Mallus, I am back !!!

Hello Mallus,

I am coming to Cochin again. ;-)

Bloody fools I dare if you make me sick again. Bastards you made me sick and fooking poked needles in my arms and my ass. As if you were dying to look at a sardar ass, but you might not get a chance this time. I am carrying pills with me this time, wont fall sick.

Hey some of you Mallus think, you will say things to me and I will not come to Kerala??? Thrrrrbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrttttttt to you... and also ,,/, to you...

I am going there because it is just another project. I am not , I repeat, I am not interested in the fat females and their facial hair or their big ass or the huge stomach, which was just spilling out of their sarees. I am just going there, completeing a project and coming back. No love and affection. Got it???

No kazambahoooooooooooo or any pork or beef or human meat, just bread and jam and bananas and other fruits. U cant make me sick this time.

And who ever says anything to me, I will throw chillie powder on the hairy face of their girl friends.

Hey seriously you mallus are a hairy race. Looks like God did some practical joke on you, threw all of you in a place which is bloody hot, gave a lot of fat and then lot of hair and then asked you people to say "god's own country!!!" so that you guys dont run away from Kerala. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

chal mallus, see you once I am back !!!



Anonymous said...

you are one prejudiced sardar!

*21. Guys really admire girls that they like even if they're not that much pretty*

quoting this from ur blog on guy fundes.. like hell u do! even if u look like walking potato.. u can make fun of other unpretty girls ( ones who are unfortunately laden with facial hair in ur case)

contradiction mister virdi??

p.s - give up on ur threats .. jus doesnt work!

Anonymous said...

hope yr kid marries a mallu, that would be sweet justice :P

Anonymous said...

whatta kid! *sighs n shakes head!*

Praveen R. said...

hahaha...u sardars all carry the hairy gene with ya..and i dont beleive ur telling me that mallu's are hairy

Virdi said...

y dont u jus give up!?>> hey i never made fun of the females in Mallu land... They r just fat and hairy... I am giving facts...

and please that # 21 post was just a blooooody forward of some mail... uffff, why r girls so dumb???? god please give them some brains...

Anon>> I dont care as long it is a normal kid and marries a normal mallu... :-) did i mention, Mallus are super duper rich also... ;-)

fao san>> aa gayi hum saab ki Mallu aunty.... abe one question, why the hell do u guys drink hot water before food??????????? keeps u'll hot????

Praveen>> well what can i say... sardars are les hairy than bears and mallus are little more... thats all...

Giridhar>> I have huge respect of they are very brave... who told u that??? bloody most intelligent race they are... not brave and all that shit... Just see the population of surds across the globe...

and south indians land up in London and the surdars call the poor south indians, "Bloody immigrants, these guys have brought menace to my motherland. England !!!"

Superior race u see... Intelligent... and may be brave...

Anonymous said...

abe get nasty abt mallus' lifestyles n it pricks you on the quick when someone returns the compliment? :-p but yup...some ppl. here were downright mean...(pppsstt..good job, some ppl.!)

hot kill all the germs/cola contamination in the water, duffer! its a lot healthier than cold water. seriously, do get an education some time, me surd boy! :-) n spread the word in punjab.

Anonymous said...

oh lol lol lol at everything wot fao says... =))

Just Jane said...

surdie! a certain chotu person told me that in your post all the places that the word 'mallu' appears can be substituted by the words 'punju' and the post will still be apt!

hahahahhahahahahhaha!!! :D :P

Virdi said...

Fao>>> Compliment??? Who gave a compliment??? abe u cant chadhao a surd on a chane ka jhaad anymore saying "sardars are brave"

aajkal hum logon ka dimag bahut chalta hai... i knew what Giri was upto...

tera dimag toh theek hai??? if i say "pls drink hot water before food" to a sardar, he will laugh at me and will say "oye choop kar oye... yeh le peg pee le..."

Sugar and Spice>> Teri toh... Bhrrrrrrrrrpppppppp in front of you...

The Chosen>>> Chop kaaar oye... Nahi toh Sidhu aaa jayega...

Anonymous said...

oh!! and u put up forwards in ur blog that u dont believe in..
sure u do..
jus got one thing to tell u ..
u are a L.O.S.E.R!!
get a life!

Just Jane said...

Siddhu is no patch on Piddhu the Great :P So bring on all the sardars u can re, sab ke saamne ek patiala peg daalthe hain aur dekh kaise pighalthe hain :P :P :P

Anonymous said...

*sigh* dont have enough excitement in your life Gurl?? :-) Dissing a state openly and riling the feathers of these clowns??? Good job buddy! Best blogs I've read on your site. EVER. dontcha agree Fao San?

Virdi said...

y dont u jus give up!? >> eh??? most of the things here are never to be folowed... jobless yaar... so wasting my time... dont follow everything on my blog... pls... its just a bloody blog... ;-)

The Chosen>> Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

abe Piddu the great is the worsht laugh on sardars.... And the Sardars from Amritsar infact elected Sidhu as their representative... Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

saale sardar logon ko sachi mein akal nahi hai...

Vikram>>> Ok u can say racist... but why??? just wanted to know, because i am making fun of Mallus???

Hobbit>> There is excitement fatso... But not as excited as sending a message to 200 people in the morning with a poem... Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha


Anonymous said...

@ surd's replies...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! *sniff!* thank you, man! just for that, i invite you for onasadhya (onam feast). ll msg you the details. i'd love you to come. for variety entertainment, ll screen your mallu posts on the OHP for the benefits of all the congregated nairs. n to make their life simpler, ll draw a cross wire on your forehead!

dontcha worry, me laddie. you can mollify them with some toddy/arrack! unfortunately, no chicken curry allowed coz its a onasadhya.

Virdi said...

free food na??? jhakaaaaaasssssss...

abe shall i also call Piddu the great and some sardars from Amritsar???? Khi Khi Khi Khi Khi Khi Khi Khi Khi Khi Khi


Anonymous said... freeloaders from amritsar. a surd from madras is all they can handle.

its on sun. keep yourself free for lunch.

Virdi said...

but Fao I have to bring something, after all its the biggest Mallu festival...

can i bring my friends and cousins??? and all of them will be surds, but from Madras... good surds like me... ;-)

Khi Khi Khi Khi Khi Khi Khi

JM said...

"y dont u jus give up!? >> eh??? most of the things here are never to be folowed... jobless yaar... so wasting my time... dont follow everything on my blog... pls... its just a bloody blog..."

Virdi..."You Rock Man...|

Anonymous said...

Gowd, this man is really prejudiced, bahot bura kiya hoga mallus ne yeh sardar ke saath! tch tch ;)

Boogerworm said...

I am staying in Karnataka... there are soooo many mallus out here... none of the girls are fat and hairy. (Why cant girls be hairy?)
Kerala is one of the most beautiful places in India... u are lucky you are going there again.
I have stayed at Chennai for 2 months where I had no friends, didnt understand one word of Tamil... but hey, this is prejudice man...
U have to stay at Cochin whether you like or not... why crib about it? Be a nice sardar and stop bitching about mallus... U just might end up with one.
And what do u mean by "Why are girls so dumb?"... C'mon guys, dont come up with that statement when u cant think of anything to say...

Virdi said...

Jay Rulz>> ahem ahem... i am rock... The Scorpion King... ;-)

Anon>> Jee nahi... I didnt allow any mallu to come close enough...

Bulbul>> Yes mallus are pretty... See Vidya Balan.. She is awesomly pretty... See Shakeela she is awesomly pretty...

Abe its not abt who is pretty or not... Its like Mallus are hairy and sardars are dumb and Biharis are idiots and UP bhaiya log are stupid buggers... Just facts... Simple facts...

Poor you, I think the Madrasis didnt like u... Kerala is beautiful... Eh??? So???

WHy are girls dumb???!!! Ok giving u proof... He He He He He He He He He... See I am just stating facts...

Do u understand the offside rule in Football??? Ask all the girls on the planet not a single one except Fao San understands the rule... She is the only girl who understands sports like sports... And she is Mallu...


Anonymous said...

yup! yup! i know offside rules! :-) thats how all my goals used to be disallowed! x-( bloody pedantic boys! humph!

n hey, sam san knows offside rules too! but she doesn't like least not the kinds we're talking abt here.

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