
I found something really cool on the internet. Click here to go to the site.

This is some place where you can say what kind of music you like, what you love to do when you are free, where would you like to be at this moment. Nice thing to remember how I was feling on 24th of March 2007. Really cool I say.

And then this site makes a photo kind of thing with HTML code, so that stupid and jobless people like me can use the HTML code and put on their blog. And even stupider people like you read what this stupid person's likes and dislikes are.

Now see I can challenge that you are going to say, "Hmmm this guy thinks he is too smart. Bloody idiot he is." Now you are going to close the window of this blog and when you are about to do, you will think, "Let me just check the site once"

Ok OK Carry on, anyways you are not going to take my permission. :D hehehehehe



Anonymous said...

the new color scheme is hurting my eyes... ouch!!

Virdi said...

abe chup... its so cool... and btw i dont need ur permission...

hmmmph !!!! :P

Anonymous said...

i love this visual dna thingy...real cool :) nice new look, fresh and high time a change was needed :)

Virdi said...

yeah change is part of life and BLOG!!!!

btw my dearest Biwi did BLOG thing change for me. She rocks !!!!!

Pallavi said...

new color scheme is looking too decent for u..:P..pls change it..and what tp man!

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