Gym Shym

As the Dilli-wale people say I have started Gyming-Shyming.
Resons for going to gym:
1. I wear pants of wait size 3 inches less than my waist size now*.
2. I look like a sine curve.
3. People have started calling me Tummy Man and Kavitha has also written a song which goes like "Tummy man Tummy man here come the tummy man...." like spider man...
4. Some people who havent met me for months are like "Kya be mote insaan kya chal raha hai."
5. I was a regular sportsman in IIT and now I dont get time to play or work out. Wanted to regularize my workout, not like once in 2 weeks.
6. Most biggest and compelling-est reason was Tiny (Pradeep Mishra) and Tullu (Akhilesh Bansal). They said "abe tere ghar ke itni paas gym hai tu sala mota kyun hota ja raha hai" Tiny goes to that gym everyday and has psude physique.
So here I am getting up everyday at 7.30 and going to Maverick Gym Shym and in few weeks I hope to come back in shape. In 8 weeks to be precise. But my friend Arun would say "maacha you are still in shape, round is also a shape" He has been going for morning walks and jogging since last 6 months and there has been no change in his round shape.
The music in gym is awesome and the girls there are fat**
Will try to post the foto of Maverick Gym very soon.
* = My wasit size is 32 inches
** = some girls look awesome though, just lying to keep others away from the gym. ;-)


ritzkini said... of your better posts...
macha...cheers to ur becoming a psuede ! that u are un-psuede now...
extra psuede ! khush ?


Priya said...

oye tummy man.. stop ogling at the gals arnd and work out.. lose tht flab!!

Girl With Big Eyes said...

Hope you are still sticking to your gym routine. Round maybe a shape, but it's no fun being round.

Keep gymming!

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