Posting the Diwali Photos

I celebrated Diwali in my home town after 11 years. Looks like a long time but in the sleepy little town of Kharagpur in West Bangal, things are still like that. You have fun only if you celebrate Diwali with your family. The bigger the better. :-)

Trupti took care of the Laxmi Pooja and kept all the "Pooja Ki Samahgri" in one plate. Looks good.
Mithaiiiii !!!
My wife knows whats to be done during Laxmi Pooja. Now Laxmi Mata will get impressed and mere paas Croroes aa jayenge. :-)
Everything together.
Mom even decorated the diyas with some flower petals.

Trupti with those diyas.
We together.
Trupti doing the Laxmi Pooja.
Fufarji, Bhuaji and Naniji
Naniji, Papa and Mummy
Grownd Chakri. :-)
All the fire crackers. We made the flowerpots or Anars at our place. Papa knew all the ingredients and we mixed them and filled them in the small pots. They were pretty good!!!
Check our the home made flower pot.
Bloody Brilliant !!
Hand Chakri !! I got a blister on my hand later. Bloody hell.
My Tauji.
Bhuaji and Mommy !!
Naniji and Trupti. Trupti making borwnie points again. hehehehe.
Papa teaching me how to make the flowerpots catch fire, if the flowerput is half burnt. You need to put some masala there and then burn the whole thing. He had some ideas, took his time and made the half burnt flowerpot go up again. Some skills but I thought we were wasting too much time over a silly thing and burnt two new ones. Khi Khi Khi Khi.
Nikku Ji !!!
Hand Chakri !!
Yeah here I got a bloody blister on my hand !!!
Two Anaarrrrrrrrrs !!! We made these at our place. Bloody good business proposal!!!
Mamaji came late but he also had some ideas. He said take the ground chakri in your hand , burn it and then put it on the ground. Yeah dare devils do that !! :-)

Ghar ki Sajawat !!
Diwali in Bengal is celebrated as Kali Pooja. We saw some Kali Pooja Pandals as we went to drop our cousins back home.
Jai Ma Kali.

Diwali was great this year :-)


Anonymous said...

Good photos.

The "V..." at the end looks crap.

Rays Of Sun said...

Colorful diyas and mithai's look awesome.
Akele kha dukha???:P
I need to ask Trupti how she got the Brownie pts;) does one make Anar at home:O

Anonymous said...

Dude..I know we dont know each other...but I wanted to say congratulations to you on your wedding and all the pictures of you and your guys look so happy! I have been reading your blog and looking at all the nice pictures for some time now..have left some comments (no replies from you for them...which means punishment for you...severe beating around the head and neck region :)..and have enjoyed all that you put on here...keep it up..
The Freakshow

Rays Of Sun said...

OMG, this Freakshow started from my blog and got here:O
And never leaves comments on my blog..Not acceptable...HMPHHHHH:P

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