IIT Madras lingos

well living in campus taught me different words which i had never heared in my life and will never hear them in future........

Ob or Obli : Obviously ; obli was world given by Jhatax... (batch of 2003, Comp Sc, Alakh )

Country : dumb bugger/ idiot/ can be used to just say "i m superior than you.. tu sala country hai"

Janta : group of people (more than 3 infact); can be used like janta are eating, janta are studing, etc etc

Hazar : Anything number more than 3 upto infinity; can be used like hazar people came to my room (it means 4 guys came to my room, infact) can be used for things like "hazar tired", means too much tired.... "hazar tired" was used by "Biju" was footer goli(in inter IIT 2003)... didnt touch the ball for 3 matches....  

Pseude : it is used for the complete thing.... like pseude guy ( raymonds complete man types) pseude phone, pseude jeans, pseude whatever whatever.....

Pain: in general sense to say "i m unhappy"....... like  i m pained of life, i m pained by that guy,

Sexy : well this is used for everything, sexy shirt  to sexy weather to sexy shot..... just an expression to show extreme of anything....

Maacha: means sala in tamil  , "wots up macha?" types

Da : means yaar in tamil, "hi da", "bye da", types.....

FUCK:  can be used in any sense, "what the fuck" ( here it means "wht? are u serious?", or just "Fuck!!!" ( @ 100 decibles ) means something major happend.... and it could be he got 9.5 CG this sem or can be he got 6.2 CG this sem... another extreme for of expression....

Are there : now i had never heard this ever in my life, it can be used for " water are there, wandi are there, sexy babes are there..... "

Wandi: can be used for bike, car, etc.. etc..

Pack : forget it / no need to discuss it... "game pack karo...." means stop the game.......

Jobless : being free/no work....... if someone asks " what are u doing ? " and the answer is Jobless it means "i m free"....

Enthu: enthisiasm.... like "show some enthu da"

Crip : complaining basically..... like "stop cribing man"
Bulb: used for dumb person...... like "bulb hai sala"

Fart : general timepass gup-shup/ gossip..... making no sense.......

Cog : copying.... "cog mar ke pass ho gaya sala".....

Cock: abe cock mat maaar... dont bullshit types.....

Cupax : means faliure
Injection : getting cornered.....

Ra : generally used anywhere..... how are you ra? fine ra?

Gult : refered to telegu

Papad : refered to sindhi

Surd : refered to surdar

Bong/Bongi : refered to bengali

Crashing: sleeping..... where are u going? crash.... thats it!!
Fundu: one whoz fundamentals are strong.....

Grub: khana, bhojan, food, what else........

Peace: chill man..... no probs in life types.......

RG : its relative grading infact....... here it will be u bring down someone so that u feel cool.....

Studd: referered to someone who is Pseude.....

God : someone who is great.....

GOG: god of all gods.... someone who is the greatest........

Zuk : zero.... like "score was 4- zuk....... "

Majar : major baically.... like majar pain, majar studd, majar fundu.......

Raped : when u feel that life in real pain now...... i got raped in exams.....types feeling.....

i have not written a lot of them....... got bored of writing infact.........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


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