They have scrwed up Adyar

When my friends and I first moved out of college the only place we thought of living in Chennai was Adyar. It was close to IIT, had tons of greenery, very clean, pretty quite, decent eating places, not very crowded and above all had the beach and IIT close. When ever we wanted to have peace in live we would go to the beach.

But recently Adyar has become a mess. Way too much traffic. You cant cross the bloody Sardar Patel Road or Latis Bridge Road. The bike and car drivers are always honking. What can they do if the traffic is so bad??? Ok hoinking doesnt help but may be they are in a hurry. Everyone is in a hurry in India these days.

When my friends and I first settle, we had few eating option and were pretty happy with it. Sangeeta for south Indian and north indian food, Coronet for biriyan and all that stuff, Pizza hut for the continental thing. Sala now a days you have so many restaurants in Adyar you and your baap will get confused. And if you think Besant Nagar is part of adyar then the number of restaurants might cross 100.

There is too much chaos in Adyar and on top of that government is giving permision to VLCC, Cafe Coffee Day, Maverick and these kids of lukury shopping and eating and beauty salons and spas. And above all they now have Nilgiris, Food World, Subiksha and Reliance Fresh all in a radius of 1 Km. Non of the places have decent parking place. Its chaos around these shops. Kachara they have done. I walk from home to office. Walking on the footpath happens seems to be mountain climbing expeditin, need to find the right place all the time to keep my foot or else i might land in soup. hazar stalls on the footpath and people parking the bikes and cars on the footpath. All because thesee big shops dont have any parking place. Buggers man !!!

One good thing Adyar people seems to be nicer than other places of Madras. May be because I know the streets and alli galli of Adyar.

Whatever be right now I feel like living in some small hut in ECR away from noise and pollution. I really dont mind travelling 10 Kms everyday if the road to office doesnt have a traffic jam. Driving is also a pain these days.
Chalo let me now rush to office.


Anonymous said...

Yo man..this was my seond visit to chennai..first one being in 2002...and in a few years i hv seen what a amess amma and her white lungi clad guys have made out of chennai....

neways...i m sure with time these guys should be able to do some justice to this city and its citizens..especially the non tamil speaking ones...

Anonymous said...

sigh..yes..the world has become one big chaotic place to live in. horrrrible! forget adyar, any similar residential location has become like that now.

Abhishek Upadhyay said...

Its not only with Adyar and Chennai.Every damn city is going crowded like a machchi market.

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