Girls and Forget It...

Well girls are dumb... OK, that was a big statement but was trying to say girls make us feel dumb, most of the times, because of the stupid phrases and expressions. Why do you girls complicate things in any relationship?? Guys have everything straight, like: I want to do this / I don't want to do this/ This guy is good/ This guy is bad/ I like this food/ I don't like this food.
Now for girls it is very complicated to be simple and very simple to be complicated, and if we poor rahuls of Earth don't understand what the brain of the fairer sex means (i.e. most of the times) the answer is FORGET IT. Girls have something like :
  1. Kajal: You know my mom's cousin sister's brother's daughter's goldfish died. Rahul: What?? Kajal: forget it, I am not explaining anything. You dont even understand simple things. Even my cousin who is 4 years old can understand this. Dont you have feelings for animals and insects and fishes? How can you be so cruel? (Rahul buys a cow and now milks it everyday)
  2. (Rahul and Kajal go out to eat) Rahul: What will you like to have? Kajal: You know what I like. You order for me. Rahul: Ok one aloo gobi and two dal. Kajal: You know I dont like aloo gobi. Rahul: I asked you na? Kajal: Forget it. Just forget it. You have been with me for the past 12 months and you dont even know what I like to eat and what I dont like to eat? What kind of boy friend are you? It would hve been better if I had this waiter as my boy friend. (*Kazam* Waiter disappers )
  3. (Kajal's exams got over today. She expects a phone call from Rahul. Rahul is caught in some other work and he didnt call. He calls after 1 hour)Kajal: You know my exams got over I was expecting a call from you and wanted to go out. Rahul: I was with my mom, she took me for diwali shopping. Kajal: Forget it. You never understand my feelings. Your mom is more important and what about my feelings? Rahul decide you want mom or me? Do you like hurting my feelings? (Rahul curses Ram for coming back from Sri Lanka. Damn Diwali!! Damn shopping!!)
  4. Kajal: Today is my friend's birthday, I want you to come to party. Rahul: No Kajal I have important meeting. Kajal: Forget it. I am not going to call you ever for any of my friends parties. You go and do your stupid meetings. (Rahul enjoy great dinner after the meeting with his boss, who happens to be a hot chick)
  5. Rahul calls Kajal: Hey Kajal, we can go for a movie tonight? Kajal: No Rahul I want to go to the beach. Rahul: But Kajal I bought tickets for Swades, please lets go. Kajal: How many times have I told you I dont like Shahrukh Khan movies? Just tell me how many times? You never understand me, never. Just forget it. I am staying home, you can go watch your Shahrukh Khan alone. (Rahul goes alone and watches the movie in peace. He thanks god for a wonderful day )
  6. Kajal: You know the girl Poonam in my class she is a real flirt and she talks to every guy in a way where the guy gets attracted to her. Today she banged into one guy and her dupatta kept falling of her shoulders. (Rahul is least interested in this conversation, he is having his desert and is nodding his head) Are you listening Rahul? Rahul: What?? Kajal: Forget it, I think I am talking to the walls. (Kajal gets up and walks away, Rahul can now eat the desert and enjoy it too)

Girls, may be we don't understand you but saying "Forget It" doesn't help us either. A simple NO would be better. I would request all the Kajals to please use the word NO liberally, we take that answer more sportingly, rather than the phrases YOUR WISH, FORGET IT, IT SEEMS, MAY BE, I DON'T THINK SO, I DON'T KNOW, REALLY?? HUH??, IF THATS WHAT YOU THINK and expressions which confuse the poor Rahuls of the earth.



Thanu said...

Arre wah!! me first again

All girls are not Kajal. Poor Rahul just met a high maintenance Kajal.. It was fun reading the post.

But lesson to Rahul:
Before taking ticket to Swades, call Kajal and ask "Arre yaar, movie jana hai?" U just can't expect Rahul to show up with ticket and Kajal be all excited abt it.

Me picturing Virdi, running ard singing this song Ladki Kyon Na Jaane Kyon Ladko Si Nahin Hoti

We girls are not all that complicated and hard to understand. Just make an effort.

Sayesha said...

Hahahaha! I LOVE this post! :D

Virdi said...

Thanu>> You will never understand MEN... forget it, just forget it... ;-) hehehe...

Sayesha How is your Daru buzniz going?? Hic Hic Hic!!! Ek batli milegi medem?? Kal paisha de dunga... Hic Hic Hic!!!

Parth Anand said...

hey.. awesome post...very the comments in brackets...

Virdi said...

Parth>> Cheers mate...

Anonymous said...

Dude, you are the new Hitch! Did you come up with all these scenarios yourself? Amazing... We gotta start thinking of making a movie with these ideas! :)

Maybe something like... What (Do) Women Want? (Really!)... or Albert Pinto Gay Kyon Hai? Hahahaha!

Virdi said...

Viv>> Thanks Thanks... Mere ko Virdi hi rehne do...


Virdi said...

Viv>> we can make a movie... Do women know, what they want??



Casablanca said...

Hahahahaha... this is so funny!
And who says all-girls-are-not-Kajal!! Almost all of them are.. and some are in denial. I am one of the latter ;)

PS: I posted on "Forget It" last month too.

Virdi said...

Casa>> hehehe...

people just see, some girls can even say the truth...


Anonymous said...

Are you speaking from experience?

Virdi said...

Para>> obviously... hehehe... :-)

Anonymous said...

Dont you have feelings for animals and insects and fishes? How can you be so cruel? (Rahul buys a cow and now milks it everyday)
good one.. and who is this famous kajal who appears in alot of your blogs???

ritzkini said...

rahul's reaction are out of this world ! hehehehehe..."rahul hamesha dhokha kyon khaata hai ??"good one surd..really good one...*applause*
ppl...desipundit featured him on a similar post a while back..Mr.Humility tho,didnt bother to mention's the "link"..
*applause*2* please..

Anonymous said...

what a boy you are! :-)

btw, methinks kajal was just trying to lose rahul...m telling ya, these tactics work like charms.

Anonymous said...

Fao San! u mean to say these boys actually think we're truly like this? *shock*

u think they actually don't get that we're politely telling them that they're useless, good-for-nothing, waste of space n that we've found a richer, more gullible man?? *gasp*

hold me! :-)

Anonymous said...

Interesting how this Kajal has systematically and deviously tortured our main man here.

Anonymous said...

KNEW Kajal would find a kindred soul in our oh so experienced Paris!

Anonymous said...

*philosophical look* Kajal's Loss, My Gain! muhahahahaha!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't believe what I am seeing. Are all you gals actually fighting over a MAN??

Anonymous said...

Would you rather we fight over a woman?

Coz, baybee, I can do that *smacks her hiney*

Anonymous said...

And yes fao, honey, first you take his money and then you take his soul...

Anonymous said...

sorry that was for hobbit...

Anonymous said...

you just can't take yer mind off me, can ya hiney? eeps, hunny?

will see y'all on tuesday! the hobbit n i are off on a v. short vacation.

a bientot!

Anonymous said...

funny post...but come on its seriously high time some of u girl bloggers out there write a huge post on the complexities of boys and what pains they can be at times.. u could write a few good things too about them if u want to.. come on girls u cant let sardar keep going on like this... lets fight back..:-)...anyways do take my suggestion...

Anonymous said...

where did u get the gold fish idea from?

i think its a good post. maybe... it seems ppl like it...
if thats wht u really think abt girls....i donno really... forget it!

Sayesha said...

Chachu you changed your profile photo! You should use the one that I said I liked, kya jhakkas dikhta hai usmein tu! ;)

Princessse said...

tooooooooo funny!!! Great post to remind those of us gals who sometime slip into the 'i dunno' or 'just forget it' mode to STOP!!! :)

Kya karein yaar, aakhir ladkiyaan ladkiyaan hi hongi right?


Anonymous said...

Oh..ill miss you two fabulous little things! Have a good one!

And I will hit on Virdi when you're gone.

Jagan said...

ha ha ..nice one ..ur first line "Well girls are dumb" ..well u know how to say things ..dont u ;-) .

Anonymous said...

we're back, adoring masses! let the games begin! *bboooonngggggg!!!*

virdee, we're cum...oops, coming for ya, babeh!

Anonymous said...

fao, don't be a smut-mouth honey!

I just skipped lunch to get my manicure...terribly hungry now.

Anonymous said...

a smut-mouth? sheesh, you judge me wrong, paris. it was a mere slip of the mind.

i want a manny-pedi too. n m hungry too. you will suffice for both needs.

Canary said...

u r an ideal candidate for a phd on girls ! coz u know most on dem alredy ! :p

Anonymous said...

i dont agree with half of the things you write about girls and i really dont agree with all this polarization of girls into different categories. I respect your opinion and I like reading your posts. But please dont tell me you have only met girls like Kajal and you have to devout so many lines depicting how emotional this "kajal" is. Sometimes it makes me feel as though "complicated" is synonymous with "girls" (the notion i get from reading your blogs...) I dont deny there are girls like Kajal and yeah okay I admit, there are girls who go gaga over every-damn-cubic-inch-of-space-if-its-oh-cho-chweet...But, havent u ever met sensible girls? Why not blog about them? Why dont you write about how great these girls are? Girls who can change their own punctured tyres and dont give two hoots even if their nails break once in a while..

Anonymous said...

Hi Virdee,
I have been reading your blog now for almost 3/4 months and stuff u write about girl gyaan is so true and funny :).. I wish my significant other understood the same way u understand girls. He thinks I am one of a kind and totally strange and unique in my complex behavior.:D.. Well keep the good work.

Camphor said...

I don't think so.

But it's your wish, what you choose to believe. Forget it, you won't understand.


Di said...

hey..nice blog.. :-)

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