My name is Anthony Gonzalves !!!

I always wanted to say what Amitabh Bachan said in the song "My Name is Anthony Gonzalves" in the movie Amar-Akbar-Anthony. So all those who are jobless and want to waste time here it is. Not the Hindi Lyrics but only the English Bakwas he does.
"Wait Wait Wait……… You see the whole country of this system is just a position by the hemoglobin in the atmosphere because you are a sophistication retroration intoxicated by the exuberance of your own babocity……….

Ding Ding Ding……. (Some Hindi Crap)

You see such extenuating circumstances co-ed me to preclude you of such extravaganza……
Ding Ding Ding…….. (Some Hindi Crap)

You see the coefficient of the linear….. Is just a position…..By the hemoglobin pressure in the country……
Then some Ding Ding Ding in Hindi again and song ends......"
Now practise.....


Anonymous said...

Ding aaa ?? some hindi crap aa ?? Saaley ulti song hai bey !! and parveen babi looked sooper macha !!
Btw,no connexion but, did u watch the song by the surd "rabbi-bulla na jaana"..ulti meaning are there macha...Song's in punjabi with subtitles in english...


Chennaizombie said...

Stupid fellows.. kini- first spell Parveen bobby right and as for you virdee , I know you are learning the language , no need to foist excuses for the same. You english will deteriorate and no amount of mixing words in random sequence will make it a creative work of literature. So go back to work .. or whatever you call it.
BTW where do you get these ideas that leaves the reader confused and all muddles?

Anonymous said...

"juxtapositioned by the haemoglobin"
"sophisticated rhetoration"
"your own verbosity"
"circumstances coerce me.... extravagance"

what the hell is babocity?

Anonymous said...

hehe. was about to suggest the same corrections. :)

Anonymous said...

I know Anthony Gonzalves. He lives in New York City. You can send him an IM on AOL Instant Messenget at Adg134

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