Abhishek is "Sarkaar"

Few weeks back I had posted that I wanted to see these movies. Saw "SARKAR" yesterday. I would say please please dont read the Rediff Review, because the review is bad and the movie is "Simply Fantabulous".
The movie starts with RMG letting us know that Sarkar is just inspired by Godfather and is not remake of Godfather. Please please please dont compare it with Godfather when you go to see the movie.
Although the movie revolves around the two Bachchans there are few people who impress us a lot in this movie, specially K.K.Menon. Great performance by him. The movie is similar to Godfather but not a copy. I dont want to tell the story but would like to talk about Abhishek Bachan here.
Abhishek has finnaly landed in Bollywood. He speaks less and expresses a lot through his eyes in this movie. He has this beard and wears a black coat all the time that makes him look more professional in whatever he does, even if it is controlling a parallel government. Few of the times where he is even better than Amitabh Bachchan. In one of the scenes, when he comes back to his father and tells him that he has killed his brother, he just steals the show. Just awesome. And the cruelty and shrewdness which he shows while talking to the CM, the swami and the drug peddler is just awesome; wait till the climax for these scenes. The dialog delivery is simply great. Its the best performance of Abhishek till date and he looks great with beard (remember Refugee?)
In the end, Abhishek is "Sarkar" and is listening to the plead of a poor woman, like Amitabh was doing at the start of the movie. Excellent ending. Please go and watch the movie but dont compare it with Godfather.
MTv Enjoy.


Priya said...

aftr a long time thts one hindi movie tht i dont wanna miss :) i went for 'anniyan' yday..ended up dozing in the theatre..zzzzz. thu.. only vikram's acting is applaudable in the climax.. no more critisims fm my side.. as of now.. hehe..

Chennaizombie said...

hey Anniyan was goooodd - I liked it!!! atleast for Sadha - I know a guy with long hair is not fanciful!!!!
And Sarkar was out of the world!!!
And can't we have the anniyan diatribe outside this - this is meant for Sarkar and I do not want to steal the show!!! hehehehe


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