Annoying things people do on the underground

  1. Hold the doors - It makes your journey 30 seconds quicker but makes 400 other people late. Annoys the driver and he pees off every passenger on the train.
  2. Open the newspaper in the middle of a crowded coach - What's with the newspaper? It gossip - they open it on my face and carry on reading as if I am invisible! Flipping jokers...
  3. Sleep on my shoulder - No this is not your bed dear, this is a train coach! And this is my shoulder and not your pillow, so why don't you go back home if you want to have a nap; I love working and I am going to the office!
  4. Listen to music at maximum volume - Doesn't give me a lot of trouble but I keep thinking and feel bad for the guy's ears all day. The probability of he turning deaf in couple of years in quite high.
  5. Enjoy the music a bit too much and make the drummer moves and the guitar moves! Why do you feel that listening to  music has turned you into a professional musician?
  6. Walk around the coach - Some people think this is a supermarket and they walk around just to see "What's there? Where am I? How far am I from my stop?" Sit there! Keep your ears open. And they go - "Excuse me! Excuse me!" shhhh, sit Tommy!
  7. Walk slowly down the stairs when I am trying to get into an early morning train. Some of them watch films on their smart phones and keep bumping into others. Don't understand what great film was released recently!
  8. Folding bike on the train - This guy must have left home on a bike and jumped into the train... Trying to impress his new girlfriend? Or may be he injured himself while riding the bike?
  9. Tourists that carry huge suitcases in the early morning rush hour - As soon as I see these guys in front of me, I try to move to a different queue. (No generalisation but it looks like they speak good Spanish or Italian! Never seen a Japanese with a huge suitcase - they might have big cameras! )
  10. Passionate gamers - They are smart to carry an iPad (can watch films or read books and newspaper on those things) but stupid to play angry birds on it. They move around the iPad, playing the game passionately and you feel as if this thing might hit my face at the next opportunity.

Nice things people do

  1. Give up seats for those who need it
  2. Go that extra to give back a forgotten wallet or oyster card
  3. Help the senior citizens
  4. Always give you advise on the shortest route to your destination

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