Convert Videos for Your IPod

Here is the Print Screen of my I-Tunes. Well the funda was that I had been trying to get conversion toools all across the internet and didnt find one. Ok Ok I found a lot but non was free. Every tool said I need to pay some $30.50 or more. Some shit like that.

I just searched the Apple site and wolllllaaaa, I saw the new I-Tunes. Say hello to I tunes 7.0.2. Now this has got a lot of additional features. One of them was which I had been looking for. There is a conversion tool, with which I can convert all the videos in mov, mpeg, 3gp, wmv, wav, vob, 3gp, asf format to mp4 format. Check out my I Tunes. :-) Today I am a happy man.

There is a flaw. The conversion thing is very slow. Like a 5 minute .mpeg video takes some 50 minutes to convert into .mp4 format. Below is the print screen of the conversion happening in I-Tunes. Today I am a happy man.

Just wanted to know if we can download some videos on ITunes in India. When I connect to ITunes Store, they show some Apple Japan page. If anyone has any idea please do let me know. Till then conversion (or rather slow conversion) zindabad !!!



Anonymous said...

this is kinda outta nowhere.. but u seem to have had ur share of crap.. so jus asking.. wat wud u call a mature relationship?

Virdi said...

Anon>> A matured relationship is like an old jeans... its torn, its rugged, its been washed 1000 times, its been worn with different sets of t-shirts and sneakers, but you cant just stay away from it...

similarly, you have had your share of bakwas crap in the relationship but you cant stay away from each other... you fight out together and come out winning all the time... :-)

also, in a matured relationship, (i believe) the partners dont ask questions... tere is belief... :-)

now pay me for the gyan which i gave... that would be $100 per word... thanks... ;-)


Anonymous said...

he he.. i guess thats gyan worth paying for.. so do u want it by cash or card ;)

Ar Ar Ar Arrrrr said...

Aisa kya??
Last weekend I got Lage Raho... ka mp4 version..for that I had to update ma iTunes...but still its not working...dunnno why :(((

But I came to know about those upcoming trailers thingy on, Im just waiting for those movies to come out soon....

R said...

I want an iPod! :(

Anonymous said...

tussi bas dream karte baitho :P :P iPod aur tum?? HAH!

*big tight hug and hajaar :-* ;) :)

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