convo at IIT..........

yaaaahhhhhhhhoooooooo.... i am an MBA.... major bakwas aadmi.....

got my degree yesterday and had great time with friends at IIT...... then booze in the night and lots of gyan session and slept around 3AM....

now giving my ass to Frost & Sullivan.... u cant imagine how much i hate this place.....

prof TTN & PJs

At IIT Madras we all met this Prof who would crack jokes at anything from crows to cricket to trees to what ever....
Once while taking attendence he suddenly stops at Roll 28... Roll 29 is Mr.Rohit Morde... He asks the class "What is the opposite of less-night? " Ans: More-Day (Rohit Morde) and starts taking attendence again....
He stands infront of Michael ( again one of my class mates and says) " If I stand infront of him and whisper, everyone would still be able to hear what I am saying , HOW??" Ans: because he is MIC (microphone.. and we used to call Michael, Mike or Mic)
Phew..... some of them were just too much.... He sent a mail some time back and we all loved it here it is....
milking the cow.......

You have two cows. You dont milk them. You worship them.

You have two cows in Vijayawada. You hook them to internet and milk them from Hyderabad.

You have two cows. You teach them to cry, "Ammaaaaaaa..." and fall at your feet.

You have two cows. You give one to your son and the other to your nephew.

You have two cows. But you drink goat's milk.

You have two bulls. You adamantly consider them as cows.

You have two cows. You buy Rs. 900 Crore worth of cattlefeed for them.

You have two cows. You throw them into air and catch their milk in your mouth.

You have two cows. You paint them both to get colourful milk.

You have two cows. You distribute the milk among your partners and eat cattlefeed.

You have two cows. But you milk your neighbours' cows.

You have two cows. You convert them into biological weapons.

You have two cows. You put them in purdah.

You have two cows. You dont milk them; you only lecture to them.

Client has 2 cows and u need to milk them
1 First prepare a document when to milk them (Project kick off)
2 Prepare a document how long you have to milk them (Project plan)
3 Then prepare how to milk them (Design)
4 Then prepare what other accessories are needed to milk them (Framework)
5 Then prepare a 2 dummy cows (sort of toy cows) and show to client the way in which u will milk them (UI Mockups & POC)
6 If client is not satisfied then redo from step 2
7 You actually start milking them and find that there are few problem with accessories. (Change framework)
8 Redo step 4
9 At last milk them and send it to onsite. (Coding over)
10 Make sure that cow milks properly ( Testing)
11. O! nsite reports that it is not milking there.
13. You break your head and find that onsite is trying to milk from bulls
14. At last onsite milk them and send to client (Testing)
15. Client says the quality of milk is not good. (User Acceptance Test)
16. Offsite then slogs and improves the quality of milk
17. Now the client says that the quality is good but its milking at slow rate (performance issue)
18. Again you slog and send it with good performance.
19. Client is happy..
By this time both the COWs aged and cant milk.
cheers....... prof TTN (by the way he  is Dr. T.T.Narendran and is God in Operations Management )


you wont belive what happened.. i had posted a blog earlier where there heading was KAVITA BY MY FLATMATE... now my mom was reading this and she forgot to read the BY... now she got really psyched... KAVITA MY FLATMATE.... my borther calls me and says "hey bro whats up man? girls and all... who is kavita? " now it was my trun to get psyched... i had to make things clear and tell SUDIP is my flat mate and there is no KAVITA and he writes KAVITA (poems/poerty)... phew... sometimes a little BY was about to make my life miserable....
by the way mom SUDIP is not a girl...
ok as i talk about sudip and his poems (i stop saying kavita) he has created a blog... janta do check this out... he write about life in the form of poems but i am not of that cali as of yet..... so wrote somthing about how i feel one should lead his life......
here it is.....
Life isn't about keeping score. It's not about how many people call you and it's not about who you've dated, are dating, or haven't dated at all. It isn't about who you've kissed, what sport you play, or which girl or guy likes you. It's not about your shoes or your hair or the color of your skin or where you live or go to school. In fact, it's not about grades, money, clothes, or colleges that accept you. Life isn't about if you have lots of friends, or if you are alone, and it's not about how accepted or unaccepted you are. Life just isn't about that.
But life is about who you love and who you hurt. It's about how you feel about yourself. It's about trust, happiness, and compassion. It's about sticking up for your friends and replacing inner hate with love. Life is about avoiding jealousy, overcoming ignorance, and building confidence. It's about what you say and what you mean. It's about seeing people for who they are and not what they have. Most of all, it's about choosing to use your life to touch someone else's in a way that could never have been achieved otherwise. These choices are what life's about. 
this became too formal type of writing (wrote in MS word and copied here so....)
anyways as chetan bhagat says.... thanks Mr. Bill Gates for creating MS word....
so janta do what you feel is correct and as i had also said earlier... NEVER HURT ANYONE... and listen to your heart...
oh.... by the way dada is arriving tomorrow and the party begins....


one of my dearest friends sent me this some time back..... its really really cool.......

Are you living your dreams?

If the answer is no, then I ask "why not?" Life is short, and you never know when it will come to an end. Do you really want to say that you lived a life of unfulfilled dreams?

But "hold it!" you say. "I'm waiting for the perfect time" or "I'm waiting for the perfect situation". All this waiting is an excuse not to go out and try. Or, maybe it's not that you are "waiting" per se, but rather that you are afraid. So, what are you afraid of? Are you afraid of making a mistake? Afraid of making the wrong choice? Are you afraid that you may not be good enough? And what if the people around you laugh at your dreams, or don't support you? Is that enough for you to just give up?

And what happens if you do end up living your dreams? Are you afraid that once you get there then you'll have to live them? Meaning that what you've been talking about for so long will now come to fruition and you might not succeed?

Fear is the number one reason that people do not live their dreams. Fear holds us back, sometimes paralyzing us, and prevents us from moving forward. But, when you look back at your life, what do you want it to be about? Do you want to say, "I could have" or "I did"? The choice is yours, what words do you want to come out of your mouth?
Most of the times we dont do what we like to do because we think of future.... in the movie "Anand" , Rajesh Khanna says "HUM AANE WALE DUKH KO KHEECH TAAN KAAR AAJ KI KHUSHIYON MEIN LE AATE HAIN" 
we should all live in "today", kal kisne dekha hai...... we should try to do what our heart says is correct... and always keep this in mind... JAAN BOOJH KE KISI KA DIL NAHI DUKAHNA CHAHIYE... baki saaab allah tal ke haath mein hai... aaameen......

some SMS from my friend.....

my friend works for Infosys..... that bloody company pays him around 1000 bucks per day.... right now he has been doing work like; mail me, drink coffee, send some excel sheet to maintain my income tax, drink coffee, have lunch, fart with general junta, drink coffee, creat some nice SMSs, drink coffee, send them to all janta, then come back home....
quite extra ordinary... today he was having some induction programe... some big shot guy walks in and then system analysys.. blah blah blah.... management of information system.... blah blah blah.... human resources.... blah blah blah... sexual harasment at office... blah blah blah.... then some crap..
he sent a sexy SMSs some time back... here they go....
There are two kind of jobless people. In the first category come lucky ones, who can have coffe when ever they want. In the second category come people like us, whose coffee timings are decided by people of the first kind.
Creating software is like walking on ice, provided the ice and the requirements of the customer are both frozen.
He bought a nokia 7250i  recently and has been doing crazy stuff with that... and as a good son he presented nokia 3120 to his dad... sexy phone...
keep SMSing........

72 Hrs left!!

we have our convocation on friday 30th July at 4 Pm and janta will start arriving by thursday evening... the first to arrive is Dada from Pune... kini and abhishek arrive on friday morning from Trivandrum... banglore janta also come on friday..... so monday-tuesday-wednesday then party time folks.......

ok about dada!!! he is GOG...... god of all gods.... has tremendous amount of knowledge.....about life; about books; about music; about "GIRLS"; about booze; about dope; about dogs in australia and southern chile... (i never talked to him about dogs but he must be having some fundas about them also i guess)
i first met him on 2nd or 3rd day of the course in aug 2002... he was there with a group of guys and someone informed me that the class has been called at 10 AM and i had the responsibility to inform all the guys in my hostel... and when we met, he was like "BHAI HAI BE, BHAI" for me.... talked sense... i came from a group of friends who talked all shit..... i felt great that way too, but this guy was different.... aapun soocha "sala iski tarah ban na hai apun ko...." used to hang around with him all the times... used to talk to him about studies, girl, booze, grades, placements, professors, games, everything....
and now he is coming back... dost hai sala aapun ka... ekum party karne ka hai.... mast daru marne ka... bindaas rehne ka...
we were group of 5 guys... dada-morde-kini-kelya-myself... (kelya got some girl and he was busy with her in the last days of course)there was pandey-sudip (they were from other hostel) and the TAM gang... ashwin-arun-rajesh... (rajesh's dad is working in customs and he gets us foreign liquor, we all love his dad) and last but not the least was Krishna... he was my wingmate but boozer of Nth grade... so how could he resist not joining us for party...
we all decided to booze once and rajesh got ABSOLUTE VODKA courtsey his dad... and then Dada rolled a joint and opened his mouth.. that day we all got convinced he is a total HR guy and  that he could talk... he kept on talking for 5 hrs... about his days at some Forging Company in Pune, then about his days at Whirlpool as Senior Engineer, about some lady who was total fida on him, about his friends from engineering, about his girl (whom he wants to marry), about his parents, about some guy breaking a bottle on his head, about the biharis and rajasthani fights, and this and that and what not.... that day i belive the joint really made him high... and we enjoyed the talk.... (and by the way Arun drinks like a fish and doesnt mind puking on others !!)
that was one of the days when the boss spoke and we listened... cool guy though... we have had fights about some stupid stuff... but its great when he is around....
so all the girls of chennai beware... the party is about to begin... 72 hrs left.... then dhick chik !! dhick chik !! dhick chik  !! dhick chik !!! waaaaakkkkkkaaaaaawwwwwwww!!! rishi kapoor eshtyle.......

my friend and his company.... TCS....

when the campus placements start, everyone has some company he wants to target and go there some get that company, some get even better offers than expected and some land in Tata Consultancy Services...
one of my fnds Ritesh Kini (alias KINI alias BIKINI alias DOPER alias PATLA WAKEEL) is in TCS and doing his training there..... now this is something he has to say about how happy he is.......
here it goes........
" Anyways... Chod yaar... Chai piney chalta hoon... Java class are there, after that again !! Hopefully today is the last day of Java..

Congrats to all the guys who have leave tomorrow... Unfortunately we dont because TCS is a company which values employee attendance and employee welfare so much that it beleives in ensuring 6 day a week schedules to take complete and "holistic" care of it's employees..
Infact it feels it's making a grave error by giving one day leave a week since it would be one more day when it's doesnt get the opportunity to do seva of it;s employees !!
Three cheers to TCS and the idiot FC kohli who started it !I am truly grateful to him.. He managed to ruin my life and whatever is left of his in one single day of inspired thot !! "
hahahahaha............ sale ki lag rahi hai......... wah wah wah....... ab aaya hai ooth tele ke neeche.......
abe kini laga reh be laga reh...... daru maar aish kar........

new phone......

why does anyone need phone?? to communicate right......

and if that phone has a camera and u can access internet through the phone then "kya baat hai, kya baat hai"

i bought a new phone yesterday......

nokia 7250i....... its got attitude maacha..... sleeky body and sexy color...... with some features i couldnt even have thought about.....

its kind of "oraganizer-cum-computer-cum-yahoo messenger-cum-impress the girls-cum-make your colleagues jealous" gadget.......

oh, did i tell you u can also talk on this phone...... stupid joke but anyways, now dont envy me because i have one of the sexiest phones in the market.........

my daily schedule !!

well i had been doing some work when i joined this company but in the last two weeks i have not done anything and i am not proud of myself.... i feel bad that they are paying me for doing nothing.....

at around 7.30 -7.40 AM my flatmate wakes me up...... infact he nearly nearly kicks me out of bed beacuse he has to wake up early and has to leave for office, whereas i am still on the bed..... anyways.... then around 8.30AM i get ready and come for breakfast....

my other flat mate "diptanshu" has already cooked it for me....... and i am never thankful to him.... how cheap can i be? anyways..... i leave for office at 9AM..... i have to wear a F***ING tie...... does it make sense to wear a tie and sit in front of the computer?? i feel realy uncomfortable working like this.... whatever.......

i do this in the office..... 9.15 AM , virdi is reading mails......9.30 AM reading newspaper...... 10.00 AM still reading mails and chatting thru SAMETIME in office with someone(i dont care whoever he or she is).... 10.30 AM feel like having coffee...... 11AM read my blog, post something on the net....... 11.30 AM read about metallica or pinkfloyd....... download a song or two...... 12 noon........ read news again....

hey its 1 lunch......

1.30 PM........ fuck the lunch time is over......... curse Mathur for giving bad food again....... ugly mother fucker..........charges Rs25 for the food......... cant help.......

2PM...... read the mails again........reply to mails.......... again get up for tea or coffee between this time around 2.30 PM.....

during this time i have sent around 30 mails to sudip, ashwin, kelya, IITMBA group , bhavani, etc etc......

3PM... i download some lyrics... pinkfloyd and metallica...... and changed my wallpaper....... reply to mom's mail......

hey its 4PM already......check out what day it is....... fuck god......... its not friday and tomorrow i have to come to work again....

5 PM bye bye msgs to all my pals in the office and ask sudip about the plans this evening....... he is trying to buy a phone....... made plans to make him poorer by Rs10 K today........ hope i succeed in something atleast today......

5.30 on start button in windows to shutdown my comp....... click on start then u cn stop working... who is this guy bill gates?? common sense maacha!!!!!!

another day over.....

come home and "RAVI" the nice watchman who doesnt understand any language other than TAMIL is waiting to take my ass.... saar courier!! saar water!! saar gas!! saar electricity bill!!
he is very helpful but sometimes, give be peace man....

7 PM.....well now i have to watch diptanshu, who stands in front of the great pipelining work done in his flat and is ready to fil water in the overhead what a scene....

food ready by 9PM....hog like a pig... and read a book and sleep....

ok, i would like to know what constructive work i have done today????????? one fucking constructive work!!!! NIL!!

when will i be happy?? dont i like being free??

i always wanted to work for a company who would pay be for doing nothing...

show me light god !!!

IIT Madras lingos

well living in campus taught me different words which i had never heared in my life and will never hear them in future........

Ob or Obli : Obviously ; obli was world given by Jhatax... (batch of 2003, Comp Sc, Alakh )

Country : dumb bugger/ idiot/ can be used to just say "i m superior than you.. tu sala country hai"

Janta : group of people (more than 3 infact); can be used like janta are eating, janta are studing, etc etc

Hazar : Anything number more than 3 upto infinity; can be used like hazar people came to my room (it means 4 guys came to my room, infact) can be used for things like "hazar tired", means too much tired.... "hazar tired" was used by "Biju" was footer goli(in inter IIT 2003)... didnt touch the ball for 3 matches....  

Pseude : it is used for the complete thing.... like pseude guy ( raymonds complete man types) pseude phone, pseude jeans, pseude whatever whatever.....

Pain: in general sense to say "i m unhappy"....... like  i m pained of life, i m pained by that guy,

Sexy : well this is used for everything, sexy shirt  to sexy weather to sexy shot..... just an expression to show extreme of anything....

Maacha: means sala in tamil  , "wots up macha?" types

Da : means yaar in tamil, "hi da", "bye da", types.....

FUCK:  can be used in any sense, "what the fuck" ( here it means "wht? are u serious?", or just "Fuck!!!" ( @ 100 decibles ) means something major happend.... and it could be he got 9.5 CG this sem or can be he got 6.2 CG this sem... another extreme for of expression....

Are there : now i had never heard this ever in my life, it can be used for " water are there, wandi are there, sexy babes are there..... "

Wandi: can be used for bike, car, etc.. etc..

Pack : forget it / no need to discuss it... "game pack karo...." means stop the game.......

Jobless : being free/no work....... if someone asks " what are u doing ? " and the answer is Jobless it means "i m free"....

Enthu: enthisiasm.... like "show some enthu da"

Crip : complaining basically..... like "stop cribing man"
Bulb: used for dumb person...... like "bulb hai sala"

Fart : general timepass gup-shup/ gossip..... making no sense.......

Cog : copying.... "cog mar ke pass ho gaya sala".....

Cock: abe cock mat maaar... dont bullshit types.....

Cupax : means faliure
Injection : getting cornered.....

Ra : generally used anywhere..... how are you ra? fine ra?

Gult : refered to telegu

Papad : refered to sindhi

Surd : refered to surdar

Bong/Bongi : refered to bengali

Crashing: sleeping..... where are u going? crash.... thats it!!
Fundu: one whoz fundamentals are strong.....

Grub: khana, bhojan, food, what else........

Peace: chill man..... no probs in life types.......

RG : its relative grading infact....... here it will be u bring down someone so that u feel cool.....

Studd: referered to someone who is Pseude.....

God : someone who is great.....

GOG: god of all gods.... someone who is the greatest........

Zuk : zero.... like "score was 4- zuk....... "

Majar : major baically.... like majar pain, majar studd, majar fundu.......

Raped : when u feel that life in real pain now...... i got raped in exams.....types feeling.....

i have not written a lot of them....... got bored of writing infact.........

madras city!!!

i live in madras. well i have lived in few places in my life but this is the best place. belive me people, those who says madras sucks dont know anything abt the city.

everyone shouts "madras is hot", hey people this is India (not Canada) ; it has to be hot. they say there is water problem in the city but it hardly ever rains here. how can we have abundant water? and this is one of the few cities which doesnt have a river flowing. so in a way, even god has not given his best to the city.

for your info, i am a sikh. i have never ever lived in southindia(before coming here in aug 2002). i love chandigarh and ludhiana. i have lived there for years. and it is in the nature of a punjabi to showoff. big cars, levis, nike, raybans, etc etc should be there or else you are not complete( you will not be happy because others are wearing better clothes than you are) clothes are more important and not the person (general punjabi mentality)

now when you come to madras the first impression that you get is filty city, yuks, thu. second impression even wrose. but slowly and steadily you fall in love with this place. i came to know that there is something which I had never done earlier in my life. "BEING HUMBLE AND RESPECTFUL". and the best thing about this place are the people. they are so nice. so Mr.Punjabi now knows its not important in life to showoff but to be humble and nice to others.

it has great roads, best law abiding citizens, high education level, great institutions(IIT madras, Madras Univ, Anna Univ, Presidency College, to name a few), the traffic runs in the mornings(we also have traffic jams though), the best theaters, the best shopping malls, did i mention the girls?? well you cant find girls with sexier eyes than the eyes of a tamilian. its called KATILANA NAZAR....

now about the places.

if you are at madras you should try to visit these places.

spencer plaza at mount road, ispahani center in nungambakam, nali silks at T nagar, chennai silks at T nagar, etc... or better just take a walk at pondy bazar and north-south usman road at T nagar.

Gangotri (chatpata chat) opposite Stela Maris college at Cathederal road, Amethyst (coffe house) at Gopalpuram, Cafe Coffee Day at anna nagar, Aqua restaurant at Park Hotel , for north Indian food u cannot miss  Copper Chimney at Cathederal Road, Sanjha Chulla at Nungambakam, Dhaba Express at Cenotaph Road and Gian Vaishnav Dhaba (very cheap) at Mount Road, for great food (northindian or continental or chinese) just take a walk at Alwarpet there are billions of places to eat and if you are only for southindian food i would recommend Sangeetha at Sardar Patel Road in Adyar.

if you are a book lover then you should visit "Landmark" at spencer plaza and nungambakam and "Odessey" at sardar patel road in adyar. 
the best places to go are Leather bar at park, Bike and Barrel at residency towers, Zara Tapas Bar at cathederal road, Geofrey's (pretty far off place near the new bus stand area), etc etc and obviously my flat..... wakaw......

if you get late in the night and want to eat someplace, then u can go to HI LOOK for bread omlette and juices at sardar patel road near IIT main gate and dont forget Khana Khazana at beseant nagar beach (for the best parathas in town).
and do not forget the number of software companies here.... infosys, TCS, cognizant, wipro, satyam, and what not... TIDEL park is the place to put ur resume if u want a career in software......
well if you want to visit madras the best time is between november and february. weather is nice and the general mood is upbeat. and not to forget there is also Saarang at IIT Madras in last week of january.
so come and fall in love with this city.


love and hatred

why is it that if some says "I LOVE YOU !!!" to someone; the other person would always think "NO HE DOESNT LOVE ME, SOMETHING FISHY IS GOING ON SOMEWHERE. WHY DOES HE LOVE ME? WHAT IS HIS REAL MOTIVE? " and if someone says "I HATE YOU" the other person would not take a second, to take it for granted that "HE HATE ME THATS SURE !!!"

has it become so difficult for us to love each other??

few days back i was sitting with a friend and having lunch in my office, and i smiled at a girl. my friend had to say "WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO SMILE AT HER? WHY SUCH A BIG GRIN?" my reply should have been, "GO AND FUCK YOURSELF" but instead i smiled back at my friend. this made my friend cool down (i guess). i was happy, my friend was happy and the other girl was also happy.

happiness is rare these days. does money bring you happiness?? they say "paisa bhagwan nahi hai, par bhagwan se kam bhi nahi hai"(money is not god , but its not less than god also). i guess its bullshit.

i didnt have any problem ever in my life about money. thanx to my dad and mom, and today i live in one of the best places in the city, wear the best clothes, work in a good company, earn enough, spend lavishly, have good friends(infact great friends) but i m still not happy. there is something which i want to do but i dont know what.

anyways i would always be searching for answers.....

kavita by my flat mate...

sudip farts a lot...... this i knew long back..... and gives lots and lots of gyan.......
but kavita??? oh my god...
anyways.. posting it on the web....
Mai jab khud se mila..

Ek subah ghar se chala samandar se baatein karne ko
Duniya kitni aage nikal chuki hai ye samajhne ko
Zindagi ki aapadhapi me khud ko hi bhool gaya hoon
Arson baad Waqt nikala tha us roz khud se milne ko.

Apne saath aakhiri baar kab baitha tha ye yaad nahi
kya khud ko pehchan paoonga bhay tha is baat ka bhi
Khair himmat ki aage badha, khud ki teraf haath badhaya
Ek awaz suni ye meri tenhai me khalal dene kaun aaya.

Maine kaha mai apni kuchh uljhane door karne aaya hoon
Zindagi se kya chahta mai kuchh sawal karne aaya hoon
Kab se chal raha hoon ab to waqt ka bhi andaza nahi
Thak chuka hoon bhut thoda aaram karne aaya hoon.

Phir wohi awaz suni main to hamesha tere saath hi tha
Tum hi mashruf the bahut mujhe to tera intezaar tha
kuchh waqt hai tumare paas ki kuchh waqt nikal pao
Jaruri ye ki baate kare ham thodi der duniya bhool jao.

Mai baith gaya geeli ret pe saamne khud bhi baitha tha
Sab kuchh bhool gaya tha mai mahaul hi kuchh aisa tha
Khud ne kaha chalna jeevan ka naam hai bas chalte raho
Par kya ilm hai apni manzil ka aakhir kahan ja rahe ho?

Meri manzil aur mera thikana to logon ne mukarrar kiya hai
Raaste banaye duniya ne jin pe maine bas safar kiya hai
Khud ki baat suni hai kab, sun ke bhi kabhi samja nahi
Jo chahta tha wo kar paoonga aisa raha kabhi hausla nahi.

Der se hi sahi par baat samajh me aa gayi
Meri zindagi bas meri hai kisi aur ki nahi
Kyon sunu kisi aur ki baat khud ka kaha sunun
Khud ne jo bataya ab usi raaste pe chalun.

Ho sakta hai shuru me thoda bhatakna pade
Par khushi hogi ki mai chala wo raah jo khud ne chuni
Haan haan wo raah jo maine khud chuni.
Sudip Charan Dwary
aapun ka flat mate

i m floating into the unknown....

when ever i think of my future, i always recall what morpheus said to neo "THERE IS DIFFERENCE BETWEEN KNOWING THE PATH AND WALKING THE PATH" morpheus was there to guide neo but in reality everyone has to choose his own path.... and so i also have to...

anyways, i was reading an article in the Outlook, the death of a town Harsud, in Madhya Pradesh, writen by Arundhuti Roy.

well its abt a 700 year old town, which will be submerged underwater this monsoon, in the lake formed by the sardar sarovar project on the river, narmada. the problem is not that the town is going underwater; the problem is that nothing has been done for the people of Harsud as of yet... no shelter, no food, forget the employment.... what they have is a barren land abt 20 Kms from this place with no plans for their rehabilitation.... where is the MP or MLA, who said "i will take care of you people" ?? bastard...

can you belive after 57 years, thats 7 years more than half a bloody century, the government has alloted money to fight the water scarcity in madras city... is this what u say planning??? a class monitor would have done better anytime....

saab ke saab vote ke peeche bhag rahe hain... koi akali, koi hindutva, koi muslim league, bombay ko mumbai, calcutta ko kolkatta, madras ko chennai, how does it help the common man ?? how ?? ugly motherfuckers.....

anyways i hope to get some happiness today, as i cursed the politicians ... would like to talk abt the SC/ST quota sytem in future... do we realy need it??

another freaking day has ended.........

what the duck.... another day is over and i know i have not done anything worthwhile today.... do something freaking useful virdi !!!

i used to play a lot..... i used to be dedicated towards hockey.... now i can see my trousers are becoming tighter everyday.... i dont do much work in office and i have put up around 3 Kgs in a month and a half.... "i have to go for jogging today" this is what i think everyday, when i leave office but for some stupid reason i become lazy when i reach home and bunk the jogging thing..... i have not gone for jogging since last 2 months..... thats the biggest gap i have had ever in my life.... and i hate myself for this......

anyways.... as usual i have planned to go jogging today also....lets se....

tomorrow is sunday and i haven't made any plan for tomorrow.... is this what an MBA grad does?? not plan his days?? and just float in the unknow?? i m getting bored of not doing anything.....

chalo let me not waste time siting in the office..... just leave.....

did anyone read this?? did we all study for jobs or for somthing else?? did anyone ever get happiness by studying?? i want to know one person on this earth, just one, who would say "this is the best day of my life because i studied for 16 hrs today".....


i hate working on saturdays !!!

how can anyone work on saturdays??? well i dont have problem working on saturdays as long as my other friends are also working.... the main reason is that we friends chat thru mails all day ( they keep sending mails from their office and me from my office) and today i m the only one who is in office... what the duck....

well its ok... anyways we dont talk abt changing the world or anything.... just general talks... here and there.... abt personal problems, booze, dope, pink floyd, abt some girl(obviously).....

there is one of my nicest frnds ASHWIN... he is a cool chap... earlier i never used to like him..... may be i didnt know him... but he is bindas... he comes home every saturday and sundays and we have long fart sessions with valuable inputs from my flat mate SUDIP...

why is it that someone has done no harm to u ever and u still hate him like crazy?? and some one has never done any good to u but u feel like he is one of the nicest guys around?? hmmmm.... soochna padega...

did i tell i live in madras?? i will talk abt that....... this city is heaven...the best thing i like abt madras is that the people are very nice.... i will talk abt the whole story of madras some time soon....

till then….

kya kare kya na kare kaisi mushkil hai.....

well... did anyone ever feel like...... u want something and its just near you and you dont know wheter this is what u have been waiting for all your life or was it something else??

I HAVE A JOB NOW.... so what?? everyone has... is this the job i wanted ?? was this the job made for me?? do i like the job?? do i hate the job?? i dont know.... is this my destiny??? was i born to do this?? there are so many questions....

every morning before my flat mate leaves for office he wakes me up "ABE SAALE OOTH JA BE.... MAIN JA RAHA HOON..." he is studd f***er.... and work for INFOSYS.... he had some 9.5 something CGPA but boozez a lot and farts like crazy ( i will talk abt fart later)....

and the the day starts.... i dont know why am i doing this.... infact i f***ing dont want to know... as long as they are paying me around Rs 600 per day without me doing much tension wala kaam i dont care......

i better change the topic..... india plays UAE today.... as long as the opponents are not the Ozzy i have no interest in the game... some stupid tournament called asia cup....

ok, coming back to fart.... "fart" mean's "all gas verbal communication" in VIRDI's dictionary....... so u generally talk and talk and talk..... it is not necessary for u to make sense but its necessary for u to talk... so SUDIP thats my flatmate's name is a fart box.... and on sunday afternoons we have fart sessions... some day i will talk abt lingos.. hazar, pseude, tension, chill, maacha, da, too much, are ther, bla bla bla.......

right now there are so many questions in my head i would have a to do somthing abt them ... know myself first...

some day i would also like to talk abt my work, my frnds, my family(the are very very boring)....

allah hafiz.... whom did i wish good bye ???? :--/

who cares?? i m writing some crap........

well it just happened that one of my frnds said "JUST CHECK OUT MY BLOG" and i thought let me also try and write something. so here i am.

just wanted to write somthing now i dont know what to write.... so better check this some photos are there......

now this "are there" thing is total IIT Madras lingo... well we still call this Madras who cares if the United nations recognizes it as Chennai...

ok back to lingo thing... well "are there" can be like.. wandi are there... Oh BTW wandi is vehicle in it can be "wandi are there", "bandi are there" and "brandy are there"....these three things are very important in life for everyone.....wandi, bandi and brandy.......

wandi, bandi and brandy.... this was quote was given by one and only KINI... now he is one of my frnds.... studd fucker he is but now he is giving his ass to some training things in Trivandrum in Tata Consultancy Services... whatever.... this guy also had a poster of Jayalalita in his room and had written "SHE ROCKS MY WORLD".... she can surely rock anyonz world... and by the way that poster was stollen by him.....

ok now i have to blog....... so will keep everyone posted abt the hapenings on my part of earth... earth?? i liked the movie "1947 earth"... heard deepa was also making some movie "water" and the thugs of RSS and hindutva belted her and broke her sets..... what have they got to do with this ?? god knows...... phew...

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