Worst Expression in a Hindi movie for the year 2007

My brother did some cutting shutting and music copying and made this small video. Its funny.

Which is this movie?

Posting the Diwali Photos

I celebrated Diwali in my home town after 11 years. Looks like a long time but in the sleepy little town of Kharagpur in West Bangal, things are still like that. You have fun only if you celebrate Diwali with your family. The bigger the better. :-)

Trupti took care of the Laxmi Pooja and kept all the "Pooja Ki Samahgri" in one plate. Looks good.
Mithaiiiii !!!
My wife knows whats to be done during Laxmi Pooja. Now Laxmi Mata will get impressed and mere paas Croroes aa jayenge. :-)
Everything together.
Mom even decorated the diyas with some flower petals.

Trupti with those diyas.
We together.
Trupti doing the Laxmi Pooja.
Fufarji, Bhuaji and Naniji
Naniji, Papa and Mummy
Grownd Chakri. :-)
All the fire crackers. We made the flowerpots or Anars at our place. Papa knew all the ingredients and we mixed them and filled them in the small pots. They were pretty good!!!
Check our the home made flower pot.
Bloody Brilliant !!
Hand Chakri !! I got a blister on my hand later. Bloody hell.
My Tauji.
Bhuaji and Mommy !!
Naniji and Trupti. Trupti making borwnie points again. hehehehe.
Papa teaching me how to make the flowerpots catch fire, if the flowerput is half burnt. You need to put some masala there and then burn the whole thing. He had some ideas, took his time and made the half burnt flowerpot go up again. Some skills but I thought we were wasting too much time over a silly thing and burnt two new ones. Khi Khi Khi Khi.
Nikku Ji !!!
Hand Chakri !!
Yeah here I got a bloody blister on my hand !!!
Two Anaarrrrrrrrrs !!! We made these at our place. Bloody good business proposal!!!
Mamaji came late but he also had some ideas. He said take the ground chakri in your hand , burn it and then put it on the ground. Yeah dare devils do that !! :-)

Ghar ki Sajawat !!
Diwali in Bengal is celebrated as Kali Pooja. We saw some Kali Pooja Pandals as we went to drop our cousins back home.
Jai Ma Kali.

Diwali was great this year :-)

Divya From Abu Dhabi

Went to Abu Dhabi few months back and met Trupti's friend Kavita. She has the prettiest daughter and obviously one of the naughtiest. And I never told her to make all these faces, I promise I never told her.

Sorry you cant see me. I want to hide behind the "MENU CARD".
Under the table shaitani.
Bring my food fast. :-)
She kept playing with the sauce. I asked her Divya you want to come with me to Madras, she replied "MAIN NAHI JAYINGA!!"
See I never taught her to do this.
And this !!!
And this either!!!
She looked so innocent and so pretty, and she is pretty smart.
Well when I was 4 years old if someone said go there and stand I would be a fool and stand there. Now kids ask , "Excuse me, why do you want me to stand there? Whats your motive behind doing this? Why do you want me to do what you have asked me to do?" OK OK OK Dont do, the kid still has an answer these days "Make up your mind boss, what do you want me to do?"
Divya was not at all like this, but yes I have met kids who are like that. PHEW !!! DANGEROUS KIDS !!! Kids these days are they smart or we were dumb?

Asanti Sana Kenya

Just back from trip to Kenya. It was beautiful. Although I went there on work our Africa boss made sure we went out for a safari one day. And we went to Nakuru National Park. Its around 175 kms from Nairobi and the drive was brilliant. We had to go through the Great Rift Valley. I didnt know but apparently the valley starts from Lebanon and ends in Mozambique. On the way we also saw some dormant volcanoes and some craters formed millions of years ago.

I am just posting lots of photos and writing a line below it.

In Giraffe National Park. They take the cereals from your hand and you can click photos.

At times I got scared, because of the quick movement of their heads.
There was this small bird sucking nectar from flowers in the park. It was as small as a match box.
Lazy Tortoise

Entering the Rift Valley.

Pretty Bird. There are around 400 species of birds in Nakuru National Park. On a lucky day you can find 100.

Ugandan Crane

Proud Bird. Showing off !!!

Flamingos. Millions of them !!!

Hadada Ibis Couple !!!

Some bird I never saw ever in my life. Don't know name also.

Hadada on top of tree. Its called Hadada because when it flies it makes noise like Ha-da-da.

Pelicans. They walk funny !!!

A bird on Zebra, crossing.


Baby Zebra :-) Looks so cool !!!

Leopard on the prowl.

Leopard has an antelope in his mouth !!! Bloody scary. It was 20 feet away from us.

Pretty Flowers !!

Giraffe's family !!

Lion has the look. "CUT THE CRAP, WHERE IS MY FOOD?"

Another Species of Bird

One of the Pelicans was such a show off. It came out of water and then cleaned its feathers and then flew all across the Park. Few of the pictures are here.

Elegant !!!

The bird had a wingspan of around 2 meters. It was just huge.

While we were walking aroundn the park our guide showed us a tree and it had mud all around the bark , around 3 feet high. He told us this was done by the wild boars.

What they do is they rub their body in mud because they have small small insects on their body all the time. When they rub their body on the ground mud sticks to their back and they basically creat a coat kind of thing around their body, now the insects cant breath and they die. Hence they dont feel the insects biting or moving around their body. What they then do is rub their body on some tree in the evening and remove the mud. We could then relate the 3 foot high mud on trees.

The most scray part, was yet to come. He said "This kind of mud if you find on trees at a height of 5 ft or 6 ft, you should run for you lives. Because you are in the territory of rhinos and buffaloes. This kind of mud rubbing on trees done by pigs, is also done by wild buffalos and rhinos. And if they have babies with them they would surely attack" That guy scared the shit out of us.

Kenya was very very enchanting I would say.

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