Rafah is in the southern Gaza strip (Palestine) and bordering Egypt, so there is loads of arms being smuggled into Palestine for the Hizbullah militia who are fighting against the Israelis. The Palestinian government doesn't stop Hizbullah as they are fighting the gorilla war against Israeli army. Palestinian government thinks its a war against oppression and imperialistic US and Israel.
Initially the documentary was to be made keeping in mind the kids of Palestine. What they want to do today? Why the kids are ready to die today for the country? Why do they all want to become martyrs? Why they think being a martyr is more than anything today? How the kids help Hizbullah in the gorilla war? But the movie ends when James Miller is shot by a Israeli bullet (not by accident I say).
Its a very thought provoking and a very sad movie.
The movie shows how Israeli army tries to flush out the militants from the hideouts and during the shootings kids are killed. Focuses on how mothers are crying in front of their 10 year sons to not talk about being martyrs. Focuses on how kids play games keeping in mind that the Israelis are bastards and they should be killed.

I always had a soft corner for Israel because they have been struggling since dark ages. But after this movie I think Israelis are getting a treat of the fruit of hatred they are growing in small towns of Gaza. Don't know - cant say, but Israel is an imperialistic country which is trying to bring pain to the next generation of kids in Palestine.