29th July 2002 to 30th July 2004

how can just a few 700 odd days change a person completely? live example is Bhavdeep Singh Virdee...

IIT Madras brought drastic changes in me.... things like Shashtra, Saarang, MBA dept, Inter IIT, Cauvery hostel, 24 Hrs lab, LSG, extra mural lectures, saturday movie at OAT, the jungle called campus, everyone in my MBA Batch, night cricket, night hockey, night footer, my core group, people introducing me to metal bands-pink floyd, etc etc... everything played a big part in the way i look towards life... not to forget the hardworking dhobi...

on the day of convocation Prof. Ramachandran , from Univ of California , San Diego said : Try to be near passionate people and there should be passion in what ever you do....

very true.. how can you do a thing just for the heck of doing it? untill and unless you dont do it religiously there is no fun doing what you do.... if your work becomes your hobby then wah kya kehna.... and work is your karma.... Krishan says to Arjun "KARM KIYE JA FAAL KI CHINTA MAAT KAR... "

you should believe in yourself before you do something..... most of the times we wait for someone else to tell us "yes man you can do it".... but i think its more important for us to believe in ourselves before we do anything....

Prof L.S.Ganesh will be the biggest influence for the next what ever years is left in my life... he has given some great gyan.... i can never forget his synergy fundas... i was one of the last fellows to be campus placed and he used to tell me everytime "VIRDEEEE DONT WORRY PA, WE WILL DO SOMETHING PA".... he is tremendous source of energy... i dont understand where does he get all this energy from.... he has single handedly taken the MBA programme from nothing to a place where one can say that IIT Madars MBA is rocking maacha... the dedication and devotion he has shown towards this programme is phenomenal....

IIT Madras taught me two great things believing in myself and resoning.... as Don Vito Corleone says : Reason it out! why should i do this ? why am i doing this? find the reason behind everything.... hope i will get answers to few things very soon.... till then i can blog...

one thing which i can never forget is that THE FRIENDSHIP WHICH I GOT AND I WILL CHERISH IT ALL MY LIFE.... thankyou friends....

IIT Madras also taught me to close the doors and windows when you are going out of the house... bastards monkeys in campus.... they had given so much pain at the wrong place... you can never ever think of leaving your room open, else my ancestors think "this is our property" without even a second thought.....

so on 30th july 2004 when we had our convocation, i was thankful to everyone at IIT and to GOD for giving me the opportunity to know nicer people on earth....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

be with and around passionate people.... for their dreams and their pursuit of them will fuel your own desire to do what you have to do......i abso agree...KB

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