth too. religion demands belief..and beliefs make you close-minded coz u get emotionally attached to them. religion ends where spirituality begins.
heh...m reminded of a debate i read a while back...between a theologian n a philosopher...
theologian: a philosopher is like a blind man in a dark room searching for a black cat thats not there.
philosopher: that may be. but a theologian wud find it.
oh, gayathri made a v.pertinent point. "I think religion is required initially to just put us all on track." good thinking, girl! methinks a foundation in religions is important...n then u can choose to be a beliver, an agnostic, a pragmatist, an atheist or blah!
Thanu>> got you point about divisio of society... :-) and yes we have created religion based on our way of worship to god...
Casablanca>> exactly... we dont need religion to believe in GOD...
Sayesha>> same here.. i really dont follow Sikhism but still believe in GOD... next post?? is it on your sister??
Viv>> :-) just like that.. wanted to be serious... i am so lazy sometime i am bout to go to bed i remember i havent talked to HIM for weks.. then say my small prayer.. :-)
Ram>> may be because you go to the temple every other day, you may be a good boy in your parents eyes.. :-) that may be the way you give your dad happiness... i think giving others happiness is also part of praying and talking to HIM or HER...
Dog>> yes da.. why do people fight?? no one knows... :-(
Kini>> sexy lines hain yaar... :-)
Vatsa>> hey you were trying tosend some links... didnt get them..
Roopa>> yes correct :-) depends..
Gayatri>> //is required initially to just put us all on track. very very correct... :-)
FAO>>> wow u can also write something serious... ;-)
and what gayatri wrote is just too cool.. very very correct...
Virdi, I do think religion is necessary but hatred arising out of religion is bad. Why I say religion is necessary because I enjoy the different rituals attributed with religion. Probably, when you wished people for Dassera, you were reminded of the festivities associated with it. Similarly for Christmas, Ramzan and the likes, I have certain kind of festivity, enjoyment in mind. I enjoy all these - irrespective of to which religion the festival belongs to. Religion never preaches hate. So what is to be condemned is the hatred not the concept of religion itself.
i love this hangout. welcome, kittens. lets give virdee summin to dream abt.!
fao, you beat me to it!
*blows a kiss*
*blows a kiss rite back at hilton after blowing on summin else*
Ravi Bhai>> but should we follow stupid customs like "Sacred Thread or Kirpan and Turban and Hair or getting bald when someone dies or fasting during Ramazan"?? is it really necessary?? I think that doesnt help us coming closer to god... or does it??
as I had said, I consider myself to be equally closer to god when compared to someone who goes to a place of woship everyday... (but I dont consider myself a Sikh anymore... )
I have Brahmin friends not just one or two but many, who have thrown away their sacred thread because it doesnt make sense to them...
Religion is something very personal. One should not be compelled to follow it.But at times we end doing things fr the same of others.In the end if it helps us find peace and contentment, it means we are on the right path.....
You naughty boy...that is so hot.
Ayyy...such fireworks on a holy day!
FAO and hilton>>
welcome kids... welcome...
Virdi wants a piece of me. *blows a kiss at virdi*
that's all the piece he'll get. the rest of it, i shall gorge on. n the rest of the randy army! whoopah!
Hilton>> wow... that was awesome... now stop it... ;-) ufff!!! dont drag me into this...
hey! how come i wasn't welcomed n u r welcoming this upstart parasite hilton...*tapping foot impatiently and waiting for an explanation*
psst:hilton btw babe..i am louing ur pouty lips...
virdi, u r already in this..whether u like it or not..n ummm..the dragging bit kinda sounds verrrrry appealing to me right now... :)
cahmaun sailor...erm...soldier...erm...prankster
sorry hobbit... welcome welcome... ;-)
and it is not raining outside...
thats alright sailor..i personally prefer the shower.. :)
virdee, mi lad! you will never ve to read a book again.
let the games begin. *bong!!!*
I am lurving all the love from the big daddies here.
did someone say sailor? *smack*
heee haaaw!!! let em ride cowboy!
*confused look* dunno why i said that!
Ill see ya hotties tomorrow...I'm off to get my pedicure! purr...
megha chaaye aadhi raat, bairan ban gayi nindiya, batha de mein kya karu...
your place or mine, hilton?
Im like sooo totally woo-ed right now.
fao san, your ghasa-peeta hindi song has floored me.
Your place I say, lekin koi dekh le to log kya kahenge..
kuch to log kahenge..logon ka kaam hai kehna...
but since when did you start giving a damn? you made a killing with that video! pssstt...i ve a copy. m a huge fan! :">
kuch to log kahenge..logon ka kaam hai kehna...
but since when did you start giving a damn? you made a killing with that video! pssstt...i ve a copy. m a huge fan! :">
kuch to log kahenge..logon ka kaam hai kehna...
but since when did you start giving a damn? you made a killing with that video! pssstt...i ve a copy. m a huge fan! :">
darling, that video was hot, but didn't you read my interviews? I'm not sexual at all.Sigh..noone gives a crap about what blondes think!
I like fans, fans are hot.
Where's everyone else?
Virdi doesn't update daily yaar...can't we go back to sasha's?
42 comments??? wakaw...
can i hav a copy of the hanky and the panky?? ;-)
the mind is its own space, n in itself, can make heav'n of hell n hell of heav'n.
m quoting milton. m becoming cerebral at virdi's space. m becoming boring. oh, no! i've lost my mojo!
hilton, quick, turn on the fan. no, sorry...that you alreadydid. ok, switch on the camera. need some help getting my mojo back!
virdi, feel free to join in the partaayy!!! ever heard of mixing work with pleasure? this is it.
Too much work in the office.I'm losing my mojo too.
Oh this is terrible.
you in office, eh hilly? good...show me your desk... everything will be kosher in a bit.
wot is happenin' here behind my back?? not to mention under and above desks....who is this new blonde babe? introduce yrself, young 'un!
uunnnhhh...talk not abt. that curvaceous back, biteme. so many blondes n just po lil' me on this space?
xmas is early this year! whoopah!
fao san, you would know what you are talking about. you have gone where every...i mean...no man has gone before.
oi virdi bhai... my my my.. all the babes seem to be flocking around u????? ahhhh stop blushin now!
hey parasito! im really curious to know who u are!..
ok that was meant to be !!!! and not ????
fao san i told ya i was half asleep!
yes thrid twin...you did say so. m sorry for having kept you up late into the night. but oohhh...you didn't want me to stop. my extraordinary training is helping me stay awake. but thou shud know thy limitations, twin san.
53?????? am i popular or getting spammed?? ;-)
this jap sure gets around! i'm astounded at your multiple talents, o mighty fao! btw...does ms hilton even have a backside? *ouch* that was mean of you, fao! stop pinching! but it looks like ms hilton has passed out from all the excitement.
Oh hello hunnies, biteme, how's the baby.. heard you named him SPF..that's hot..no really..
Fao san, where are your manners..wherever they are, just leave em there ok?
Hello third twin, we havent met *blows a kiss to 3rd twin*
Havent passed out, just work is sucking my spirit.errr..
never mind.
Virdi dear, where the hiltons hang out, that is the popular spot. So yeah, hunny, enjoy it while it lasts
Oye, Praaji!! Yahaan kya ho raha hai? Aap ke ghar mein party-sharty lagta hai....are we also invited?? Itne serious topic pe kis tarah ka discussion ho raha hai, tauba tauba!!
Sumi darling, join the fun.have a cigarette I say!
*smack smack smack
who sucked ya, hilly? u want me to 'blow' it back in? i'll be glad to do the 'job'! ahem! pardon me, but i was born with such manners. do not aspire to change me.
n the third twin...blow her kisses or whatever else no more. only some sake can revive her now.
biteme, my skills do not warrant such high praise. i bow in humility. *liking the view from there...so staying bowed*
sake.. did some one say sake???? they are serving sake and sushi out here??? yippee.. im back in action!
welcome back, twin san! moshi-moshi. no, no...not that..this was a genuine greeting.
yes, we're passing sake arnd in celebration of my finding my mojo n hilly being inducted into the fellowship.
now will hilly pls. step into my dojo along with biteme n twin for the final initiation rite? n pls. draw the curtains.
errr....ms parasite....you work? is this a trick game thingie...coz ms hilton working sure is an oxymoron....and what's with all the smacks you're handing around...careful...someone might get hurt!!!
fao san, straighten up already. how many times have you had a bad back when we were together! but thanks to you i've had tons of practise playing nurse maid and now the baby can benefit from all that TLC *beams like a proud mommy*
oh..shez a player, she is! i like! *beaming at hilly...while waxing the whip*
i gave you all that training only so you can change baby's delightful poopy diaper. eerrr...cud u let hilly borrow that nurse's uniform?
*throws in the towel alongwith the confetti* i wish you two a lovely future, fao and hilton *sniff* guess hobbit and twin are out of the fray as well. i'll be going now (have to run to the store to get my free supply of pampers)...but i'll be back!!!
serious brain job working here ! WOW ! the world is full of psychos !
there is no brain involved in this job, anon. we just give head.
What did I miss? Honies, there's plenty of me to go around..(I'm skinny but still)
Fao, are you coming onto me? Subtlety my love...
Yeah I work..simple life?
Someone care to make the anonymous sourpuss feel better? I ain't blowing no kisses for him!
yup..some anon idiot does invade once in a while n disrupts the party. n sayesha isn't lucky...shez polite. n thats more than can be sed abt. you, brave, anon commentator...coz it really does take a lotta gumption to call ppl. names anonymously. bravo, soldier!
Yeah fao baby, bring on the sake!
coming on to you, hilly? whatever gave ya that idea? *rolling eyes* u read too much into my mind...darn..i meant, into my innocuous sentences.
please darling, call me Paris...
I have to go get my hair extensions done today. Did you hear? Latsis is visiting.
paris...aaahh...what a morantic names...brings to mind monet, van gogh, vineyards, champs elysees, jean jacques goldman, la esmeralda, fromage, moulin rouge, putains...ummm...a full life.
abe virdi...iski toh gayee ! congrats man ! there are worse psychs than u in this world !! heights hai yaar !! we thot were crazy ! there are worse ppl than us !!
Van Gogh indeed...Quelle beaute,Quelle folie...It is not in the capacity of ordinary yokels like Anon here. There is a fine line between art and madness...
Apparently for him, all emotions are expressed in the number of exclamation marks placed.
"There are worse people than us"? I sure hope you're wrong.
morn, paris! ummm...what a way to start the day...en paris...aux champs elysees...au soleil, sous la pluie, a midi...*inhale deeply* you look beautiful in the morn, mlle. m fulla amour pour vous, ma jeune belle!
anon, when u sed "There are worse people than us", we hope u weren't talking abt. ppl. with worse syntax.
somebody is hurt...ooohhh.. am so sorry...did i hurt ur feelings ?? were u reminded of the day ur mom dropped u on ur head ? or when ur dad smacked u ??
or when...forget it..i guess u have gone thru enuf in life..why spoil ur day ?? go ahead...have a nice day playing multiple personalities in the charade...guess u need to express urself some way or the other..who knows..if u dont,maybe u mite shoot up a few kids in the schoolyard and then kill urself too !
btw,which one are u now ?? LOTR seems to have given u some direction...am eager to see u donning more roles...u have got style..i'll give u that...but what u lack,my dear,is normal brain !
hey, ye-complicated-case-of-MPD-with-amnesia! you didn't hurt nobody here.
i don't wanna fite with a person with a handicap. that just ain't done. when you get your memory n mind back (good luck with that one!), do come back. we'll be waiting right here to tango with you, cowboy! n we promise to give you a dance you won't forget.
hey hey hey...
FAO and "i-have-a-multiple-personality-disorder-and-i-dunno-who-i-am-now"
this is play ground no fighting... or else i will slap both of you... :D
btw... parasite hilton, FAO, biteme spears, and everyone else... once your cassete is full... i want a copy too... ;-0
@ MPD....another fan!! albeit a shy one. so many back handed compliments too. hmmmm.....think you need to put in some couch time, mate!
"btw... parasite hilton, FAO, biteme spears, and everyone else... once your cassete is full... i want a copy too... ;-0"
....spoken like a true Surd!! :D
i am one da... see photo... :-)
Surdji, where is your pagdi??
a surd that goes "da". sigh! :-) we love him, nevertheless!
n fikr not surd ji...we won't fite. we will not let the situation escalate. everything is under control. we love peace. *stroking dove, kissing the top of its pretty head n releasing it into the blue yonder*
hey virdi where the hell have you been . . . That dumb girl whose blog u read daily, has gone crazy looking for you!!!!
(god, plss make Sayesha visit this page as soon as as I post this comment!!!!!!!!!!)
Mom's never change. :-)
lol virdi. and the banner hanging from my neck reads, "Sabki Mummy ek jaisi hoti hai" =))
MPD has forgiven us! Joy to the world... The Lord knows I didn't sleep last night because I irked him up so bad..Actually, no that wasn't the reason..
Take a cue from Virdi man,he be the cool surd!
Anyway, fao, j'aime beaucoup les garcons qui savent parler en Francais, la langue plus belle. Alors, Je tombe en amoureuse..
On y va, fao, faisons un voyage d'amour.
So its not just MPD and amnesia, clearly our friend is delusional. You'll miss kicking our asses. Tsk Tsk..how misguided you are.
That's not hot...and you don't get a copy of the tape.
err...paris...je ne suis pas un garcon...*puss-in-boots-style* but for you baby, i cud be!
*unfurling sails on the dreamboat* welcome aboard, ma petite pomme!
Oh fao, say it ain't so! J'espere que tu es encore un homme?
Amo mucho los ninos espanoles!Yeah baybay yeah!
(cant make the squiggly n's)
paris, je suis une belle fille. does that compensate adequately?
und ich spreche deutsches wenig! whoopah!
je suis une belle fille aussi. C'est suffi pour maintenant.
Ich spreche auch ein wenig Deutsch.
Hablo un poco espanol tambien.
this is fun!
whr ve u been all my life?
je-t-adore! ich liebe dich!
damn..my next lang doesn't come in the roman script! :-( its greek. early modern greek, actually.
You do Greek? Those Latsises would be damn impressed. Bring on the Tzatziki!
psst..where's everybody else?
oh yes, i do greeks. m v. elitist, that way. my days at hicksville are behind me.
everybody else is at lunch...but here comes the hobbit now!
welcome, brother hobbit.
hullo me babies!!!
Fao San...dont u dare welcome me... *slaps fao san*...*fao san enjoys it muchly* u hussy..flirting with the hiltons of all the people in the world...
aside to hilton: how u doin' baby? *joey style*
hobbit! that was not done. u know i ve a thing for face slapping. fight fair, man!
n this hilton ain't your type, hobbit. she ain't inflatable. here, play with yer biteme doll until the real one turns up.
biteme doll??? ahh that one..i've had it before...several times...just like u babe!
dont play coy..u know i like it...
virdi, hi btw! :) we aint spamming....just fyi...we providing u with awesome entertainment!
*slaps fao and hobbit* i ain't no air-headed...err..i mean air filled doll, i'll have ya know! *threatens to fedex baby to japan and ireland* just to tweak..err..awaken...your maternal AND paternal instincts honeys...i know you have both. as for hilton...probably shooting a line...err..shooting the breeze with a greek hunk in a casino somewhere..
hobbit>> who said this is spaming?? i am just making a video of all this and want to sell it on e-bay... ;-)
porn for sale!!! porn for sale!!!
PS: and pls dont give all the chocolates to FAO... i also need some..
I booze,shoot lines and smoke copiously. Fao babe, I'm everybody's type. But rich kids only, please...
erm biteme..i know geography aint ur forte..unless u count..naming countries according to swapping bodily fluids with opposite or sometimes same sex..
just to inform ya..i live in the bronx...yup! that's right! i a hobbit in the bronx!
dont be fooled by the ring that i got..i'm still i'm still hobbit from the bronx...
chocs? what chocs? aint that right Fao San?
hey...a musical smut film! m louing this with every passing mo. oops...sowie, hobbit. you my only mo! (n u biteme. n you paris.)
virdi bhai...tho usse chocolate bolthe ho!
oh my god....we hv a secretive jlo in da house!! no wonder all that tushy shakin was goin' on....i knew it wasn't a real hobbit, ha! as for the ring...which one are we talking about...surely not the original anyway..so...ben? chris? noa? marc??? lost count already...
the one Sauron gave me...we were married u know *giggles quietly*
oh sauron..good choice, brother hobbit. i had some good times with that old man n his fetish for white...ummm..
aaahhh...yes. thanks for refreshing my memory of sauron. black n white together with gandalf the grey..my! my! what a party that was!
halfway through they take some pills n suddenly gandalf becomes multicoloured...awesome innit???
esp'lly when he breaks into a jig in eastman colour. oops..wait, that was mithun da! :"> but gandalf was no less. he can perform awfully clever tricks with his staff, lemme assure ya!
I am God. Who called me? *flashes teeth* I yam a disco dancer...wakaaww!!*does a mean moonwalk* bring on the rosogullas!!
Hilton? My hotel is called Monarch, you know. After all, I am the King of Dance. *flashes more teeth* What say we go into a partnership....i mean professionally of course, Ms Hilton. Kya bolti tu? *does famous swinging step*
get a room, you two! *chuckle*
i need more space for virdi. the stud surd! wakaawww!!
Ms Hilton, please bring your rosogullas...err..i mean a bowl of rosogullas to the meeting. Thank you.
orri baba mithu da?? kemon aacho?? bhalo?? ki baba tumi Durgo Pujo teh dance fance korle na?? how is your new jama kpor??
bengoli joke>>
there was a bengoli and a shordarji... they didnt get a seat in the party hall, bengoli tells shordarji... shordarji shordarji, if bhee cannot shit inshide, bhee can shit outsdhie... :-)
mithun da bhelkaam to bhirdi's...
fao>> lets do dance together... i mean bhangra... ready?? lets put on some Jazzy B and Gurdas Maan and Harbhajan Maan tracks... 1. 2. 3. oye balle balle..
forget bhangra...its the time to disco! oops..i mean, for dandiya. *click! hop! turn! click! hop! poke! clunk!* oh..this is going awfully wrong...
fao me child....jap men don't dance. you're a warrior, remember! leave the dance to twinkle toes me *teen blush* and who is this mutton king?
m connecting with my softer, feminine side. virdi brings that out in me. you take mutton...dammit..i mean, mithun da. hez our disco king. waakaawww!!
Sardarji...Ki khobbor?? Balle Balle! Oye shava shava and all that...thanks for reminding me...must shave before meeting Ms Hilton. We are gonna sign a lucrative deal together you know. Since you are so nice in welcoming shelcoming me to your site, please welcome to my hotel anytime for free stay. Lots of rossogullas you will be fed :-) Sardarji....can i tell you a she-cret...i saw Ms Hilton's fotu on web...she is yummy! I think aami hilton ko bhalo bhashi....I will make her my 3rd..or is it 4th...anyway...my wife :-)
fao>> u idiot dont even know how to dance... poked the dandiya in my eye... ouch!!!
and lets ask Mithun da to teach us some Deesko Deance
the the blog also says Param Param Param Wakawwwwwww!! I named it after the Vivek Oberoi - Coke Vanilla advert... it was total disco advert... :-)
Mithuda>> u naughty man... no perverted talk... :-)
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