India VS Pakistan

I was watching this video online and it made me feel proud.

May be India hasn't become as great a nation as Mahatma Gandhi or Pandit Nehru or Sardar Patel or Bhagat Singh or Subhash Bose would have dreamt about, but yes few of the systems in India are great.

Like in India the Army cannot run a country. The Army, Navy and Air Force are our defense systems and every Indian thanks them every second for protecting our borders, but they are not above the people. The people elect the government and the Defense Minister, Prime Minister and President are above the armed forces. This hasn't happen in Pakistan.

This video here shows the leaders of Pakistan talking about the political scenario there and they talk about India and asks Musharaff Saab to look towards India and learn from India. How India has made its political scene so strong that whatever happens the Government will be run by the people and not by the army. I am sad to say that out of the 60 years of Independence more than 50% of the time there has been dictatorship in Pakistan.

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