Chandni Raatein

In 1990s Bally Sagoo, a super duper DJ from UK started remixing the old songs and presenting them to the Indian crowd. I wasn't a great fan of this idea but of the few songs which Bally Sagoo presented, one of the songs which I loved the most was Chandni Raatein. The first video is Bally Sagoo's remixed song, which came out in 1997. I didnt know this song is a copy of the old old song of a very very old hindi movie. I was generally wasting time on YouTube and bumped into the old Chandni Raatein song. Sagoo, thanks for the remix. 

And this is the original song. What if Sagoo didnt remix this, we would have never heard this song. :-) 


santasizing...Fantasizing said...

wah....and i thought...Bally Sagu was original enough to create a beautiful song like that...
Nevertheless the remix:)

Ravi said...

Virdi, and thanks to you for putting that info here. I loved that song too and until I read your post thought that it was just like another non-filmi number. I will check the video as well!

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