Why did Harry Meet Sejal... Why? Why? Why?

My wife and I went to see an Indian film last evening - "Jab Harry Met Sejal"; this was one of the painful things to happen to me this week, other than exercising my calf muscle; that can heal but this pain might never heal.

This movie is based on a Hollywood film - When Harry Met Sally. Here are 20 reasons not to watch the film:
  1. Its a straight copy of an English film. No brains were used to write the story!
  2. There isn't a story which would inspire anyone.
  3. Every Bollywood film has a few good songs, this didn't have any! 
  4. Straight away stereotypes Punjabis, Gujratis & Bangaladeshis.
  5. All Punjabis are not tractor driving singers.
  6. Not all Punjabis are loud.
  7. Not all Punjabis keep cursing like Shahrukh Khan in this film.
  8. Punjabis have become Presidents, Prime ministers, Finance Ministers & Defence Ministers of democracies across the globe; what else does one need to do to not be cast in a stereotypical role? 
  9. Not all Gujratis are diamond merchants, some become tea vendors or Prime Ministers
  10. Not all Gujratis speak with "rey rey rey" at the end of a sentence.
  11. No all Bangladeshis are struggling with flooding in Bangladesh. Some go and get a Nobel Peace prize. 
  12. Not all Bangladeshis are illegal migrants in Europe. 
  13. Shahrukh Khan has a history back in India and keep crying through the film; but no mention of what the history is! Get a grip Mr Khan, the film isn't interested in showing your histroy, so you should stop crying about it!
  14. Anshka Sharma has a fiancé and is trying to find a lost ring in Europe; shouldn't she check her bag first?
  15. Anshka Sharma has a fiancé and is trying to find a lost ring in Europe; shouldn't she go back and fix her breaking relationship?
  16. Anshka Sharma has a fiancé and is trying to find a lost ring in Europe; shouldn't she stop going to pubs, bars and mess with the mafia?
  17. Anshka Sharma has a fiancé and is trying to find a lost ring in Europe; shouldn't she stop dancing at the drop of a hat?
  18. Anshka Sharma has a diamond business and is trying to find a lost ring in Europe; shouldn't she speak with her company's designer and get a new ring made?
  19. My wife says - even the clothes were not that great
  20. One might end up spending £50 for a night out including this film. No worth it!
If Godfather watched this film, he would have said; "Don't tell me that an Indian film has to feature atleast 5 European countries to become a blockbuster; it insults my intelligence and that makes me very angry."

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