New ADIDAS Showroom

There is this new Adidas showroom which has opened up in T Nagar near GRT Grand. Me and Kini went there to check out some sneekers. Its the second biggest showroom in Asia Pacific Region. Well its different. Simply because they tell you which shoe you should buy. Technology I say.

Ok "The Funda". They make you walk normally, like you are having a casual walk in the garden types. Then they ask you to put your right foot first on a sensor plate. They map out where you are putting more pressure on your foot. Similarly they ask you to put your left foot and then they again map the pressure areas. Like, is it the sole or the front part of the foot which needs more support and cusion.

All that fundas for free and then they ask you to check out some shoes. Costly ones ok??? The sales guys havent asked the budget yet. Smart asses I say what.

The sensor plate

Maping of the foot

The pressure areas are shown here.
They photos were taken by the camera in my phone, so didnt come that great.

There was this sales guy Wasim. Bloody what stud guy he is. He was with us all the time and was asking me "Sirji aap Punjab se ho? Sir Ji aap bhi kuch le lo. Bahut badhiya samaan hai. Sirji shoes hain toh fir t-shirt le lo. Sirji sweat shirt le lo"

Bloody stud only.

Kini Bola, "Sala bahut aage jayega yeh aadmi." Sometimes Kini thinks he is someone like Dabur Seth in Deevar. Worsht!!!

Had a nice time. If you get a chance please do pay a to visit this place. Its a different experience. Its like my girl friend telling me what I should to wear or not wear and what I will look good in. ;-)

Ultimately Kini said,"Because of the shop I spent the double of what I had planned to spend before entering."



ketki said...

seems to be a nice place.....
something too goo to miss......

ketki said...

oops !
i ment to say too GOOD to miss!

Sneha said...

ohh they ALWAYS convince me to buy stuff worth triple the amount that i had decided to spend.

but seriously, won't the tech software or watever suggest the priciest of shoes?? just so that they make more money? eh? lol..

Anonymous said...

Yaar.. that is the most faltu technology I have come across.. anything to get customers to buy expensive stuff

--- Boogerworm (since ur blog is non-beta and mine is beta.. i cant post comments using my id... )

ggop said...

All this stuff makes sense for people who jog or run. A person's gait or jog is a good indicator of his/her tendency to overpronate. People with fallen arches may need extra support.

It all depends on your needs. From my experience, it pays to invest in a good pair of shoes if you run regularly. (on or off the treadmill) You can probably compromise on the price if its just for casual wear.

And no - I don't work for a sportswear firm :-)

Naresh said...

Just as Kini said - "Double kharch ho gaya." Ab to use seth banane to - Dabur seth.

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