India and Spain Line up before the start of the match. Indi goes down 1-0 in some 15 minutes and we get a penalty corner in 20th minute.
Kanwalpreet scores. Technically this is not a goal because one of the India players was in the D-Box even before the ball was pushed in the D-Box. But the goal was scored and thats the ultimate thing.
Indians go down 2-1 again in second half. We put a very good fight in the end. But all invain.
The team thank for the support.
Sad Indian bench.
next match was between Pakistan and Hollnd. (Half past eight) Rehan Butt comes on the field and girls start shouting. Oldies in the crowd were like, "Can this kid play at all or is he some show off?? " Girls didn't care as long as Rehan Touched the ball. As soon as he did there was a cheer from the girls section of the crowd.
Pakistan National Anthem. Jeeve Jeeve Pakistan. The Spaniards came and sat with us. Paro with two Spanish players.
Rehan Butt puts his last effort to impress the girls and bring some glory to pakistan. Pakistan lost to Holland 4-1. Pakistan played like group of school kids.
Indian team sitting next to us. Sad but not lost. Played well today. Can play much better. Need to improve if we need to win tomorrow against Pakistan. The effort in the finishing needs to be improved. Play for the whistle. Thats all. Come on India Dikha Doo. :-)
Cheers to Bhavdeep. Its his birthday. Old photo though.
Hey! Happy Birthday Virdi!!!
Happy Birday tooo you...happy birday too youuu... happy birdayyyy dear virrdiiii, happpy burrdayyyyy toooo uuuuuuuuuuuuu! :)...bhagwaan karre ke aap ka har ek jannamdin ITNI hee khushi se yah phir AUR bhi khushi se nikle :)
Happy happy birthday
Happy happy birthday
Now... treat :D
hehe....had to wish ya!
~~~~~~~~happy budday!!!!!~~~~~
happy bday!
hey get me that adam sinclairs pic yar!
Happy B-Day!
I know getting old is not something to cheer about!. :) Hope u have great night with friends and family.
happy birthday to u..
happy birthday to u...
happy birthday dear SARDAR:-)
happy birthday to UUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!
Dog bless u sardar..hope u had a great day..
janam din mubarak ho!!!sardar ..janam din mubarak... main dua karti hoon ki teri har khwahish puri ho jaye...aur sardar bhai zindagi jee bhar ke jee lo...in life no tension i say....yenjay(enjoy)-dog-
Hey Happy B'day! :-)
belated birthday wishes frm toronto!
P.S. how hot can one be considered when one's last name is BUTT!! hehe! wonder if he would be insulted if he were called butt-head. :-S *no, im not in highschool*
EDU>> thanks :-)
Casa>> thankssssssssss :-)
Ruchi>> thanks... :-)
Shobz>> thanks... sure sure will get the pic...
Dog>> thanks... :-) yes... trying to live life again... :-) and with great friends it becomes easier... :-)
Ms.V>> Thanks... I had fun... they are hot??? ok i dont know... may be they play good hockey thats all I know... ;-)
Leon>> thanks... :-)
J'adore>> Thanks from Chennai... :-) the name is Rehan Butt... something arabic may be...
Vikram>> Thanksss :-)
Princess Thanksss :-)
Shuuroo>> Thanksss... :-)
sorry missed you in the earlier comment..
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