Himesh Karo Hum Pe "Karzzzz"... No Music Please !!!

I just listened to the Songs of Karzzzz, dont know who said the greater the number of Zzzzz the better the luck, the better the music, the better movie... All I can say is that Greater the Number of Z greater the Crrrrrrap !!! (see the 5 R) 

मेरी पूरी बैंड बज्ज गई है !!!

And as the poster suggests here, ये इंसान हमसे कुछ बदला जरूर ले रहा है !! The song "एक हसीना थी " पूरा बरबाद कर दिया गया है !!! Himesh's music is bad and if he starts singing he screws the happiness nice and proper !!! Himesh you seriously need people who are your genuine friends, those who don't lie to you !!! 

You Suck Dude !!! You are the MAN !!! 

And who the "Phoonk" wrote the lyrics of the song "Tan Tan Tannaa Tandoori Nights"??!!! May be was watching "The Phoonk" on the toilet when the lyrics were written !!! May be this guy wrote I don't know!!

And seriously telling these were my expresions after listening to the songs !!! 

Troubled !!! 

Found the Bag Full of Crap !!! 

We should all avoid this album !!! 

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