Bombay Terrorist Attack !!!

Believe me kuch nahi badelega... I have been Cursing the Indian Government since the Internet got installed at my house, but kuch farak padha??? NOTHING !!! 

Just links to my earlier posts... 
  1. Indian Government Sucks 
  2. Economic Growth 8.5% so what???!!! 
  3. CCISS Syndrome
  4. Arjun Singh Ki Ma ki 
You know kyun farak nahi padega??? Kyunki actually kisi ko kuch farak nahi padhta hai... 10% indians are well educated but the aam aadmi is illitrate and hungry... More than 50% of Indians live on Rs25.00 per day... That's what the government says... If an Indian can earn more than $0.50, then he is above the poverty line... Most of the Indians in this group are daily wage workers... 
Now please tell me how many people earn more than Rs 3 lakh per annum? 5%? ok 10%? can 10% of the population change the whole system? NO THEY CANT... If someone did his maths correctly then 90% is greater than 10%... 
90% of the people in India have to different thing to worry everyday, "If I don't go to the fields or factory today my kids might not be able to have food tomorrow. If I don't go to work for 1 week they might not be able to give their school fees next month" Is this daily worker least bothered about some 5 star hotel burning in some Colaba Shithole in some place in Mumbai? The motherfucking single day rent at Taj Colaba is around Rs25,000. 
Some policeman died in this Mumbai attack, his salary was Rs 2500 per month... Now just tell me, why should some policeman die saving some bastard who is paying 10 times his motherfucking salary for just using a bed to stay in a hotel room for one night?? Marne do the so called "ELITE" class of India ko... Let them die !!! 
Bombay has seen Bomb blasts in Trains and shootouts etc... Kisi bhi "ELITE" class wale ko kuch farak padha?? Nothing !!! Abhi jab Taj & Oberoi mein attack hua hai toh sabhi log "Hai dhaiya hai dhaiya" karr rahe hain... 
I have no issues with the ELITE class, but the government is inefficient & ineffective & shameless... They don't deserve to rule this country... We shouldn't have democracy in India... We should have military raj... I am ready to give away all my freedom for a better India tomorrow... Atleast 200 years down the line we can have a great India...  

Come on Bharat ki Napunsak Sarkar... I can do better in 1 day than what you do in next 10 years... 
  1. We need to open more schools
  2. We need to help the agriculture sector's growth
  3. We need to make more steel plants for a stronger India
  4. We need to build more roads
  5. We need more thermal power plants for 100% electricity in the whole of India
  6. We need to build Railway lines must which touch Ladakh & Srinagar
  7. We need to Ask the people who earn more than Rs 1 crore to give 45% of their salary as tax... They would still have a take away as Rs 55 Lakhs... Tax the motherfucking ELITE !!! You want protection?? Pay for it assholes... 
  8. We need to make social responsibility compulsory... 1 year of Military or NCC service... or 3 years of NSS... Choose... 
  9. Very strict laws... Very motherfcking strict... (Writing this with grinding teeth)
  10. Increase the salary of the police by 3 times... Give them the authority to use the danda when ever they feel its necessary... Indians listen to danda only !!! 
Ok... Got to sleep now... Kafi late ho gaya... 


Ravi said...

wow Virdi! Though the tone was a bit strong, I second most of your thoughts. But again as Boogerwormie said, death is death. Does not matter where it happens. Anyway, India is a "punyabhoomi" because inspite of plundering of wealth all these years by invasion and imperialists and then by our politicians, we still seem to retain our "flavour". So lets hope we get to see what we would like to see in the future - that too during our lifetime!

Virdi said...

Boogerwormie said...
Why don't the rich & elite of Bombay say the same thing when we have bomb blasts in Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Malegaon, Varanasi, Delhi & Guwahati???
Why are the rich not on streets protesting when there r bomb blasts in the Trains of Bombay???
No one deserves to die??? Only the rich don't deserve to die in India... The farmers & local passengers die every minute in India & the rich don't care !!!
Ravi said...
I sometimes think that these terrorists were about to do a great favor to the nation by attacking the parliament house in Dec of 2001... Just that the MPs didn't get killed... Why don't the Terrorists blow up the whole Parliament house when the Parliament is in session... The biggest threat to the nation are these so called politicians as you have said...

Sumit Goel said...

I completely agree with u !! sahi mein kuch nahi badlega

Anonymous said...

We need to open more schools
>> Who is going to teach at those schools? Do you have enough qualified well paid teachers?

We need to help the agriculture sector's growth
>> Before doing that, do you know what percentage of produce is wasted in transportation? How is that problem going to be solved.

We need to make more steel plants for a stronger India
>> No one wants to buy steel. Steel prices are at an all time low. Are you going to force the PSU to bleed capital and set up unnecessary production capacities?

We need to build more roads
>> Where are you going to build roads in the cities? Do you have a plan for relocating the people living on either sides of the roads. What are you going to be about the corruption and lack of decent engineers required to build and execute these projects?

We need more thermal power plants for 100% electricity in the whole of India
>> How are you going to transport this electricity to the remote areas without the infrastructure for power transmission?

We need to build Railway lines must which touch Ladakh & Srinagar
>> How are you going to prevent the militants from blowing them up everytime you lay a track down?

We need to Ask the people who earn more than Rs 1 crore to give 45% of their salary as tax... They would still have a take away as Rs 55 Lakhs... Tax the motherfucking ELITE !!! You want protection?? Pay for it assholes...
>> Doesn't this contradict your stand on reservation? Just because you earn more money out of your superior abilities, should you get punished for it? Just like just because you're from a higher caste, you get the short end of the stick?

We need to make social responsibility compulsory... 1 year of Military or NCC service... or 3 years of NSS... Choose...
Very strict laws... Very motherfcking strict... (Writing this with grinding teeth)
>> For once we agree.

Increase the salary of the police by 3 times... Give them the authority to use the danda when ever they feel its necessary... Indians listen to danda only !!!
>> We agree again.

What do you do for a living my friend? The problem with India is the good learned people like you and I don't understand their duties as citizens. All we can fight about is congress/BJP when the fault is of the government in power, irrespective of their affiliations. When are you going to hold politicians responsible for their incompetence and NOT hold political idealogies responsible for the same incompetence?

Dewdrop said...

Strong words and feelings... as for me, for the first time, seeing the Taj in flames, I felt pure anger and hatred... I agree, agar hum nahin jaagenge, toh there won't be an India left to salvage! Jaago re!

Anil said...

Careful what you ask for.

1. Your 45% tax sounds more like a punishment to the Rich just for being rich. People become rich in different ways - some hustle and cheat their way to the top, and some become rich through hard work. If you became rich through your hard work and entrepreneurial spirit, would you want to give away half your wealth to the government?

What you need instead is a fair taxation system that is not so harsh that it gives the rich an incentive to avoid taxes using tax loopholes. Also, the reason our taxation system sucks so bad is because it's implemented so poorly. Most Indians just don't pay taxes. Period. If every financial transaction was reported the way institutions have to do in the US, very few people could get away with reporting false income.

2. Making laws strict will only give the police more ways to misuse them. The cost of strict laws is probably not worth the minor increase in security you will get.

Security is bad in India, but is it because of poor laws, or poor implementation of the current laws?

One terrorist attack and you are willing to give up your civic rights and freedoms. In our hatred for the terrorists we have forgotten that the police system in India is so rife with corruption and incompetence that giving them more laws to play with will only worsen the lives of innocent people.

3. Compulsory military service? For what?

Anil said...

I just read Sumit's post above and I agree - it's easy to get carried away by emotion and suggest simple solutions for complex problems, but the whole problem of public policy is that every decision has consequences and there are myriad details to worry about.

Good policy is not like a band-aid. It should first determine the real problem to be solved and then attempt to solve it.

Build a good business environment and allow the market to build steel plants or whatever is good for the economy, instead of trying to build steel plants (that's where the socialist states tried and failed)

Abhishek Upadhyay said...

Very true.Saala it took more than 6000 farmers to commit suicide to make news.I remember when Sensex crossed 20,000 mark,entire front page was dedicated to it.remaining was dedicated to Ambani bros who had then become one of top 10 richest person in 4-5th page in corner in small para there was another news.8 farmers commited suicide in Vidhardha on single day.
Chato sensex ko lekar.

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