Tagged... Doing after a long long time... :-)

  • If your lover betrayed you what would your reaction be?
Well if my lover betrays me, it means she never loved me. May be once or twice she felt "yeah he is a nice guy". When you are in love its like giving 100% to the other person, come what may. Stand with him forver. If someone, in whom you have faith & belief, doesnt stand up for you then I don't think she was my lover ever. My reation would be "What a fool I was to think you were worthy enough to be my lover!!! My mistake, that I gave you my 100%. " 
  • If you have a dream come true, what would it be? 
It can't come true, but if it can then I would like to see Indian Hockey team (men and women) win the Olympic Gold & the World Cup. World Champions !!! 
  • If you could, whose butt would you like to kick? 
Can I kick two? KPS Gill.... The son-of-a-gun is responsible for all the mess in Indian Hockey. The second would be LTTE guy Prabhakaran, for teaching the terrorists "Sucide Bombing". 
  • What would you do with a billion dollars? 
Woaaaahhhhh !!! Firstly I will make few hockey stadiums in India. Every district in India should have a hockey stadium. Then go around europe with my wife for a very long vacation. :-) 
  • Will you fall in love with your best friend? 
I can't, when he speaks I always keep quite. My best friend is Sports on TV. I can't marry him right. :-) 
  • Which is more blessed: loving someone or being loved by someone? 
I think the combination of both. Like you love someone and you get 100% love in return. thats an amazing feeling. 
  • How long do you intend to wait for someone you love? 
Hmmm... 3 phone calls !!! I call 3 times and if things don't work out, then I know things will never workout. He He He He... I don't really know.... It depends on the feeling, as I said "I would wait forever to see India win the Hockey World Cup and Hockey Olympic Gold." Thats how much I love the sport. 
  • If the person you secretly like is attached, what will you do? 
I would secretly move away. It's better to stay away that to make her, her boy friend's and my life hell. She has chosen someone above me, because she made a decision. If I had the balls to love her or get attarcted towards her, I should also have the balls to respect her decision and stay away from creating the mess !! Right? Absolutly sir !!! Thanks... 
  • If you could root for one social cause, what would it be? 
Ask every minister in India to show the money he/she has spent in the upliftment of his / her parliamentary constituency and the money he/she has spent on himself/ herself... And then I would prove to India that, all the money spent on Himself / herself = Total money spent in the upliftment of his / her parliamentary constituency. Bloody Cheats !!!
  • Do you lie? 
Yes. Today India will win the hockey match !!! Today India will play good match against Holland !!! 
  • Where do you see yourself 10 years from now? 
Cant predict such things. If the question is "What you want to do in your career?" then my answer is "Earn lots of money and keep my parents happy and proud about me."  How? "I don't know !!!" 
  • What’s your fear? 
That the hot water kept for tea on the gas stove will fall on my thigh again today. 
  • What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is? 
Helpful, Straight forward, Good sense of humor and yes BIG EYES !!!! I don't know her much though. 
May be in future I would come to know she is a good chess player. She might play well with her weaker hand too. 
  • Would you rather be single and rich or married and poor? 
Single and rich? I want to be Ok Ok in sense of money and married. Don't want to be poor either. 
  • If you fall in love with two people simultaneously who will you pick? 
I would ask Katrina Kaif and Kareena Kapoor to have a boxing match, whoever wins can be with me, after I complete 65 years of married life !!! 
  • Would you give all in a relationship? 
I will. Everyone should. Only then its a relationship. 
  • Would you forgive and forget someone no matter how horrible a thing he has done? 
Yes we should, because everyone deserves a chance. And ultimately he will know what he has done is wrong, so why have grudges? Jaane do bhool jao... Chillax... Relax...  But if some duffer keeps thinking "No I haven't done anything wrong, I did what was best. Then somone should slap him and say, "Because of you India lost the match, so just shut the hiccup" "
  • Do you prefer being single or in a relationship? 
Single when I am watching football, hockey, cricket and formula 1 on TV. And married all the other times. :-) 
  • Your all time favourite song. Only ONE. And why? 
Another Brick in the Wall 
We don't need no education 
We dont need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers leave them kids alone
Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!
All in all it's just another brick in the wall.
All in all you're just another brick in the wall..................

and why??? Because I rellay don't want to be "just another brick in the wall".... 
  • I TAG these 6 people because…
No tagging.... This is a very personal tag... Too many personal questions... :-) If anyone wants to do then please do it... 
But ultimately we want to know what kind of person is he or she, hence the tagging thing... :-) 


Girl With Big Eyes said...

Looks like your wife has some good competition in your life against sports in TV!

I'd have loved to hear her version of it :)

Virdi said...

hahahaha... she made fun of me after she saw the post... and I
finished watching the formula 1 race just now...

and then she made me make the dough for rotis just now... :-) can you please switch of the grrrrrrr coming on TV? even the TV might have got irritated hearing that... thats what she said.... khi khi khi khi khi...

I got to watch the football match now... may be will ask her to do some work on the computer "wifely can u pls send email to mum and ask her about all the names of my cousins? stay in the computer room for next 90 mins... Manchester city is playing... "

david santos said...

Hello Virdi!
I passed to desire a good week.
Congratulations for your posting.

santasizing...Fantasizing said...

hey Virdi,came across ur blog through Sayesha's..u r damn good!!!
and believe me..i have had a wonderful way of spending my non work days at office like this:-)
starting today!!
Cheerio dude!

kartoos said...

Sports crazy r u:D. i havent seen someone mention sports so much in a love tag:D

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